The best erotic blog in Germany

By Mario Meyer
Estimated reading time: 9 minutes
The best erotic blog in Germany

The erotic blog of Eronite

… offers the reader erotic news, sensual entertainment and new ideas to improve your sex life. Every day erotic news appear, which show the reader new possibilities and give him inspiration. The erotic blog is sensibly divided into different topic units. In this way, every reader will find what interests him or her within a short time.

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Der große ErotikblogInformation about stars of the erotic industry

Readers who enjoy watching erotic movies usually want to know about their stars. In the normal press or on Internet pages this information is rarely to be found or only with a delay. On the erotic blog, on the other hand, this information appears in a timely manner. Not only does the interested party learn news about his stars, he also makes acquaintance with actresses he did not know before. This allows him to discover new films every day, which he can often watch or download immediately.

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In the articles, the stars are examined from different angles. Eronite’s erotica blog incorporates information from a variety of sources. Many celebrities offer free pictures and info to their fans on Instagram, YouTube, Twitter or another social network. There he can experience the erotic starlet mostly not completely exposed, but for a first impression it is always enough. In addition, there are also references to pages where the stars post adult content.

If you would like to wish your star a happy birthday, you will find a special category with birthdays of porn stars. This is not a mere list of dates and names. If you don’t know the erotic star yet, you’ll find a detailed portrait with links to sites where you can take a closer look at the starlet.

The stars gather several times a year for special events like Venus in Berlin. The erotic blog provides the most important information early, so that the fan can get tickets in time. If you read the blog daily, you’re guaranteed not to miss an exciting event.

The confession: I filmed my parents having sexThe erotic film in the head

The erotic blog offers not only erotic news, but also always erotic stories. These are sometimes even more erotic than a movie. Reading creates the images in the mind. The reader is the director. With movies, there are scenes that may not appeal to you. This is not the case with reading. The author takes his reader by the hand and shows him exciting erotic scenes. The sex stories take him to exotic places and let him participate in adventurous love scenes. The reader gets the desire to try the described fantasies and sex games once himself while he reads the erotic stories.

The erotic stories in the erotic blog are not too long, so that they can be read without problems in between. For several minutes the reader dreams himself into an erotic fantasy world. If he still hasn’t had enough, he can quickly find the next story with a corresponding keyword and dive further into the exciting erotic fantasy world.

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At the beginning of the category, the interested party will find a selection of stories. Often these are new stories. Once you start reading, you can hardly escape the exciting fantasies of the authors. If the one erotic adventure is over, the next one is already waiting. Following the story, the reader will find similar narratives. If you’ve always wanted to read a truly never-ending story, it’s best to take a look at the erotica blog.

Those who wish can also simply go on a journey of discovery and browse through the individual narratives.

Daily new ideas to improve your sex life

Many couples feel bored. They sleep together two or three times a week and usually in the missionary position. In the erotic blog, the reader will always find ideas on how to improve his love life. There are countless sex positions. Many of these are simple to perform, but have a big effect on your sex life. Even those who think they already know everything will discover new sex positions in the sex news that they never knew existed.

Not infrequently, erotic messages even manage to save a relationship. The only important thing is that the reader and his partner are open to new experiences. There are new ideas in the erotic blog almost daily. The editors are always looking for tips to help their readers improve their sex lives. They conduct daily interviews with men and women who are not afraid to take unusual paths in their sex lives.

Der große ErotikblogThe most important terms clearly explained

The porn encyclopedia on the erotic blog is more than worth a look. There the reader will find many terms clearly explained. The authors do not only pay attention to a good description of the keywords. The texts are also very sensual and stimulate the reader’s imagination. The entries are sorted alphabetically. First, the interested party will find a glossary of existing terms. One click takes the user to the desired entry. Among other things, the reader will find many well-known and lesser-known sex positions. The authors use pictures for a more detailed explanation. In addition to many references within the text, there is a listing of appropriate articles at the end of the article. Thus, the erotic blog makes sex transparent.

If you browse through the lexicon, you will find numerous new ideas and at the same time the appropriate expressions. It’s often hard to talk about your needs. This is usually not because of their own shyness, but because of the lack of words. The erotic blog makes up for this lack.

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At the same time erotic news is reflected here. New preferences are created every day. At first there are only erotic news in the erotic magazine, but soon there are one or more keywords in the sex lexicon.

The erotic magazine in the sex blog can also be used by couples to get in the mood for a new sexual adventure. Suppose a partner finds an interesting entry about an intriguing sex game. It is often helpful to give this article to your partner to read. Through the neutral address in the erotic blog, the partner or the partner is more willing to engage in the adventure.

Die passende Pornodarstellerin finden für einen PrivatdrehWork as a porn actor or porn actress

Eronite not only runs a porn blog and regularly posts sex news on the net. Eronite is a producer of exciting porn movies and is very successful with it. Who would like to take part in the success as an erotic actress or as an erotic actor, finds an own column for it in the erotic blog.

There, interested parties can find extensive information about working as a porn actor or actress. In addition to the special requirements, the procedure of a casting is described in detail. This way, each applicant knows what to expect after the invitation.

Very stimulating are the many testimonials from porn actors and actresses. They report frankly what they experienced during the casting and which experiences they were allowed to make.

With the information from the erotic blog nothing stands in the way of a successful porn casting.

Learn more about the partner in the sex horoscope

Just in time for the birthday, the sex horoscope appears. This allows every woman and man to get an accurate picture of themselves or their partner. The reader learns a lot about the partner’s preferences, preferred positions and what he or she likes. This does not have to be exactly true in every case, but it is a first indication. Some zodiac signs want to experience love romantically and are very emotional. For others, romance is less important. You want to experience something in bed and preferably try all sex positions in one night.

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The love horoscope can be of great service to a new acquaintance. Just ask for the date of birth first and then read the erotic horoscope. It’s fun to read the horoscope as a couple. Then each can tell the other which points are true and which are not quite right. In this way, the partners learn a lot about each other in a playful way and a good start to the new relationship is made.

The SUNDAZE vibrator (pulsator) in practical testSex Toys Tests On Erotic Blog

In the erotic blog appear not only erotic news, but also regularly test reports of sex toys. Many couples use sex toys to improve their sex life. But which toys bring more pleasure and which are a waste of money? In the erotic blog of Eronite the reader finds the answer.

The editors are not afraid to try out the toys themselves. This gives the reader first-hand information. Many articles deal with dildos. This sex toy is not only for women a welcome bringer of pleasure, but also couples can use a dildo or vibrator well.

Well informed every day

It is worth to bookmark the erotic blog (Windows: CTRL + D / Mac: CMD + D). Interesting articles from a wide range of topics appear daily. There is always something new to discover. For the reader this means an enormous enrichment of his sex life. It’s never been easier to get some momentum going in your love relationship. You can read the erotic blog alone or as a couple. It’s more fun with your partner. Together you can decide which erotic game to try next.

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