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Valérie Francès-Pecker

Valérie Francès-Pecker
Valérie Francès-Pecker wurde im westafrikanischen Guinea als Tochter eines deutschen Diplomaten und einer französischen Regierungsangestellten geboren und lebt dort heute noch mit ihrer Familie. In ihrer Freizeit engagiert sich die Hobbypilotin gegen die Großwildjagd auf Elefanten. Bei Eronite ist sie seit November 2017 als "Esoterik-Tante".
Your sex horoscope for the star sign Leo

Your sex horoscope for the star sign Leo

Have you ever seen lions having sex? The kings of the animals have by far the most frequent sex of all animal species. A lioness demands sex from her lion on average every 30 minutes during the rutting season!

Fuck story: Taboo sex on a yacht

Sex on a yacht off the picturesque coast of southern France is something very special. My sugar daddy makes this possible for me. In return, I give him sexual climaxes that he normally can't get to so easily at his age. A give and take, so to speak, and one of the really hot kind. Even if some of his erotic fantasies don't necessarily match my own preferences.

Why buy a pig if you only need the sausage?

Many women should be more sexually confident, regardless of whether they are in a relationship or prefer not to have sex. My name is Tanja, I am 39 years old, have a successful career as a marketing manager for a large food company and have been single for a few years now. Why don't I need a pig if I just want the sausage?

Erotic role-playing games that let the sparks fly.

Erotic role play is an exciting way to spice up your love life and discover new dimensions of intimacy. They allow couples to slip into imaginative roles and live out their most secret wishes and fantasies.

Supersaylin: New approaches to social media at 4based.club

Supersaylin is an up-and-coming creator on 4based.club who became aware of the platform through other creators. "I found out about 4based.club through other creators and found it super interesting. So I decided to register on 4based.club too," she explains enthusiastically. Although she mainly studies, she uses the platform on the side and has quickly established herself.
Your sex horoscope for the star sign Cancer

Your sex horoscope for the star sign Cancer

The cancer has an armored body. Anyone who has ever tried to remove crabmeat from its hard shell knows how difficult this is. You need quite strong tools to crack the shell and get to the meat.

My confession: I desecrated the church with the priest

Now it's getting dark. As a follower of the gothic and black metal scene, I had thought about the best way to desecrate a church. Sex on the altar? Masturbation with the utensils on site? It's all been done before. But making a priest fuck and desecrating the holy ground with him is new.
Your sex horoscope for the zodiac sign Gemini

Your sex horoscope for the zodiac sign Gemini

In the love horoscope for twins, he is generally considered conservative. Sometimes even a bit old-fashioned and boring in normal life, he is always available for fresh air in the bedroom. Trying things out?

My confession: I am a cum slut

I am a cum slut. Through and through. I don't care whether I swallow the warm sauce, get it on my face or feel it on my tits. It's also very cool when my cunt is really soiled with it. For a cum slut like me, there's nothing better than horny male juice.

Testimonial from a woman: My threesome with two men

A threesome with two men may sound unconventional to some people, but for me it was a way to push my sexual boundaries and fulfill a long-held fantasy. Through this experience, I was able to get to know new facets of my own sexuality and come to terms with my needs even better.
Your sex horoscope for the star sign Taurus

Your sex horoscope for the star sign Taurus

Would you like to learn more about the sex horoscope for bullfighters? The bull man is a real guy and he lives in a real world. The zodiac sign of Taurus is an earth sign, and so the bull man is also completely grounded.

His kiss is the ticket to my bed

Now it's getting romantic. Some may call it old-fashioned, but I don't care. A man has to be a good kisser. This is the ticket to my bed. Bad kissers don't stand a chance in the long run and sooner or later I will weed them out. But if someone can make out really well, he's guaranteed a ticket to my bed. Then I can also turn into a real bastard.

First table service, then oral service: blowjob at vocational school

How did the blowjob at vocational school come about? I had known for some time that my teacher had his eye on me. He wasn't quite my cup of tea, mainly because of the age difference. Nevertheless, he was able to fascinate me with his teacherly, dominant manner and also arouse me to a certain extent. I would like to tell you how much this excitement increased in reality.

Germany: Fewer prostitutes than expected

Malicious tongues refer to Germany as the brothel of Europe. In contrast to some other European countries, prostitution is legal here. Many a tourist visits our country for precisely this reason. But is it really as blatant as it is made out to be? A study shows that there are constantly fewer and fewer prostitutes in Germany. But is this information reassuring or much more alarming?

I am a slave in everyday life and live BDSM

As a slave in everyday life I live BDSM. In this article, I share my experiences and explain how Sadomaso profoundly enriches my relationship and my life. Everything from slavery to dominance and submission is part of my everyday life. I talk about my journey to becoming a slave and how I achieved the status of a slave in my relationship. The slave contract also plays an important role in my everyday life.
Your sex horoscope for the sign of Aries

Your sex horoscope for the sign of Aries

Caution: The ram only likes its prey as long as it plays with it. Those who surrender and lie motionless will very quickly lose the interest of the imperious zodiac sign. A woman who wants to appeal to this zodiac sign should give him the cold shoulder according to the love horoscope.

What is different about sex with an incontinent woman?

Sex with a woman with incontinence is a taboo subject even in this day and age. However, incontinence does not stand in the way of a fulfilling sex life. On the contrary: sex can even alleviate the symptoms for women with incontinence. Find out here how women can enjoy their love life despite incontinence.

Dating profiles: Recognize Photoshop fakes

Have you ever met someone online who just looks too perfect in their dating profile picture? That's how I felt some time ago. I had arranged to meet someone on a dating platform and was impressed by her stunning looks in the photos. But when we met, I quickly realized that the picture I had seen online did not correspond to reality.

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Generation Z turns its back on dating apps

Did you know that Generation Z, the young digital natives of today, are increasingly turning away from dating apps? Although they are considered tech-savvy and rely heavily on social media in their everyday lives, young people between the ages of 9 and 24 are increasingly skeptical and distanced from traditional online dating services.

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Fuck story: Wicked gothic slut Ariella Vantara

Sex story: Gothic slut Ariella Vantara is a young woman who could hardly be more attractive. She is captured by a stranger in a greenhouse and fucked hard to exhaustion in a cellar dungeon.

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South American blood runs through her veins: Ariana Coco

The girl radiates an unadulterated freshness and lust for life. She is very attractive and knows how to use her wonderful body. Camgirl Ariana Coco is the very pretty German-Argentinean co-production of her parents.

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