My confession: I am a cum slut

By Valérie Francès-Pecker
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes
Mein Geständnis: Ich bin eine Spermaschlampe

Teen (18) became a cum slut

I am a cum slut. Through and through. I don’t care whether I swallow the warm sauce, get it on my face or feel it on my tits. It’s also very cool when my cunt is really soiled with it. For a cum slut like me, there’s nothing better than horny male juice.

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I was just eighteen when I had my first sexual experience with my boyfriend at the time. We were practicing oral sex because I really wanted to learn how to give blow jobs. However, I was almost too good on my first attempt. My friend had already squirted his entire load before I could even take his cock in my mouth. The warm sperm landed on my forehead and spread all over my face. For a moment, I just sat there and enjoyed the new feelings that were hitting me.

➤ Directly to the sperm sow

My friend was already worried that I would be disgusted and run away. I was simply flashed by the multitude of horny feelings. That was undoubtedly the birth of the cum slut. From that moment on, I never missed another opportunity to get my hands on the men’s hot juice. This ultimately led to the break-up with my boyfriend at the time. I just couldn’t keep still.

The addiction to sperm was the reason for my separation

My confession: I am a cum slut
My confession: I am a cum slut

My reputation as a cum slut soon preceded me. I could hardly save myself from requests from willing men. I soon found out that the semen of different men tastes different. Now I was even more willing to experiment and was always on the lookout for new experiences and flavors. If I could have, I would have bottled the various drops and stored them in my cellar. Fortunately, I didn’t need to do that. Because men are queuing up for a cum slut.

Okay, the idea of having your own sperm archive was a good one. Which cum slut can claim to own something like this? But what doesn’t work, doesn’t work. Which of course meant that I was constantly on the lookout for new and fresh cum. Like a vampire who needs new blood every night, I craved new man juice day and night. That’s why I haven’t been in a committed relationship since the break-up.

Such a monogamous lifestyle simply doesn’t meet my needs. As a cum slut, I need sex every day, preferably with different men. This is the only way I can put together my own personal cocktail of all sperm flavors.

The thing with the bet

In a short time, I was able to gain a lot of experience, especially in the oral area. So I thought about going public with my fascinating hobby. Unfortunately, “Wetten dass” didn’t want to work with me. It was probably a bit too hot for the staid guys at the public broadcasters. But luckily we now have the Internet. I quickly found a financially strong partner who was able to make my project a reality.

➤ Directly to the sperm sow

The idea was this: One hundred men should each jerk off into a test tube. Five of these samples are selected at random and administered to me one after the other. My task is now to guess the donor’s year of birth based on the taste of the sperm.

First fun fact: After announcing my plan, so many people signed up that the organizer couldn’t possibly limit the number of sperm samples to a mere hundred. In the end, there were well over 500 samples lined up in front of me, spreading a very hot smell. Of course, I wasn’t satisfied with just five samples. I can’t remember exactly how many there were. But there were definitely a lot more than five.

In the end, I had guessed almost all the years correctly and more than earned the title of cum slut. The organizer even presented me with a certificate.

Alchemy of a cum slut

My confession: I am a cum slut
My confession: I am a cum slut

Anyone who has read the book “Perfume” by Patrick Süskind or seen the unsuccessful film adaptation knows what I’m talking about. The main character is fascinated by smells and sets himself the task of developing the perfect perfume. To this end, he murders beautiful women in order to obtain their scents.

Okay, I’m not quite that blatant after all. But the idea itself is indeed very fascinating. Is it possible to develop the perfect sperm? Guided by this incentive, I read my first books on alchemy.

Of course, I needed sperm as a basis. Lots of sperm. Really a lot of sperm. Unfortunately, I wasn’t allowed to eat it straight away during intercourse, no matter how delicious it tasted. No, this valuable substance was collected in small containers. Once I had finally amassed a presentable supply, I was able to start experimenting.

The first attempts to change the taste of semen were comparatively harmless. Strawberries, bananas, kiwi, sugar, cinnamon. Just what you can think of at the beginning and what you can get in any supermarket.

➤ Directly to the sperm sow

Later, I ventured further out of my comfort zone. For a while, I experimented with various alcoholic beverages. My favorites were cum baileys and a well-aged Tennessee whiskey cum.

Later, I went even further out on a limb. Of course I’m not allowed to write anything about illegal substances here. But a sperm trip like this is something quite extraordinary.

I like to Movie Movie

My confession: I am a cum slut
My confession: I am a cum slut

After the successful outcome of the bet and the alchemical experiences, there is a need for an enhancement: “Cum slut the movie”. With me in the leading role, that goes without saying. I want to make it into the Guinness Book of Records with this film, which should last about two hours. For the most blowjobs and the most liters of cum in the same movie. Okay, it won’t be easy, because other bitches have already set the bar very high in this respect. But I will make it. “Sperm Bitch the Movie” will go down in the (pun intended) annals of film history.

I’m also speculating on sequels. A new cum slut movie every one or two years should be perfectly feasible. There will hardly be a lack of willing male filming partners. And no shortage of spectators either. The many reactions to my bet as a cum slut showed me that.

I never run out of cool ideas

After the release of “Spermaschlampe eins bis zehn”, it’s off to new shores. Game shows. I could appear as the leading actress and presenter. I’m thinking of a modified version of the Amazon classic Last One Laughing. Ten candidates have to get into a room with me, and whoever squirts twice is out. Six hours of blowjobs, fucking, porn and I don’t know what else.

The viewer is present the entire time via live cam. As a cum slut, I’m practically the final opponent for the last two candidates. This is where I pull out all the stops with my oral skills. Whoever is left standing at the end receives the trophy for “Most Steadfast Fucker of the Year”.

That was my intimate confession

It was fun to be able to get all this off my chest. I would like to thank Eronite and the friendly editorial team for this, without whom I probably wouldn’t have dared to do this.

➤ Directly to the sperm sow

But now I’m also looking forward to your reactions. What do you think of my ideas so far? Should there be a second round of my bet? Who of you would be there?
Would you buy my movies or would you rather download them for free on the Internet? Please be honest, after all, this is not entirely insignificant for me financially. What do you think of the game show idea? Do you have any other ideas about what should be realized urgently?

I look forward to your suggestions!
Bussi, your dirty cum slut

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