Your sex horoscope for the star sign Taurus

By Valérie Francès-Pecker
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Your sex horoscope for the star sign Taurus
Your sex horoscope for the star sign Taurus

Obstinacy under the sign of Venus

Before you mess with a bull or a Bullwoman in bed, you should take a close look at the Love Horoscope for bull. Bulls belong to the most sensual of all signs of the zodiac. It is therefore particularly worthwhile to win over a bull partner. All bulls have a pronounced enjoyability in common, which according to the sex horoscope makes them extremely attractive sex partners for bulls.

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So it is not a waste of time to prepare well for the loving adventure with a bullwoman or bullman. The sex horoscope for bull men and women will help you.

love horoscope for bull men: patience and persistence

Would you like to learn more about the sex horoscope for bull men? The bull man is a real guy and he lives in a real world. The zodiac sign of Taurus is a earth sign and so the Stiermann is also completely earthed in terms of its sexual behaviour. He is not particularly imaginative, but prefers tried and tested sexual practices. Even if it takes him a long time to find the right target, he does not give up so quickly. The sex-horoscope for bull men says: Men born under the sign of Taurus have high aesthetic demands on ambience, food and women.

Sex horoscope for the zodiac sign Taurusstarsign sex for bull people includes the whole range of physical pleasures and bull men can’t get enough of it. You could almost call it an addiction. Once the bull has set his mind to something, he pursues his goal with great tenacity. His attitude towards sex is according to sex horoscope for bull men quite natural, almost animalistic. Intuitively he chooses his partners, who ideally should be lushly built. The lack of imagination is compensated for by the person born under the sign of Taurus with excellent stamina. The love horoscope for Taurus recommends the ladies to get closer to it in a pleasant atmosphere.

This includes candlelight, stimulating music and a small dinner, preferably accompanied by champagne. The sensual bull man loves to rub his partner from head to toe with fragrant massage oil. Everything may happen slowly and with pleasure, says the sex horoscope for bull men. The man born under the sign of Taurus does not love time pressure at all. So the starsign sex for bulls should be nice and slow!

Your sex horoscope for the sign of Aries

He is especially interested in the well-formed bottom of his girlfriend, but sometimes also in that of his friend. Because the bull man is more prone to bisexuality than other star signs. He loves oral gratification and licks as much as he loves to get a blowjob. The Stiermann also appreciates manual work very much. He has the necessary patience to stimulate a woman with his sensitive fingers until she comes. He prefers all natural practices to experiments, he is simply very down to earth.

However, no woman should ever make the bull man jealous. Nobody likes to experience when a sterman gets really angry. Anyone who has ever seen a bullfight knows what the love horoscope for bull-men speaks of. At the bottom of his heart, however, the bull man is a faithful family man. Material security and comfort always come first for him. The sterman can only really let go and grow to full size with partners on whose fidelity he can rely. During sexual intercourse he is particularly persistent and enjoys cuddling afterwards. The ideal lover according to sex horoscope for bull-men!

The power lies in rest: love horoscope for bull women

Sunsets, Champagne parties, breakfast in bed: the Bullwoman is a fun-loving bon vivant. The sex horoscope for bull-women would call it phlegm, others call it pure serenity: the bull-woman simply has the peace of mind gone and can enjoy erotic adventures in a very relaxed way. The love horoscope for bullwomen emphasizes the great sensuality, but also indicates the bulls’ extreme need for security in general. A bovine bull-woman reacts positively to the male protective instinct and likes to be lovingly embraced.

Out of this certainty she can let herself fall g> and is capable of deep emotional feelings. This makes the Bullwoman a charming bedfellow for many a lover. The ideal prelude for the goddess of love begins with a long, relaxing foot massage. The sex horoscope for bull ladies recommends the lover> to use only high-quality essential oils, because the bullwoman has a particularly good nose. High quality essences stimulate your imagination and passion. So it can also do no harm if the partner of a bovine bullwoman sprays herself with a noble fragrance before the act of love. The Bullwoman appreciates this, because she is a lover with high standards. Of course this does not only apply to the fragrances, but to the entire ambience.

Since Bullwomen often have an artistic streak, they react positively to stylish furnishings, high-quality fabrics and good music. Perhaps this is why the ears represent a particularly erogenous zone of the bovine bullwoman. Kisses, tender nibbles and romantic talk of love will really get the broadwoman of the bull on edge. But it should already be meant seriously, because the Bullwoman recognizes lies immediately and reacts allergic to inauthenticity. A Bullwoman is a fullwoman as it is written in the book. She can never get enough of intensive physical contact. Any kind of oral satisfaction, whether active or passive, corresponds to her temperament, says the sex horoscope for bullwomen.

Your sex horoscope for the sign of Aries

A Bullwoman >/g> has no inhibitions and moans loudly when she enjoys lovemaking, sometimes even to the annoyance of the neighbours. She also likes to be spurred on by verbal encouragement during sexual intercourse. After all, the bovine bull-woman is capable of enjoying simultaneously with all her senses, and her partner should know how to use this wisely.

However, a Taurus lady is also very romantically inclined. For her, sex means more than just the exchange of bodily fluids. She would like to look your partner in the eyes during sexual intercourse and to embrace him/her tightly during the union. For despite all her sensuality, the Bullwoman is a creature that only really comes into its own in a reliable, loyal relationship. Woe to him who arouses her jealousy!

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