Why you can read free premium articles at Eronite

By Mario Meyer
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Enjoy exclusive premium items

Eronite offers free premium items. Well-researched and carefully written exclusive articles await you here. Isn’t everything getting more expensive anyway? Surely this is the perception of many, but the erotic magazine is and remains free of charge. Without ifs and buts.

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The current situation in porn journalism

For news reports from the erotic world there are no worldwide operating news agencies or similar. Articles from Reuters or the Associated Press are not suitable for young people and therefore not suitable for our purposes. Nor are there any significant international partnerships, such as those maintained by the German Spiegel and the English Guardian. These major players in journalism help each other research articles and share information with each other. With the help of these globally active cooperation partners, many things become easier.

Why you can read free premium articles at Eronite
Why you can read free premium articles at Eronite

None of this exists in the porn world. Here, the investigative journalist is almost on his own. Fortunately, today there is the Internet and our reporters do not have to fly to the ends of the earth for every exclusive article. However, proper research on the web also takes time and diligence. Many of our employees started with us at the time out of love for eroticism. However, it is not possible to do this entirely without financial compensation. Where there is no money, there are soon no premium contributions.

By the way, it’s not just porn magazines that have this problem. This is a worldwide phenomenon of small, independent Internet magazines. Just about everyone is against the mainstream and the media. But, unfortunately, only a few are willing to participate in supporting the little ones. How is exclusive content created?

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Of course, you can also just look at the homepage of a fetish fair and then suck something out of your fingers. But this approach results in a mediocre article at best, and readers are made fun of along the way. But if you want to report well on something, you should be on site. This means: freeing up time and planning the journey and booking accommodation. Things that are possible thanks to our supporters. On site, your own impressions can be put into words. It is also possible to conduct interviews with the organizers and all those involved. These could then be offered in full text as premium articles within an otherwise free article.

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Another example: A new camgirl contacts us and wants to be interviewed by us. Now you could sit at home, watch a preview video, and then email five questions. Or you make an appointment and visit the girl. Already, mutual sympathies can be reported. Besides, a real meeting is not just about “business” issues. The premium user is also interested in the hobbies of the girls, their taste in music or what funny things have happened to them during the chats. Things that make the interview unique and special. The more familiar the meeting with the amateur girl was, the more informal the conversation. This is where premium articles are created that are still a pleasure to read years later.

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Another example of the exclusive content is the excerpts from Miss Trix’s diary. Before a dominatrix shares her experiences with the public, some trust is necessary. Everyone knows that this does not come as a gift. Rather, a continuous business relationship is required for this. Building something like this takes time. Time that must somehow be rewarded to the editor. After years of collaboration, a diary full of exclusive articles is then created for the premium member.

Every reader gets free access to exclusive articles and premium contributions

Of course, it is in Eronite’s interest that every reader receives sufficient exclusive content. After all, it is our readers who read our exclusive articles and premium articles and help our site to become better known.

Why you can read free premium articles at Eronite
Why you can read free premium articles at Eronite

Just as in any other area, there are also those who are particularly inquisitive when it comes to eroticism. People who question everything and would prefer to look behind the scenes everywhere. Exactly for such people our erotic magazine is intended. Here erotic fans can quench their thirst for knowledge and enjoy the sight of the latest camgirls on the side.

Speaking of camgirls: If you like to visit the girls in their chat rooms and communicate with them, you can of course score with background knowledge. The girls know exactly which of their information they have released only for people with a premium membership. This shows the girls how much you are interested in them. They will reciprocate in their chat rooms. Most certainly. After all, an Eronite reader is a welcome guest everywhere.

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In the erotic magazine, readers can expect previously unpublished stories and articles. Facts and background knowledge, hard-hitting research and summarized in short articles. These exclusive items will not be found anywhere else.

Be part of a worldwide erotic community

Eronite is a worldwide operating network. From erotic fans for erotic fans. Porn fans from all over register here, read articles and exchange ideas, some test their erotic knowledge at the sex quiz.

Eronite - erotic blogger now also with premium content

Admittedly: Being a reader at Eronite may not be something you put on your resume on LinkedIn. But this is noticeable in the virtual erotic world. Just put yourself in the position of the many camgirls: with whom do they prefer to spend their time? The standard user or an educated Eronite reader?

True connoisseurs of the erotic scene just read Eronite.

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