So I could make a dominatrix my slave

By Faizel Ahman
Estimated reading time: 13 minutes
So I could make a dominatrix my slave
So I could make a dominatrix my slave

Tom’s report: The date with Lucia

Tom was excited and kept glancing at his watch. He had a date with Lucia. She was coming to see him around 11:00. His penis was already stiffening at the thought of all the things he would do to her today. While he did pay Lucia, she was no ordinary whore, but a bona fide Dominatrix. How he managed to turn a dominatrix into a slave is a long story. It all started a few months ago.

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Tom was frustrated. Professionally, things were going great for him, but his sex life was in a bad way. That was because he had exceptional taste. Tom was into exotic women with a dominant aura. Once again, he was online checking out various personals. By chance, he came across Lucia’s profile. Tom was thunderstruck. This was the woman of his dreams! Lucia was a coffee-brown Brazilian, a real samba beauty, the kind you see in travel brochures or reports about the carnival in Rio.

Fetischportal mit Flatrate

In the photo, Lucia wore red over-the-knee boots and a black corsage. She was sitting on a throne of some sort, holding a whip in her hand. Lucia worked as a mistress. As soon as Tom saw her photo, it was clear to him: he wanted to make this lady his slave. The thought of having such a hot dominatrix as a slave did not let him go. He made a plan.

From dominatrix to slave – how it all began

So I could make a dominatrix my slaveTo implement his plan to make Lucia, the mistress, a slave, he called the studio and wanted to book Lucia. Luck seemed to favor his plan to make the dominatrix a slave. The studio was fully booked for the next few days. Tom’s initial disappointment turned to joy, however, because Lucia’s colleague informed him that Lucia would make house calls as an exception in such a case. Inwardly Tom cheered.

So he could make Lucia the dominatrix his slave! Tom told Lucia to bring the same clothes as in the photo and also to bring a whip and handcuffs. As he imagined making the attractive dominatrix his slave, he got a rock hard erection with anticipation.

The plan worked: In the meantime Tom had noticed that it was not so easy to have a Mistress as a sub. Most mistresses refused to have sex with their clients. Fortunately, Lucia reported in her profile that she was an approachable dominatrix. By that she meant that she had no problem with her client touching and caressing her or even kissing her. This, of course, suited his plan to make the dominatrix a slave. His home was Tom’s kingdom.

There he determined the rules of the game and did not allow himself to be commanded by anyone. At home, he could most easily make the dominatrix a slave. His plan was based on the fact that Lucia didn’t know him yet and had never been to his house. Naturally, this left her in a weaker position and unsettled. He wanted to take advantage of that to finally make his dream of making a dominatrix slave come true.

Preparations for the plan

So I could make a dominatrix my slaveTom decided to leave nothing to chance. If he wanted to make Lucia the dominatrix his slave, he had to prepare everything carefully. He booked Lucia right away for a couple of hours. It was expensive, but Tom made it worth it. This way he wasn’t pressed for time and Lucia came to the date already in a good mood. Most of her clients only booked the Latina for one hour, two at the most.

A date that went on for several hours flushed welcome money into her empty coffers. In her profile, Lucia revealed that she liked to cook, listen to salsa and drink wine. Tom took advantage of this information to make the sexy dominatrix the slave of his lust. Luckily, he was a good cook. In addition, he bought some wine, a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. Tom knew exactly what women liked. So that no one could interfere with his lustful date with Lucia, he took an extra day off.

The appointed time had arrived, but there was no sign of Lucia! Tom was getting more restless by the minute. Did she let the date fall through after all, or had she somehow sensed that she, the proud dominatrix, was about to be made a slave? The doorbell snapped him out of his thoughts. Finally, Lucia was here! Tom invited her in and took her jacket. Underneath she wore a normal blouse and jeans. Lucia excused herself and said something about traffic jams. Tom was thrilled with her, but didn’t let on.

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An important part of his plan to make the lady a slave was to stay cool and not show his lust, at least at first. If he wanted to make the dominatrix a slave, he had to bend her will. Violence was out of the question for Tom. He was a fine fellow and would never take by force what was denied him. His goal was for Lucia to willingly become his slave and fulfill his sexual dreams. He wanted to use kindness and lust, not force, to make the dominatrix a slave.

Tom invited his visitor in. He found it difficult to maintain his composure. Lucia was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in person. She was in her twenties and medium height. She wore long black hair framing her lovely face. In it shone two large dark brown eyes. Lucia’s full lips looked made for kissing. I wonder if her labia were as inviting. Soon he would know. The blouse and jeans were tight and showed off her figure. She had big breasts, narrow hips and a plump ass, just the way he liked it. Tom decided to go on the offensive.

From dominatrix to slave – the game begins

So konnte ich eine Misstress zu meiner Sub machenAfter Tom helped Lucia out of her jacket, he led her into the living room. South American rhythms sounded from the music system. Tom had downloaded them specifically because he hoped she would like them. A bottle of wine in the cooler and two glasses were ready. After Lucia sat down, Tom handed her an envelope with the fee and the bouquet of flowers. While doing so, he complimented her on her looks and good figure. His plan to make the dominatrix a slave was probably working. Tom noticed it because Lucia’s eyes sparkled with joy and she spontaneously gave him a kiss. That went even better than I thought. The two sat next to each other and chatted intently. After a while, Lucia stood up. She wanted to freshen up and asked about the bathroom. That’s where she disappeared to with her big handbag. In the living room, Tom counted the minutes.

Finally Lucia came out of the bathroom. She announced her arrival by the loud clacking of her heels. When she entered the living room, Tom felt as if his heart stopped at the sight of her. Lucia wore the bright red overknees as in the photo. But she didn’t wear a corsage, but a tiny black miniskirt made of wetlook. The skirt was barely wider than a belt and did not cover her pussy or her plump ass cheeks. Her top could hardly be called a bra. The baskets were two tiny scraps of cloth, no bigger than eye patches, tied together with a bit of string. Tom’s sexual lust grew immeasurably. His plan to make the dominatrix a slave was in jeopardy. He absolutely had to stay cool if he wanted to succeed! Lucia braced her arms on her hips and spun in front of him. In Tom’s eyes, she read his lust for her glorious body. Tom wanted to test them. He stood up and took her in his arms.

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Greedily he kissed her full lips while his strong hands gripped her buttocks and kneaded them. Tom let his fingers wander and explored Lucia’s pleasure cleft with them. It was freely accessible because Lucia had dispensed with panties. Pleasantly surprised, Tom noticed that her cunt was getting wetter by the second. His plan to make the dominatrix a slave worked better than expected. He pressed hard against Lucia’s breasts and abdomen. Through the fabric of his pants, his steel-hard penis pressed against Lucia’s belly. The giggled and pulled him even closer. Suddenly she pushed him back. Would his plan to make the lady a sub not work after all? No, far from it. Lucia ordered him to undress and sit on the couch. Tom obeyed and took his seat. Lucia bent over him and sucked his cock. The refined slut positioned herself so that she turned her plump ass towards Tom. He lost his temper.

He grabbed the Latina, laid down and pulled her down on top of him. The experienced dominatrix knew what he wanted. She turned her head to Tom’s feet so that her butt cheeks and juicy pussy were right in front of Tom’s face. Greedily, Tom began to lick her cleft. Lucia moaned in pleasure and trembled. Her love juice was flowing so hard that Tom had to swallow it to get air. It wasn’t a punishment, it was a reward! It tasted far better than the wine. If the dominatrix was to become a slave, he had to make sure that she could no longer think with lust. In the middle of licking him, Lucia moaned loudly and began to twitch. She had an orgasm. Now the dominatrix had become Tom’s slave. It was time to act!

Making a dominatrix a slave – Lucia gets fucked

So konnte ich eine Misstress zu meiner Sub machenTom stood up, but held Lucia as he did so, to keep her from falling to the floor. She wrapped her arms around Tom’s neck and grabbed her purse at the last moment. Tom felt like he was in a frenzy. His dream of making the dominatrix a slave finally came true. In the bedroom, he threw Lucia on the bed like a doll. She opened her purse and dug out a pair of handcuffs. Tom’s eyes lit up. Handcuffing Lucia was part of making the dominatrix a slave. He threw her on her back and chained her wrists to the bedposts. As if in a trance, Lucia let everything go with her. She opened her legs and waited for her lover. Her tan body with the short skirt and red hooker boots looked indescribably sexy.

Tom gasped and dropped down on top of the Latina. Foreplay? Not planned when the dominatrix became a slave! His hard penis was already sliding all the way into her soaking wet pussy as he penetrated. Tom felt like he was in paradise. Both were so caught up in the frenzy of lust that neither of them gave a thought to condoms. Greedily Tom’s hard cock worked Lucia’s tight cunt. With each of his thrusts, the Latina groaned and screamed as if she were being tortured. It felt incredibly awesome. Her tight pussy enveloped his glans from all sides like a powerful yet gentle hand. Tom was on the verge of losing consciousness from the pleasure. His head cinema was running at full speed. The extremely attractive Lucia lay tied up in his bed, clad only in red overknees and a micro-mini. Her cunt leaked and smacked loudly with each of his thrusts.

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What was that? A tremor ran through Lucia’s body. Her pussy began to tremble as well. The rough inner walls massaged Tom’s cock like an invisible hand. Lucia got an orgasm again! Tom couldn’t stand it any longer. For his part, his penis began to pulsate. He felt his cum rising up from his balls. The sperm spurted out of the glans like a mighty fountain and flooded the Domina’s cunt. It couldn’t hold all that seed and overflowed. So the dominatrix became a sex slave. To make it clear that Lucia had become a sub, Tom rose and held out his cum and pussy slime covered penis to her. Obediently like a true slave, which she had now become, Lucia bent over it and licked it clean. Her labia gaped wide open as she did so. His cum oozed out of them onto the sheet. To record her submission, Tom took his cell phone and snapped a photo of the proud dominatrix becoming a slave.

Ring clear for round two!

So konnte ich eine Misstress zu meiner Sub machenTom was by no means finished with Lucia. However, he, as well as she, needed a little rest now. Though the dominatrix had become a slave, Tom still remained charming and accommodating. He went into the living room and came back with the wine bottle and the two glasses. After unchaining Lucia, he filled the glasses and they both drank greedily. It wasn’t long at all before Tom’s penis began to stir again. He stiffened at the sight of the Latina being used hard. This did not escape the sex-crazed slut. Wordlessly, Lucia set her glass aside and she leaned over him. Her full, red-painted lips closed around his glans and sucked on it with relish.

Tom let her for a while, but not too long. He still wanted to work her pleasure cleft. Secretly he had rummaged in Lucia’s pocket and found a handy whip. Whipping is also part of making a dominatrix a slave. He ordered Lucia to get on all fours. Unresisting, she allowed her arms to be tied to the bedposts once more. This time, however, she turned her magnificent ass to Tom. The sight was irresistible. Tom took the whip and cracked the straps loudly slapping Lucia’s ass cheeks. She cried out, squirming in her bonds. This is how a dominatrix becomes a slave!

But Tom couldn’t stand it for long. The entrance to her cunt shone too tantalizingly. He knelt behind her and began to fuck her. He took special pleasure in kneading her big tits and whipping her with almost every thrust. Lucia screamed in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Her journey from dominatrix to pleasure slave was complete.

Because Tom had already released his pressure, he lasted longer in the second round. So he could make a dominatrix a slave, he had proven that to himself at that moment! Tom was incredibly proud of himself. Lucia didn’t mind going from mistress to maid either. As she told Tom, she was a switcher and could be submissive when it suited her. When Lucia finally left, the time was well overdue. She wasn’t a bit mad though, she had had some very good sex. Tom was also very pleased. He had had the best sex of his life. Soon enough, he would book Lucia again.

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