Sex story: Lesbians don’t just fuck either

By Julia Moreno
Estimated reading time: 33 minutes

Lesbians can also have a lot of fun

The setting sun bathed the sky in orange-red in the west. The houses in the neighborhood were bathed in a soft light. The temperature was still mild in summer.

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Das Dating 3.0 – Die Zukunft des Dating

I had poured myself a glass of wine and stood on my balcony to enjoy the spectacle. The sky at the zenith slowly turned a deep blue and looked like velvet.
My name is Terry, I’m 28 and I’m currently single. I’ve lived in my apartment for three years. It’s in the middle of the city, but I like it here. The neighbors in the house are all nice, as far as I’ve gotten to know them. But basically I have little contact. I had noticed that a new tenant had moved into the apartment next to me, but I hadn’t seen anyone yet.

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“Nice, isn’t it?” The voice came from the neighbor’s balcony and belonged to a young woman. Our balconies were separated by a small screen wall, but if you leaned a little on the railing, you could see each other quite well. She was about 25 or 26 years old, blonde and a bit plump.

Iris and Terry were two very interesting women

“Good evening, nice to meet you. My name is Iris Körner.”
I said hello back and gave my name.
“I’ve been your new neighbor for three days”
I raised my glass “To good neighborliness. You are welcome to call me Terry, that’s
less complicated”
“I’d love to, I’m Iris. Unfortunately, I don’t have anything to toast with in the house yet, but we can make up for that. My fridge is still feeling a bit lonely,” she laughed.

Sex story: Lesbians don't just fuck either
Sex story: Lesbians don’t just fuck either

It was such a beautiful balmy summer evening and by now the sky was only glowing a deep purple at the bottom and the velvety blue had given way to a deep black. “I was just about to go for a drink at the Shogun. Would you like to come along?”

“What’s that, Shogun? I don’t know, it’s a bit late.”
“There’s a small bar just around the corner where you can sit outside. … and they have delicious drinks too”
She thought for a moment, “Yes, I’d love to.”

We found a place in the Shogun in the courtyard or garden, depending on how you look at it. Anyway, it’s cozy, I’ve been there several times and the waiter knew me. He also knew what I needed at a quarter to ten in the evening.
“Hello Terry, an orange turmeric?” “Sure”
“And the lady?” he turned to my neighbor.
“Orange and turmeric? That sounds exciting. I’ll try that too!”

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When the drinks were delivered, we toasted to good neighborliness once again. It was an entertaining evening. Iris was a cheerful woman and could tell exciting stories. We shared our little experiences, where we worked, where we grew up and what two girls know to tell. She looked at her watch.

“My God, half past twelve! When do they close? We had quite a chat about that.”

Her turquoise eyes began to sparkle

In fact, the waiter is already waiting with an extra unsuspicious look to see when he can finally collect the money. Iris wanted to invite me, but I declined. I didn’t want that, we had such a nice and relaxed evening, I didn’t want any kind of commitment, even if it was for an invitation revanche.

We made our way home, it was only a good 5 minutes. And I realized that I had had a few more drinks than usual. She hooked me under “Does it bother you?”

Sex story: Lesbians don't just fuck either
Sex story: Lesbians don’t just fuck either

“No, no. But we could move on to you, Iris?”
“I’d love to” she laughed “Now that we have nothing to toast to. Great timing!”
I gave her a peck on the cheek and she gave me one on the other.
“That’s how it fits.” “Perfectly.”

We had now arrived home and were waiting in the hallway for the elevator.
She turned to me “That was a nice evening! Thank you very much.
“There’s nothing to be thankful for, I was allowed to be there and I enjoyed it” I grinned. “Maybe we can do it again sometime”

In the meantime, we had arrived in our hallway and were standing in front of our apartment doors.
“Sleep well Terry and have a nice dream.”
I looked into her eyes, a turquoise glow. At that moment, I knew what I was dreaming about.
“You too, Iris. Good night.”

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I hadn’t slept well. When it got light, I sat up in bed, pulled my legs up and rested my head on my knees.
I think I had made a mistake again.

My gaze was fixed on the small Murano glass sculptures on the shelf opposite my bed. When a ray of sunlight moved over them, they glowed a brilliant turquoise. Iris. It’s a shame it wasn’t the weekend, then we might have been able to do something.

Finding a woman for a one-night stand is not easy

I got up, showered and got ready to go to work. When I stepped out of the apartment door, I saw Iris standing in front of the elevator. She must have heard my apartment door slam shut and turned around
“Hello Terry, good morning”
“Good morning, Iris. Did you sleep well?”
“Very good and yourself?”
“Perfect!” I lied.
“Are you on your way to work?” she asked.
“What do you do for a living, …., if you don’t mind me asking”
“I’m a programmer at a government agency, the tax office.”
“Uiii …”
The elevator came and we went down.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“I’m a chemical lab technician and now I have a new job very close by.” Aha, hence the move. We stepped out of the house.
“I can walk the way,” she said.
“I have to get to the subway” We said goodbye.
“So bye, see you then.”

Sex story: Lesbians don't just fuck either
Sex story: Lesbians don’t just fuck either

Did I mention that I’m a lesbian? Yes, and currently without a partner. It’s not really easy to win a woman over for an ONS, it’s almost impossible.
My partner left me rather brusquely after 2 years together, because of someone else. Well, I’m over it. But it had hurt me a lot. We had two wonderful years that I would never want to have missed. Unfortunately, the scene doesn’t offer much if you’re too conservative. Unfortunately, I believe in love and not just sex. That alone is a hindrance.

I’ve also had a few men because they’re easier to get for a one-night stand. It’s easier to get a man into my bed for a night – after all, I look really cute. But for longer ? Somehow I always missed the appeal and there was rarely any real satisfaction. I also have girlfriends who know about my predisposition and still like me, without sex. Yes, nevertheless. With my husbands, they always said “I haven’t found the right one yet
and then the line about the many frogs and the prince. Do I have to fuck my way through an entire neighborhood? I don’t have that much desire for adventure. With women, it always seemed more harmonious to me and I’ll put it this way now: more intimate. The right one will come along. Safe. I hope she’s not that far away.

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“Iris, what do you think of a Greek salad? I’m chopping right now!” I saw that Iris was busy on her balcony and went out to ask her.
“Wow, that would be great. Can I contribute a Greek wine?”
“Always with pleasure”
When we had finished eating, I said to her, “Why don’t you sit over on the couch and make yourself comfortable? I’ll quickly take the dishes to the kitchen”
“Nothing there, I’ll help you”

We got the little bit of housework done quickly. Iris took the wine glasses and sat down on the couch. She pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms around them. It looked cozy, I liked it. I put on some music and sat down with her.
“Do you actually have a boyfriend?” I wanted to know. I had to assess my chances.

She touched me, even if not (yet) in an intimate place

“Ah… yes!” She took a deep breath.
“I don’t know if you’re interested.”
“Well listen, otherwise I wouldn’t ask …. But sorry, I didn’t mean to be intrusive”
“No. No” she hurried “I didn’t mean it like that, sorry.” She touched my arm.
“I have a boyfriend, his name is Gerhardt, we’ve been together for two years, now he’s in Glasgow.”

Sex story: Lesbians don't just fuck either
Sex story: Lesbians don’t just fuck either

“Yes, he is a development and production manager at a chip manufacturer. A full-time job by nature. Just over a year ago, the company decided to set up a new production facility in Scotland …. Yes, and Gerhard was appointed as the manager responsible for this project.” She took a deep breath “That’s a great career opportunity. Absolutely. But it’s also a relationship killer, I can whisper that to you. We’ve only been seeing each other practically every four weeks for a year now! Terry! Once a month!” I could feel what that meant. “You know, flying home every week is time-consuming and expensive, of course. The company also only pays for one flight in

“How long will this go on for?” I wanted to know, to somehow express my sympathy. She shrugged her shoulders .
“I don’t know”
“And why didn’t you go with them? Surely there would be work for your skills at the company?”

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“Initially there was nothing, the plant was only planned and is still under construction today, it is due to go into operation at the beginning of the year after next, then there might be a possibility if …”
“If what?” She remained silent.
“If I still want to at all!”
“Iris!” “Well, it’s true!” She was getting closer and closer to tears. “Do you know how it feels to be separated for at least another year or year and a half, a long-distance relationship, a man in your bed every four weeks, whose thoughts aren’t with you either …” “But surely you talk on the phone a lot?”

“Less and less Terry. At first every day, sometimes even twice. Schnucki here, Schnucki there.
Now we talk on the phone maybe twice a week and once at the weekend” I couldn’t really think of anything to say
“I’m sorry about that Iris”
She took a large sip of wine and leaned back.
“How do you handle it … sorry, uh … sexually?”

The last partnership did not last long

“You don’t have to apologize Terry, I’m glad I can talk to you. …. There you go” she made a clear gesture “I have two healthy hands!” She laughed desperately “But I don’t need a boyfriend for that, neither here nor in Glasgow.”
Iris held her wine glass in both hands and looked in front of her. Then she looked up.
“And what about you?”

“I’m currently single, the last relationship just didn’t last… it happens. And I haven’t found anything new yet.” That’s all I wanted to say. She looked at me. “Too bad, you’re a very attractive woman, pretty and charming, you must have five on each finger”
“Well, you’re exaggerating.”

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“No, honestly, you have a great figure, where there has to be something, there is something. I wish I was built like that. Look at me, where there’s something, there’d better be nothing!” I smiled.
“Isis, now you’re overdoing it. You have such a beautiful feminine figure, not to mention something too much. I think the boys like that, not those hungry guys.”
“You’re not hungry!”
“That’s not what I meant, but in general.”
She made a move to continue speaking and couldn’t quite bring herself to do so.
“What’s the matter, Iris, you’re not finished yet, I can see it on your nose.”
“Terry, I’m cheating. I can’t stand it any other way. I know it’s … ” She couldn’t find the words. “The guys who show up here from time to time aren’t just friends or acquaintances”
“Okayyy …”
“I get them through advertisements, just to fuck” Now I was speechless, I swallowed “Iris!”

She stood up “I’m sorry! I’m leaving now”
I also got up and stood in her way.
“You’re not leaving now. My idea of friendship is not that you just leave!”

She wasn’t actually that good with other women

She looked down at the floor, embarrassed.
“I’ve never told anyone about this, no one knows but me, and you do now. I don’t want to burden you with it, I don’t want anyone to know. I’m so embarrassed,” she sobbed and sat down again, “I’m not a hooker, I’m just a bit of a mess.”
“Do you take money?” I asked unnecessarily. She shook her head. After she told me exactly how she had started with the advertisements, she calmed down.
“Iris, if you go to a club, you’ll come home with five guys in tow if you put your mind to it. You’re a pretty girl, I’d fall for you in a heartbeat if I were a man.”
Not only as a man!

“Thank you, Terry, that’s sweet, but unfortunately it’s not that easy, you probably haven’t been on the slopes for a while… I don’t want anyone clinging to me either, I don’t need that. Do you understand that?”
We pondered our thoughts for a while.

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I’m a lesbian,” I blurted out. “My girlfriend left me”
She stared at me.
“I see” She swallowed “Are you looking for a replacement? I can’t with women if that’s your intention, I’m not like that” She backed away a little.
“What am I like? Was I different two minutes ago?”
“Uh… no, I just mean…” I was upset
“Do you think that because I’m a lesbian, I want to go to bed with every woman?”
“Something happened with Terry! You’re fucking your way through the ads and insinuating that I’m only looking for a bed because I’m a lesbian. Is that how you see it?”
Sometimes I could talk myself into a rage.
“Maybe there’s something wrong with your world view. Lesbians only want to lick and fuck. You’d better go now!”
She stood up, “Terry, that’s…”
She looked at me again and left my apartment. What a bummer, I thought. I sat down again. Did that have to be? Terry why did you fly off the handle like that? You could be more in control of yourself.

Conciliatory words were followed by conciliatory deeds

The next day I left for work early, I didn’t want to bump into Iris.
In the evening, I poked listlessly at my salad, which I had brought from the supermarket. My thoughts were on last night. With Iris. She hadn’t been thinking that wrong. I was actually keen on her. The doorbell rang. It rang again, I could guess who it was.
I opened the door and Iris was standing there as expected. I looked at her wordlessly and tried to give my eyes a dismissive expression.
“I wanted to apologize, Terry. May I…?” She made preparations to enter. I got out of her way
“Please!” I said coolly.

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She walked down the hallway to the living room and turned around.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you” She held up two piccolos “Reconciliation?” I nodded “Ok” and took two glasses. She poured and we clinked glasses. We looked at each other and neither of us knew how to start. Iris took heart.
“Don’t be so reserved Terry! Please forgive me, I was talking garbage. We haven’t known each other that long, but believe me, I don’t care if you’re a lesbian or not, or red or black or green.”
She paused and sorted her words
“I like you and it would be bad for me to lose you over such nonsense.”
I emptied my glass.
“Iris, I no longer know how I should behave towards you, or rather how I should behave.

In any case, I would have loved to kiss her

If I take you in my arms, you’ll get the wrong idea.” And I added quietly, “What should I do? We’ve only known each other for a few days, but I want it to be more.” She smiled at me.
“Be the way you are. That’s fine.”
I nodded and would have liked to kiss her, but immediately rejected the idea.
“Topic ticked off?” she asked.
“What topic?”
She leaned over and kissed me on the lips. She opens her lips slightly and touches mine with the tip of her tongue. I did the same and our tongues greeted each other. When our lips parted, she looked me in the eye.
“I can do that too Terry”

“And not bad at all!” I teased.
“Well, thank God I’ve heard more positive comments.”
“Do you know what?” Iris had readjusted herself.
“On Saturday, the two of us are going to the tear-up, you need something and so do I. Maybe we’ll catch something.
Got it?” I laughed
“We’ll do that, hopefully it’ll be Saturday soon.”

I would have liked to tell her how much her lips and tongue had really touched me. Later, when I was alone in bed, I couldn’t fall asleep. I felt her next to me, I couldn’t touch her, but I had put my blouse next to me, in which her faint scent still lingered. So I could at least smell her and sense her heartbeat. She wasn’t really gone and I had wonderful sex.

She wanted to go to a lesbian bar with me – without any guys at all

On Saturday evening, Iris came to see me at around eight o’clock. She was wearing a cute blue summer dress and looked scrumptious.
“Terry, where are we going now? I don’t know my way around and none of my colleagues had any good tips for me.” I was still doing my restoration work and was only wearing a bra and panties.
“Hold on, I’m ready to go” and waved her into the bathroom with me.
“Unfortunately, I don’t have such a great overview either, I only know one bar with good music, maybe 20 minutes from here.”

“Well, that’s a start, let’s just go there, as long as the music is good. Then we can see what happens next.”
“I don’t know, Iris, whether you like it there”
“Why, what’s wrong?” I took off my lipstick and turned to her “There are few boys, mostly girls …”

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“A gay bar?”
“Lesbians!” She waited a moment
“Does that bother you?” I asked.
“No,” she said, “I suspected it.” I was depressed
“Now you probably don’t want to go out with me anymore”
“Yes, I do want that. We’ve ticked that box, haven’t we?”
“Yes, thank you” I stroked her arm fleetingly and gave her a very fleeting kiss.
“So that we understand each other properly, Terry, you keep your hands off me …. but you can still kiss me properly, not like that…”
I did, certainly more neatly than she had perhaps expected.

The Cosima was located on a side street and it was only a few steps to the subway and the bus stop. You could see both from the entrance and because there were always a few smokers hanging around in front of the entrance, you could safely make your way home.

I had no idea what a bar like this would be like

We stepped through the curtain behind the front door and the cozy little room in burgundy and blue welcomed us. There wasn’t much activity on the dance floor in the background yet. Techno was still playing at the moment, but later the more soulful records were guaranteed to be played. Yes, slices, there was a vinyl party at Cosima two weekends a month and Cosi had a DJ. But then it was also really crowded. Iris looked around. There was a group of girls of mixed ages at the counter and the chairs in the room were already very well occupied. The lighting was still at an early evening level, so it wasn’t too dark and everyone was chatting and chattering. I couldn’t spot any couples making out while holding each other in their arms, so it was all

“What do you think?” I asked Iris.
“Completely different from what I imagined.”
“What did you expect? A den of iniquity where dozens of lesbians roll around half-naked on the floor to sultry music?” I laughed.
“Something like that!” I gave her a friendly pat on the back and whispered
“Lesbians don’t just fuck either. Come on, let’s find a seat by the armchairs.”
We found a small table in the corner with three crumpled armchairs, which we occupied.

Far enough away from the dance floor, the music was muted enough to be able to have a conversation but still intense enough to dream. That is, if there was music to dream to begin with. Iris was still looking around a little uncertainly when the waitress appeared.
“Hello Terry, you haven’t been around for a while. I’m glad that’s nice. I’m Doris,” she turned to Iris.
“Iris” beamed the.
“What can I get you two pretties?” We ordered something to drink, there was no menu, so Doris helped Iris with a few tips.

… and then suddenly there was a man in the lesbian club

“You’re wearing a really cute dress, Iris. I like it,” said Doris as she brought us our drinks.
“Cheers, you two, have a nice evening!” she winked at me. Doris was quite a freaky girl. Her orange-red hair seemed to glow in the dark. It was cut short on one side and shoulder-length on the other, which meant that Doris was constantly trying to tame her mop of hair by twisting her head. She always wore a black openwork top through which her pierced nipples flashed. She completed her outfit with a pair of super-tight hot pants made of thin fabric. Every curve of her lower body is clearly visible through the panties. She was very sweet, but I had never eaten from her. Unfortunately.
We sipped our drinks and looked at the other visitors. There really was a man standing at the counter. He was about 25 years old and was talking to one of the women. Iris noticed this immediately.
“Are men allowed here too?” I smiled.

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“Allowed, that’s a nice expression! Nobody here has anything against men, you mustn’t think that.
If they behave properly and aren’t just there to gawp, that’s totally okay.” She nodded.
“Look, Iris, if you go to a normal bar as a lesbian or gay couple, you might get hit on. The opposite doesn’t happen here. Normally anyway, it can happen. I think we’re perhaps a bit more liberal than our testosterone-driven fellow inhabitants of this planet.”
I put our handbags under our jackets on the third chair.
“Don’t worry, nothing will get away. Cosi has a keen eye. Shall we dance?”
The music was upbeat, so unfortunately not yet the kind of thing you have to >necessarily< hug yourself to. I knew it would come. When we got back to the square, Iris leaned over to me “Look over there, two people have just got up and disappeared with their things. I think the alcove is free. Shall we?”

There was nothing going on sexually with my childhood friend back then

We wanted to. I took our things and Iris took the drinks and we moved into the alcove.
Doris buzzes over and clears away the used glasses.
“It’s much cuddlier, isn’t it?” Despite the music, it was still great to talk. I put my arm around Iris and she moved a little closer.
“Say Terry, can I ask you something!” “Ask!”
“Since when do you know you like women?”
“Since I was 15, roughly.” I took a break.
“Do you want to tell me about it?

“I was always an outsider at school, I hardly had any friends or girlfriends. I don’t know why. Then a new girl came into my class, her family had moved from out of town. The new girl was seated at my table because I was the only one sitting alone. Evi and I became friends and became really close friends, girlfriends. Nothing sexual, we were 13 back then, just best friends. We did everything together and were inseparable. That actually went on for two years, then she moved away again.

Her father worked for a government agency or something and was transferred. A world collapsed for me, no, the world, the whole world. I cried for days and was in a bad mood and sad for weeks. I never had a best friend like her again. But everything passes and I fell head over heels in love with a boy from the neighborhood. I was 15 at the time. But he wasn’t so much in love as curious and horny, he just wanted to fuck. You can imagine, at 15, two absolute beginners. It was a fiasco!” I had to laugh

“He accused me of it being my fault and left as quickly as possible and I was back, heartbroken again. Heartbroken! It dawned on me that it was the same feeling as when Evi left me. I remembered the harmony that had existed between us and how antithetical my friendship with the guy had been. That’s when I decided to give it another go with a girl. I looked for a girlfriend again and we went straight to bed. I was happy again, we were both happy, at least I think so. I had several more girls after her. But I never had a best friend like Evi again.”

She not only had sex with lesbian women, but also with men

“Do you also go to bed with men?” asked Iris.
“Sometimes, you need something warm in your tummy from time to time” I laughed.
For a while, we sat leaning against each other on the bench and listened to the music. I put my arm around her shoulder and she snuggled up to my chest. Then she said abruptly, “Can I try to be your best friend? Without sex?”
I nodded and squeezed a small tear out of the corner of my eye.
“I’d love to. I’d be happy” I gave her a kiss, which she returned. She could kiss.
“Without sex!” I said.

“Go, a kiss is not sex.” But our opinions differ, depending on the kiss. We’ll have to explore that in more detail, sweetie. The music then slowly changed to really nice cuddly music and love songs, really fitting. We danced a few times, entwined as girls do, and otherwise leaned back in our alcove, dreaming and chatting. Mostly we analyzed the other girls, belly, breasts, bottom, clothes and everything else you can criticize. We were simply in a good mood. The Cosima closed at five, so they got rid of us.

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The following Tuesday evening, I wanted to ask Iris if she wanted to go jogging with me the next morning. I rang her doorbell briefly and knocked on her apartment door with our agreed-upon code. She opens the door and instead of greeting me as usual, she goes straight back into the apartment. I closed the door and followed her.
“Hey, what’s going on?” She threw herself down on the couch and pointed to a piece of paper, obviously a letter.

“He broke up.”
“Who? Your Gerhardt?”
“No longer my Gerhardt, he has another one.”
I sat down next to her and took her in my arms. She howled.
“I come home and there’s this in the letterbox” She sniffs and points to the letter.
“It would have been time again at the weekend, he was supposed to come” Tears welled up in her eyes and ran down her cheeks “I was so looking forward to it, so longing for it.”
She howled “That pig”
“Poor you” I hugged her to me and tried to kiss her tears away.
“For three months!” he writes “And I had no idea! He’s been shagging someone else for three months. Now he wants to stay in Scotland. There’s no more room for me.” A fit of crying shook her and a new flood of tears ran down her cheeks.
What should I say? I hugged her and she snuggled up to my side like an injured animal. I don’t know how long we sat like that. It was slowly getting dark. Iris had stopped crying and only sniffled softly from time to time. Then she straightened up and saw that my blouse was wet from her tears.

It would have been nice to stay with her for the night

“Sorry. … I’m so glad you’re here” She started crying again. “What a fucking pig.
I understand that he has fucked other people. I have too! You can’t manage such a long separation any other way. But I’m not falling in love. I have him, my boyfriend, my partner, my lover. I was waiting, hoping that one day we could build something together. That was the plan, first career, then family. Fucking plan.” She was calmer again.
“Yes, just make one plan, be a big light and then make a second plan, neither will work” I hummed a Kurt Weill song.

“And I don’t even have a second plan,” moaned Iris. “What should I do now? What do you do when your entire life plan has been thrown overboard with a scrap of paper? He doesn’t even have the courage to tell me that himself. He should have come on Saturday, then he would have had the chance to show me that he’s a man and that he can look me in the face and say that it’s over. I think I would have even understood that ….” She howled again. “But the flight was probably too expensive, I wasn’t worth it anymore.” The tears continued to stream down her face. “Why is he treating me like this?”

Night had fallen and Iris was still lying in my arms, shivering, even though it was warm in the apartment.
“I’m cold” She stood up “I’m going to sleep now”
“Do you want me to stay with you tonight?”
That would be nice. If you can … and want to?” She gave me a T-shirt of hers and we lay next to each other.
“Can I cuddle up to you?” she asked abruptly. I took her in my arms and we fell asleep.

Iris got her separation pain under control surprisingly quickly, and after a few days the sun was shining on her face again. I asked her about it and she said, “Terry, he’s not coming back, even if I mourn for weeks.” A remarkable woman. We then went to Cosima more often. Iris found it cuddly and tingling, according to her words. And we both loved the music.

A really nice start to the budding friendship

We had found our niche again from back then. The seat was still free!
“Can you remember?” she asked. “This is where we sat on our first visit!”
“Iris, how could I forget? That was a beautiful start to our friendship”
“I’m glad I found a friend like you.”
We danced.
When we were back in our alcove, I put my arm around her. My fingers gently stroked her bare shoulder and I let my hand slide slowly down to her breast. Her nipples could be felt through the thin fabric of her dress, she wasn’t wearing a bra. I stroked her nipple and felt the reaction
“Terry, please”
“What is it?”
“We had a date…”

I breathed in and my heart beat so hard that she had to feel it.
“I wouldn’t sign that today…”
She straightened up “Terry!”
“How do you know you don’t like women? You’re obviously not uncomfortable.”
She looked away from me.

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“I don’t know, I’ve never tried it. I also never had a girlfriend that I would have wanted to try it with. You’re the first woman I’ve been so close with that I could imagine it.
Terry, I want to, but I’m scared.”
“You don’t need to be afraid. It doesn’t hurt … and you’ve already done the most important part.”
“Like what?”

“You’ve fallen in love.” I looked her in the eye and she understood me.
We kissed like lovers kiss, finally.
We danced very closely and dreamed for a long time to the cuddly songs that our DJ played. Doris buzzed across the dance floor to serve the tables at the back. She poked her head towards us “Well, finally you lovebirds. I thought it wasn’t going to work out!” Then she twirled her mop of hair in my face and disappeared.
“Terry,” Iris whispered in my ear, “I want to go home. Would that be ok for you?”

She immediately moaned loudly when I came closer to her clitoris

As we stood arm in arm in front of our apartment doors, we laughed at each other “Your place or mine?” “My door is two meters closer, I can’t wait, come on” Iris unlocked the door. The door had barely fallen into the lock when she pulled me to her, unbuttoned my dress and pulled it down. She stood pressed against the wall of the hallway, I couldn’t reach behind her to take her off. She pushed up her tight skirt and wrapped her bare leg around my thigh. I felt her damp panties on my bare thigh and pressed my abdomen against hers. “Terry, I need it …. So badly. Do…, I want you.” She let go of me and slipped off her panties. “Come on!” I wanted to unbutton her dress

“Don’t…” she breathed “right now, now… right now” She bent her knees a little so that she could open her thighs. I squatted down in front of her and brushed her mini all the way up. She was already really wet and I smelled her scent. Then I ran my tongue through her crack, she tasted good. Iris moaned when I came to her clitoris. I bit very gently until she reacted “Ow…” I quickly let go. “Don’t stop, keep going, Terry keep going, keep going … ” She reached between her thighs and wanted to masturbate as well. “Leave that alone! You’ll get your money’s worth”. I slid up so that we were looking into each other’s eyes. She was excited, her eyes were shining. “Do you like it? Honey” She moaned “Yaaa…” She breathed heavily. I stood naked in front of her, my pussy was hot and I had the feeling I was dripping.

My face glowed with excitement. She pulled me by the hand. “Come to bed, it’s better there” She took off her blouse and threw her skirt into the corner. Then she lay across the bed and spread her legs. “Come!” I lay down between her thighs and began to rub my pubic area against hers. She responded to my movements and breathed heavily. I could feel my clit swelling. Iris began to thrust her abdomen into me as if in a spasm. She closed her eyes, pressed her lips together briefly, then let out a long, drawn-out scream that turned into a gasp and then rolled her eyes. “Stop it … I can’t take any more. I’m so exhausted” she whispered tonelessly. I lay down next to her and ran my fingers into her vagina and massaged her swollen clitoris, gently at first and then more and more vigorously.

She massaged her own breasts – what a hot sight!

Iris went with the flow, her upper body twitched next to me and her breathing was intermittent. She gasped for breath, then pressed her hand on her pussy. “You’re killing me …. please keep going …hard …. please!” Her voice was drawn out and weak. I pressed my mouth onto hers as if to kiss her, she couldn’t breathe and pounded my back with her fist. That had excited me so much that I had returned every stroke with my fingers in her vagina. Then I let her breathe again, she gasped “Terry, you fucking …” I spread her thighs again, reached my whole hand into her hot vagina and pulled hard. “Auaaaaa …” Then I bit her tenderly on the stomach and thighs and she just whimpered. When we could both breathe more calmly again, she turned her head to me and looked at me “Terry that was so beautiful … I’ve only dreamed about it so far.”

I looked into her eyes, they were shining again, turquoise like the South Seas. I gently stroked her cheek, slid lower and caressed her neck. Then I massaged her breasts. Iris had small, firm breasts, which I find cool, and her nipples reacted violently to every touch. Now they were quickly aroused again and stood up like two tiny towers. My hand stroked deeper over her belly and my index finger penetrated her still wet pussy. Iris took my wrist and gently pulled my hand out. “No … now it’s my turn. I want to return the favor … relax ” I lay on my back and sucked the taste of her pussy off my index finger, then I let her do it ….

Das ERONITE Dating

At some point, we were both satisfied and a new day slowly dawned outside. I was sitting at the head of the bed, Iris had put her head in my lap and closed her eyes. Our breathing slowly calmed down. “Iris” “Hmm” “Have you really never had anything to do with a woman?” She turned around and laughed. “No, never, why do you ask, was I so bad?” “Not at all, love, it was just nice. You discovered places that no one has ever discovered, not even a guy.” “Well, I don’t think that many guys have had the opportunity to do that with you. I know my body, I’ve had plenty of opportunities to try it out. And I thought to myself, what works with Iris won’t be so bad with Terry either.” She grinned and stroked the inside of my thighs.

Summer had given way to fall. It was a golden day and the sun was still shining warmly. We sat in a café in the city and enjoyed the sun. The waiter came to our table.

A lesbian with fear – but what was she afraid of?

“Hello ladies, what can I get you?”
“I think…” Iris pondered and adored him, “I think I’m getting a boner.”
“You can’t see any of it,” I joked. We both had to smile.
“I’m getting one too” Laughter.
“Did he understand us?”
“The main thing is that he doesn’t get … but brings us a coffee!
She leaned back in her chair and squinted into the sun. It was a really relaxed morning. We let our guard down and enjoyed the warmth of late summer.
“You know, Terry,” Iris began, moving closer, “I’m actually glad Gerhardt split up.”

Das ERONITE Dating

“You don’t think he’ll come back if things go wrong with his new girl?”
“Ne, Ne” she put her hands emphatically in her lap “THE hole is closed!”
What vulgar tones from my iris. I’ve never seen them like this before.
“Terry, why do you ask?”
“Your lesbian is scared.”
“From what?”
“That he wants to come back and I’ll be signed off.”

She could imagine being with her

She moved even closer and put her hand on my thigh and said softly, “Do you remember the first time we had sex? You said I didn’t need to be afraid, even though my heart was pounding like crazy and I almost wet my pants. I trusted you and it was a dream with you. Trust me now. You don’t need to be afraid, even if he shows up again, he’s no longer dangerous … for us.”
She looked at me tenderly.

“I got something much better, you. Terry, I love you.” I was touched.
“Me too” I put my arm around her shoulder, pulled her to me and kissed her. A young man at the next table looked over at us indignantly. Iris took a sip of her drink.

“Terry…” she faltered “could you imagine… I mean…” Iris tinkered with the right words “could you imagine that with me … I mean, that we?”
“Iris, what’s so hard about it? I could imagine you staying with me… I mean that we… YES, I can imagine us staying together.”
She took a deep breath “That’s nice. Terry what can I say? I’m happy.”
She had milk froth on her upper lip and tried to remove it with her tongue. But there was still some left over.
“But we still need to improve your tongue work!”

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