7 crazy fetishes – 7 bizarre addictions

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Crazy fetishes: something for everyone

Some people may consider it a crazy fetish, while others see it as completely normal. Basically, any fetish can be as crazy and unusual as you like, as long as both parties enjoy it.

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Whatever you like is allowed

And if crazy fetishes are part of it, that’s not only okay, it also enriches your sex life. That’s why we want to take a closer look at seven crazy fetishes here.

Diaper fetish

7 crazy fetishes - 7 bizarre addictions
7 crazy fetishes – The diaper fetish

There are more followers of the so-called adult baby scene than you might think at first. This fetish is completely harmless and has nothing to do with pedophilia. This is about the preference to be treated like a baby. Powdering, applying cream and changing nappies are all part of the program here, as is holding out and playing on a crawling blanket. Of course, this game also involves using the diapers for their intended purpose and having them cleaned up afterwards.


Everyone knows the term claustrophobia. The fear of confined spaces and not having enough room in large crowds. Followers of this fetish love exactly this feeling. Sex with your partner in extremely confined spaces is a special thrill. Apart from the preference for unusual locations, the question of space plays a special role here. The less, the better.

Even more crazy fetishes: the furniture fetish

Sex with furniture, what do you think? The Ärzte posed this not entirely serious question on their 1993 album Schrei nach Liebe. But strictly speaking, the fetishism known in specialist circles as forniphilia is more of a kind of role-playing game. The only difference is that the participant does not take on the role of a nurse or similar, but that of a piece of furniture.

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This is particularly common in the SM sector. Slaves are used as seats, which can lead to so-called facesitting. It is also possible that the submissive part not only serves as a chair, but also as a toilet.

Mirror fetish

This tendency is not just for narcissists. Followers of this fetish like to watch themselves. Whether during sex or masturbation. Mirrors are often used during sex so that you can see your partner from all sides during lovemaking. But in this particular case, it’s all about you. We cannot answer here whether a narcissistic disposition can be diagnosed straight away. But there is always a certain tendency towards self-love.

Tear fetish

So-called dacryphilists like it when the other person is in tears. As many may already suspect at this point, many followers of this tendency also have a sadistic streak. These people enjoy causing pain and seeing their play partner suffer. Of course, this is not the case for all tear fetishists, but the connection is very obvious.

Even more crazy fetishes: The balloon fetish

Followers of this fetish like to watch someone blowing up balloons and then interacting with them. The feeling of a balloon on the skin is also arousing for these people. Just like the noise it produces.

Last but not least: The tree fetish

Followers of this fetish find trees attractive. They hug these plants and enjoy stroking the bark. The tree should be in a place that is as uninhabited as possible so that it is not disturbed. If the inclined tree fan finds a knothole, he is as good as in paradise. But even crazy fetishes like the tree fetish are harmless. No one is harmed and the tree itself is unlikely to care.

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