I gave him a blowjob for the fence construction in Landsberg as a thank you

By Valérie Francès-Pecker
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
I gave him a blowjob for the fence construction in Landsberg as a thank you
I gave him a blowjob for the fence construction in Landsberg as a thank you

The blowjob of his life

It had been planned from the beginning as a pickup line. I asked a guy I really liked to help me build a fence in Landsberg. As a thank you there was a blowjob. And not just any. No, it was the best blowjob of his life and afterwards he gave me the best fuck of my life. But it’s best to read the whole story.

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How my swarm fell into my trap

For some time now, I’ve had a crush on a guy I’ve only known in passing. Short black hair, ice blue eyes, angular face, muscular body. Just so completely my type. Unfortunately, I had no idea how to attract his attention. Not that he hasn’t sent his eyes wandering in my presence a few times. That’s what all men do when they see me, at least the straight ones. But except looking was with him so far nothing and I wanted more.

I gave him a blowjob for the fence construction in Landsberg as a thank you

Finally I got the saving tip from a friend. My crush was a construction worker by trade, which also explained his many muscles. Now I could come up with a plan to seduce him.

One evening, as we stood together in a smaller group, I told them about my vacation home in Landsberg, and that I still needed a fence for it. The trick always works. When a weak woman calls for help, men line up to show how strong they are. So also in this case. My crush promised to help me build a fence in Landsberg. Of course, I acted surprised and promised with a lascivious eye flash to show my gratitude. Whether he already suspected that he would get a blowjob in return? I don’t know, but his eyes flashed.

The fence construction in Landsberg

I set it up so that we had the cottage to ourselves that weekend. At first we talked about trivial things and drank coffee. Later he wanted to know more about the fence construction in Landsberg. I showed him the construction plan and the necessary utensils. He estimated that the work would take about two hours. At this point, he was completely professional and in his element. To be honest, this annoyed me a bit and I toyed with the idea of bringing forward my plan.

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But I could badly give him a blowjob as a thank you without him having done anything before. So I waited, knowing full well that the moment was not too far away.
He left the cottage and gathered everything he needed to build the fence. Meanwhile, I stripped down to my bikini and lay on a deck chair in front of the glass door to the garden. Now he could see me while I was working and watch me secretly.

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Now I could make a plan in peace. Should I offer a blowjob or anal sex as a thank you? Damn, I didn’t know what he was into. Okay, there are things that almost all men are into, you can hardly go wrong. So later I wanted to offer him a blowjob as a thank you. I was already looking forward to the face.

Blown as a thank you

The work had actually taken two hours. During this time, he had looked over at me again and again. At first rather curious, but by now the desire was clearly written on his face. He wanted me. He wanted sex. I love these situations when I, as a woman, am in control and everything goes according to my plan.
Finally, he entered the cottage and stood in front of me. Sweaty, breathing heavily, dirty. Just the thing for rough, hard sex like I like it. He asked for something to drink and downed the offered glass of water in one go. Then I asked if there was anything else I could do for him. Men are so cute when they look sheepishly in all directions, although his eyes were still focused on my body.

I gave him a blowjob for the fence construction in Landsberg as a thank you

“How about it? A blowjob as a thank you?”, I asked. He seemed to have to process what he had heard first, because he did not react. “Can I give you a blowjob as a thank you?”, I asked again. Now he had understood what I wanted from him. His grin gave it away. Since most men are into that, I dutifully got down on my knees in front of him and removed the belt from his pants. I almost didn’t have to undo the buttons myself. His spanking was by now so hard that his pants threatened to burst. I pulled his garment down and enjoyed the sight that presented itself to me. He was really well stocked.

I heard a moan above me as I took his best piece in my hand and guided it to my open mouth. First I allowed my tongue a few playful circles, until I took him deeper inside me and sucked hard.

For thanks a blowjob – I can only recommend it

Girls, seriously, giving your boyfriend a blowjob as a thank you is the best thing you can do. A man will do anything for you if he gets a blowjob as thanks. Men are incredibly fond of being satisfied with their mouths. And we dig it when they do what we want, right? So, now and then as a thank you a blowjob and he already reads your every wish from the eyes. Each. Promised.

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