Horny fuck with trainee in KS brokerage Augsburg

By Laura Buschmann
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Horny fuck with trainee in KS brokerage Augsburg
Horny fuck with trainee in KS brokerage Augsburg

Offspring and offspring in the brokerage house

It was not without reason that I was the head of one of the most renowned insurance offices in the city. I had already made a name for myself at KS Maklerhaus years ago, and I didn’t want to give it up. Hard, fair and horny. Three attributes that always accompanied me and that were felt not least by the trainees. Almost every trainee in recent years I had fucked and this desire I wanted and had to remain faithful.

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Trainee wanted for sex

Jan, bloody young 18 years could probably already be my son. Cute and innocent and not exactly the biggest light in our company. This had to be remedied as quickly as possible. Therefore, I ordered him to my office. There he sat now. Huddled together because the last customer was anything but satisfied with him. Presumably she too would have appeased a fuck with trainee Jan. I gave him a telling off and Jan got smaller and smaller with every word. Such mistakes with insurance companies were not allowed to happen to him in the future.

My first fuck with the trainee in the office

Quite provocatively, I stood in front of him, sat down a bit on my desk and lifted his head. “Go on, fuck the trainee!” I thought to myself secretly. His gaze had to graze my panties, I was well aware of that and that’s exactly what I wanted. But, I gave him to understand that he had to keep eye contact when someone was talking to him. Jan became nervous and my panties had aroused him. I continued to talk at him and took his hand, which I slipped under my skirt. I wanted him and he wanted me, that was clear to me. I was never averse to a fuck with an apprentice, maybe that had gotten around so far.

Horny fuck with trainee in KS brokerage Augsburg

His fingers were pushed by me along my cleft, while I continued to explain to him the importance of a good relationship with the clientele. At the point of long-term customer acquisition, I pushed two of his fingers inside me and it almost tore his pants. Punishment must be, was my statement and the punishment was called: Fuck with the trainee Jan, in the middle of the office in the KS brokerage house, there I liked it best.
I pulled Jan directly onto my sofa, pulled down his pants and to his horror sat down directly on his cock. He stammered something about contraception, but I didn’t care. Such a lout would certainly not make me a child.

While I rode him, I enjoyed that he felt helplessly at my mercy and could hardly control his lust. His youthful cock felt incredibly horny and was not as small as I had thought. This small, inconspicuous boy had here neatly what in the pants and my pussy enjoyed his cock visibly.

Trainee wanted for sex

I wanted to know how far I could push him. My question whether he had ever stuck his dick in an ass, he commented only with a horrified look. How I loved these innocent things. “Fuck with a trainee and you always have a surprise in bed” had already said my mother.

This trainee had a really steel hard cock

When I got up from Jan, he already wanted to get dressed, but didn’t dare because he saw my stern look. I turned around and sat on him again. His cock I pushed into my ass in the process. Before he could say anything in reply, I took his hands and slid them under my blouse while my ass cunt drove his cock skyward. This fuck with trainee Jan was horny and he had a fucking hard cock to offer.

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Jan was not only hard as a board, he now also gave free rein to his lust. He enjoyed his cock in my ass and the fuck with trainee was also something he visibly enjoyed. Slowly he began to push me, holding my hips. He probably didn’t think he’d ever be allowed to fuck in the KS brokerage house, but that’s exactly what he did. With an irrepressible desire that was building in me an orgasm, but I did not want to let go yet. I knew exactly what I wanted and it was very clear: a fuck with trainee and his cum in my pussy. Only, Jan didn’t know that and I wanted to approach him properly. This young lad obviously fancied a woman who took what she desired.

Therefore, I stood up, pulled Jan to the floor and sat on him again in riding position. I rode him like an Indian rides her horse and Jan could no longer. He tried to push me away, but I wouldn’t get off his cock. He poured into me with a monster load, while a wave of orgasm also flooded my abdomen. However, only he was shocked by his “performance”. I pulled up my panties, gestured for him to go into a meeting, and left my office.

“A fuck with trainee is always horny,” I thought to myself as I tried not to be late for the appointment in the conference room of KS Maklerhaus.

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