Frivolous story: My father in law is a pig

By Valérie Francès-Pecker
Estimated reading time: 22 minutes
Frivolous story: My father in law is a pig
Frivolous story: My father in law is a pig

Not even my own husband fucked me like this

My name is Lisa, I am 29 and have been with my husband Paul for nine years. We just recently had our anniversary. We have a daughter together, we are an undoubtedly happy couple and we are basically doing very well. I still pay a lot of attention to my appearance, take care of my brunette curls and also still feel very attractive. My curves have certainly become a bit more, but from the lustful looks I get every day from the male world and my father-in-law, I can see that everything is fine.

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However, for the past year we have been having major problems, suffering from quite a shortage of money as we both lost our jobs pretty much at the same time and since then there has been no relief in this regard. To be quite honest, it’s not going to pay off at the back and front. What is doubly annoying about this is that my 55-year-old father-in-law, Josef, is a very wealthy businessman and doesn’t even begin to help us. He has coal without end, but does not want to help us. Even Paul’s mother Karin can harangue him all she wants, nothing doing.

Horny sex with father in law ended in violent fuck

A month ago we decided to drop our daughter off at my sister’s house to make another attempt to visit Paul’s parents for a weekend and ask his father for help. We arrived and, as we often do, sat down for coffee in the luxurious kitchen of the in-laws, chatted about this and that, and probably got too hastily onto the vexed subject of money. Paul and his father Josef got into each other’s hair once again, both got up and disappeared into the house. Each just in his own direction. After about thirty minutes, my mother-in-law asked me to check on Paul, or rather his father Joseph. I went through the house calling both names. No feedback. I went through a few rooms and finally ended up in Josef’s office.

Frivolous story: My father in law is a pig

No one there. I glanced around the room and spied an open cash box on the office desk. Since our financial hardship was weighing so heavily on me, I risked a look. A bundle of five hundred euro bills. I took it in my hand briefly without hesitation, to weigh by a quick count whether an unconscionable and truly characterless action paid off. I was never a thief, always a correct person, but our situation was really serious. We could not even pay for our daughter’s last class trip, reminders were already daily, the money shortage was great. A good mother is hurt by such a thing. I quickly determined that it must have at least six to seven thousand euros. I was just desperate, took a deep breath and just put the money in my panties.

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As I was about to turn around, a shiver went down my spine, a terrible shock shot through my body. Because from the corner behind the door I heard an upset clearing of the throat. I turned my head and saw my father-in-law sitting there. I froze, unable to say anything. Josef closed the door and walked a few steps towards me. “Oh, it’s like that. My fine son sends his pretty girlfriend to steal from me?” He was very upset and wiped his hand through his thinning gray hair. “I, uh. Me. Joseph, I’m, I’m sorry. I’ll put it back, okay?”, I stammered, completely embarrassed, my face flushed.

He was serious about the consideration he demanded

“Who do you think you are, Lisa?” he asked me. “Do you think you can steal from me and I’ll let it go? Do you want me to call your husband over? My wife? The police?”. I was merely embarrassed and looked toward the ground. “So you want me to help you out financially, dear daughter-in-law?” “If that were possible somehow, Josef. Somehow. We’re really at the end of our rope. Please. It’s no longer possible.” I explained to him in desperation the seriousness of our situation. I was actually begging him.

Sex with father in law

“Now listen to me carefully, Lisa. I’ll help you, but I’ll get something in return.” He was decisive and pierced me with his eyes. “How, what, what do you mean?”, I asked, completely bewildered. “I’m going to reconcile with Paul now. Tonight we all take a seat in the living room and watch a movie. As so often before. We will lie down next to each other on the big couch today. The light will be off. Paul and his mother will sit to the side in front of us. You will cover us with a blanket and I will fuck you next to Paul and my wife under this blanket. And if you even begin to answer anything other than yes, I will call the police right now and you will serve this theft.”

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I was completely in shock and could not even begin to grasp what my father-in-law had just told me. “Is that clear?” he inquired. “You’re not serious, are you?”, I asked quietly, completely exasperated. He said nothing more, turned around and left the office room. He was dead serious. What have you done, I thought to myself. What kind of old pig is this, was my second thought, as I now understood I had no choice at all. I was completely disgusted and sick to my stomach. We were still sitting in the kitchen later and everything came out the way he wanted it. All of a sudden, Paul and he were thick friends again. Paul winked at me. Apparently, his father had now assured him of help.

Under the blanket groped me my father in law

The time had come, the movie night was prepared and everyone was looking forward to it, except me. Inside me was just throbbing a huge disgust. “The seating arrangement will be changed once today, I would suggest,” Josef said to my husband and grinned smugly in my face. I was completely upset and lay down in front of Josef with the blanket as agreed. My husband sat maybe two meters away from me, next to him his mother. The lights were off and the movie came on. It didn’t take a few seconds before I felt Josef nestle his dirty old man body against me from behind. The two in front of us rustled with their chip bags.

Frivolous story: My father in law is a pig

I was wearing jeans and a fitted T-shirt. Underneath panties and bra. Slowly the old sack pushed his hand forward and began to knead my right breast. It simply disgusted me and I pushed his hand back again, whereupon he cleared his throat loudly. I cleared my throat as well to signal to him that I didn’t want that. The two looked back at us. “Well, don’t you like the movie?” my mother-in-law asked with a laugh. “No, we like him just fine. Isn’t that right, dear daughter-in-law?” asked Josef, grabbing my butt from under the blanket. “Oh, that’s all right,” I replied with a fake smile.

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Josef pushed his hand forward again under my T-shirt and finally under my bra. He began to knead my chest and nibble on my earlobe. I let him have his way. I figured I could take it if it just didn’t get any worse. However, he could apparently read minds. He took his hand back and I could feel him opening his pants. Josef slowly grabbed my hand and led it directly to his penis. Now it became really disgusting. I began to jerk my father-in-law’s cock stiff with slow movements. Next to my husband. Next to my daughter’s father. Next to my mother-in-law. It took less than thirty seconds and his fat cock was rock hard.

He pushed his fat cock into my wet pussy

I felt his hand wander again. She stopped at the button of my jeans and began to undo them. Slowly and silently, he pulled open the zipper. I lifted my pelvis and he gently pulled my jeans including briefs up over my buttocks. After each such movement we paused for a few seconds. The really bad part was that I started to get seriously horny. I tried to defend myself against it. The two in front of us were giggling and enjoying the movie. My husband was permanently in my sights.

Sex with father in law

Slowly he pushed his finger into my butt and licked me again and again lightly over the earlobe. The pig stuck it into me as far as it would go and started to rotate with it. He knew that I should have groaned, but couldn’t. Not allowed. I clenched my buttocks, held my breath and tried to push his hand away. It showed effect. But not for long. He pulled my pelvis to him with a short jerk and my ass cheeks apart. I meanwhile made the bra over my chest again and let the old pig do behind me.

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The moment had come and he began to push his hard, fat cock into my pussy. I closed my eyes and when he pressed his pelvis against me, I didn’t know how to get through the whole thing without any moans. I pressed my lips together and breathed through my nose, and still it happened. A sigh escaped my mouth and I momentarily lost control. My father-in-law stopped every movement and paused for a beat inside me, because at that moment my husband turned to me. “Well, honey? Don’t you like the movie?”‘.

A long time no longer experienced horniness flowed through my body

I could have died of shame, fear and excitement, because Paul stood up and knelt in front of me while I had his father’s erect spanking inside me. “Maybe you’d like some chips?” asked Paul, giving me a kiss on the mouth and holding the bag in front of me. Fortunately, he could not see in the dark that his father was again pressing his pelvis against mine. “It’s okay, honey,” I said with a long, gasping breath. “Just sit back down”‘. “All right,” he said, gave me another long kiss and went back to his seat. Then the martyrdom began.

Sex with father in law

Josef turned my head back and tried to stick his tongue in my mouth while the insane scumbag started fucking me. He was now performing thrusting movements and I could take no more. Horniness flowed through me as I had probably not experienced with Paul for an eternity. I tongued my father-in-law carefully as I let him fuck me slowly. Next to my own husband. How disgust and horniness can be so close together was the only thing I could still think. Not being allowed to moan was torture.

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I stretched my ass towards him and signaled full readiness. I wanted to be fucked now. Even from this pig of father-in-law. I tried again and again to hold my breath so that I wouldn’t have to moan. He now began to knead my breasts again and slowed down the pace of fucking. It would otherwise have been impossible to remain uncaught. I lost myself for a brief moment and sighed again. Again my husband turned around. “Well you two?” he smiled. “Are you guys not doing anything naughty back there either?”. “I’m sorry Paul,” said my father-in-law Josef. “But as you know, I’m happily engaged. Thus, your wife is all yours.”

He wanted to squirt in my mouth, but I could not tolerate that

While Josef was saying that, he pushed his cock in me again as far as it would go. What a pig, I thought to myself. “Well, I should hope so,” my husband replied. “Of course I’m yours, my darling,” I said, not knowing where to put my excitement. “I want to cum in your mouth,” Josef whispered softly in my ear.

Sex with father in law

I began to seriously fear an escalation now, knowing about the greed of men. “Fuck me please,” I whispered back, hoping he would come eventually. It actually turned him on even more and he started fucking me. Much too loud and much too violent. The movie helped us and got louder with some action scenes. I bit my hand and stretched my butt out to him as much as I could.

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The time had finally come. Josef was about to splash my pelvis full of water when my mother-in-law Karin got up and, unbelievably, turned on the light. “There must be popcorn lying around somewhere,” she said, glancing around the room. My father-in-law was deep inside me, remained motionless and began to pump his concentrated load of cum into me. Just at the moment when mother-in-law walked through the room and my husband turned to me. “I love you, my little mouse,” he said, smiling at me.

He licked my breasts while fingering me

At the same moment, his father had to clear his throat to cover the orgasm he just had in his son’s wife. To cover up that he just sprayed me with his pulsating dirty cock. “I love you too,” I answered him, stroking my hair sheepishly. I smiled at him and felt his dad’s pumping cock in my vagina. A single boundary walk that could no longer be surpassed in terms of excitement. The situation calmed down again and the light was off. So we slowly and leisurely started to pull our pants back up. Joseph kissed me on the upper arm and caressed me. I pushed his hand away and got up to go to the bathroom.

Frivolous story: My father in law is a pig

Two hours later, as I was lying in bed with Paul, I noticed that he was moving his hand to pick off my body. My husband wanted sex. He stroked my belly, pushed up my pajama top and licked my breasts. He sucked on my nipples while sliding his hand under my pajama pants and began to penetrate me with his fingers. He slid his middle finger into my wet pussy and fingered me deeply.

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Finally, I thought to myself, finally I’m allowed to moan. A little bit at least. I rattled and beeped to myself, then Paul took his dick out of his pants. He wanted to mount me. I prevented him from doing so. Just three hours ago I let his father fuck me. I couldn’t do that and he lay down on his back. “Not today, honey,” I whispered, giving him a kiss and wandering my head down to satisfy him orally. I sucked his glans like a lolly and tickled his balls.

Sex with my husband was already over after two minutes

Then I moved my head up and down. Again and again. My husband did not take long and he gave his semen into my mouth. I swallowed and slurped, because it was quite a lot. Before I fell asleep, Paul told me that his father had unexpectedly wanted to reconcile with him and had just as unexpectedly promised us financial support. “You can always rely on my father,” he said. “Great, honey,” I whispered. I lay with my head on his chest and stroked him. If you only knew what he was allowed to do in return, I thought to myself….

Sex with father in law

The next morning, Paul immediately launched a new attack. He wanted to sleep with me and I let him get on top of me. Paul honestly isn’t the uber-lover and when I moan and play a bit, he blissfully rolls off me again after two minutes. That’s how it was today. The morning went normally and we met for lunch in the kitchen. I wanted to avoid eye contact with the father-in-law.

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“Well, what do you say Lisa? Isn’t it great that Dad helps us?” my completely clueless husband asked me with the subliminal request to thank me. Do you know that yesterday your great daddy fucked me next to you and sprayed all over me, I thought to myself angrily. “Thank you, dear daddy-in-law. That’s great of you.”, I quipped with hidden disgust. “You’re welcome. I’m happy to do it for my daughter-in-law,” the perverted asshole grinned at me.

My father-in-law sneaked up and grabbed my butt

After lunch, my stupid, clueless husband shocked me by saying that he was going away with his mother for the afternoon. Whether I could go with him, he denied with the argument, I should spend quietly also time with his father. You dumbass, I thought to myself. You stupid, stupid moron.

Sex with father in law

So now I was stuck for the entire afternoon with my fuck-greedy pig of a father-in-law who blackmailed and humiliated me. I tried to just stay out of his way, which worked well. Until, after about an hour, I went into the kitchen to squeeze myself an orange juice. I was standing there squeezing oranges when I suddenly felt a hand on my butt. Had Josef this bastard snuck up to grab me on the ass! I turned around and pushed him away before I lost my composure.

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“Now you listen to me, you disgusting, perverted pig. You are the father of my husband. My daughter’s grandpa. What kind of shit are you pulling here? If you touch me one more time, I’ve had it for good. Wasn’t yesterday enough?” My father-in-law just stood there, grinning and piercing me from top to bottom with his lustful looks. “No, my dear Lisa. Yesterday was not enough. And now you listen to me carefully. You are one of the prettiest little sluts I have ever come across in my long life. And as much as you stuck your sweet ass out at me yesterday, I’m assuming you’re going to want to solve this one without the police.” “What kind of a pig are you, Josef? You’re my father-in-law!”, I cried in exasperation.

My own husband’s father wanted to fuck me again

“God, you’re a pretty thing.” He said nothing more and pulled me to him. I could literally feel his horniness. The bastard smelled me and moaned. He sniffed me and made deep ah noises. Josef stroked my breasts and began to kiss me. I turned away and he pulled my head towards him and stuck his tongue in my mouth. He didn’t care about my dismissive Mmmhhh sound. God no, I thought to myself. I can’t let my husband’s father fuck me. Get fucked again. It’s so disgusting, it can’t all be true.

Sex with father in law

My own father-in-law groped me all over, then grabbed my hand and rubbed it over the bulge in his pants. “Come on, Josef,” I whispered as he licked my neck. “Can’t we work this out some other way? You got what you wanted yesterday, didn’t you?” I hoped for some goodness and understanding in him. “You’re so incredibly horny, Lisa.” was the only response I got before he slid his hand down my pants and tried to stick a finger up my butt. “Come on, kiddo. Let’s go over there.”

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The kinkiness of my father-in-law reached another level, because he really wanted to fuck me in the guest room. So in the room where I slept with my husband, his son. He stripped me stark naked, licked me all over my body and sniffed me again and again. His groans were disgusting. He then undressed in the same way and lay down on the bed. I had to give him a blowjob and bend over him so that he could lick my pussy and fuck me in the butt with his fingers. The only thing better than yesterday was that I was allowed to moan.

He did not sleep with me – he fucked, nailed and pounded me through

I also couldn’t help myself and gave a high and loud “Mmhh” every few seconds while moving my head up and down quickly to satisfy him orally. At some point he grabbed me by the waist and signaled that he now wanted to mount me. I had to get down on all fours and stick my butt out at him. He knelt behind me and slowly and sensitively pushed his cock into my wet pussy. Then he started to fuck me. And I mean really fuck.

Frivolous story: My father in law is a pig

He grabbed my breasts and pushed me in front of him with a force that made me bang my head against the bed wall a few times. I had to try to hold against it while he just hammered me. I had never experienced anything like that in nine years of marriage with Paul. His father got on top of me and fucked me like a bull. I moaned so unrestrainedly and devotedly as I had never done once in my life. Completely uncontrolled I gave female sex sounds from me and was ready to do anything he asked. I felt indescribably slutty and that drove me additionally crazy.

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My father-in-law called me a horny sow and fucked me hard and violently. Then he stopped. I used the breathing space, gasped and licked my lips full of horniness. He reached for something and I turned around. Totally perplexed, I looked at him as he handed me my phone. “All you have to do is speak. But don’t make it too short, yeah.” I looked at the cell phone, still a little clueless, until I realized that he had dialed Paul. While it beeped on the cell phone, the bastard got on top of me again and slowly pushed his club into my butt. Without lube, without anything. I contorted my face.

While I was on the phone he fucked me in the butt from behind

He wanted to penetrate his daughter-in-law’s asshole while she was on the phone with his son. And he did. “Hi honey. What’s up. How are you?” asked Paul. Then this perverted pig just fucked away. A cry of violence escaped me. “Aaaahhh,” I yelled into the phone. “Is everything all right, Lisa? Lisa?” Paul shouted into the phone, startled. “Yessss,” I gasped short of breath. “Everything ok. Me. Aah. I just have a bad stomach ache. Aaaahhh.” I no longer had any control over myself and what sounds I made. Too violently fucked my daughter’s grandpa in my ass.

Frivolous story: My father in law is a pig

My father-in-law Josef now slowed down the pace and continued to fuck with gentle thrusts. I held my breath, had my mouth and eyes wide open, and arched my back. He took the cell phone away from me and started talking to Paul while slowly pushing me far in front of him. “Hello Paul. I’m already with her. The best thing is to make her a special tea. It will help within minutes. Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of your wife.” Paul seemed to agree, not knowing that his wife was meanwhile being fucked in the ass by his dad in the most perverted way.

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The father-in-law now demanded that I lie on my back. He spread my legs, lay on top of me. Then he inserted his willy and started thrusting again so hard as if he wanted to punish me. I clawed left and right in the sheets and moaned while my husband’s father lay panting on top of me and rammed me like a whore. I spread my legs and let myself be used. I don’t think I have ever been fucked so extensively and violently in my life. Like an animal he penetrated me. I came already the third time, let everything just loose and him just do with me.

Full of ecstasy and adrenaline I let my father in law

At some point he bored into me with great force, pulling me down by the shoulders so that even further penetration was no longer possible. He looked me in the eye and began to roar and grunt violently, loudly and like an animal. He pumped all his sperm into me. I didn’t want to believe it, but I spread my legs as wide as I could. Full of ecstasy I looked him horny in the eyes. I wanted to be filled up and show myself subserviently grateful for this incredibly perverted violent fuck.

Reading tip for you from EroniteRead also:
Sex story: My grandpa Helmuth is a pervert
Incest story: The horny son and his mother
I fuck mom in the ass when dad is in the office
18th Birthday: How Mom Taught Me Blowjob
He fucked me while I was on the phone with my mom

He was a disgusting scumbag, no question. But no one had ever fucked me like him. At some point he let off and tongued a little with me. He felt up all my body parts again and then got up to get dressed. I lay in bed and was completely exhausted. Then the cell phone rang. Paul. “Honey, tell me what’s wrong. How are you?” “Thank you darling, your father made me some tea. It helped with the cramps, thank goodness. They were terrible.” “Yes, I could hear that. You were screaming into the phone in pain.”

Fortunately, Paul did not suspect anything at all and I told him that I wanted to sleep. That wasn’t a lie either. I was now really exhausted, freshened up and went to sleep. The next morning we said goodbye and drove home again. I could hardly sit in the car because my butt still hurt from the anal fuck with my own father-in-law. To Paul I said that I didn’t want to go with him to his parents for a longer time. He had complete understanding. “That’s too bad honey, but I understand that you can’t get along with my father.” “No, darling, it’s not right with him at all,” I sighed, licking my lips and gazing thoughtfully out the window.

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