Eva and Maria: The horny Swedish Lindberg twins and an even hornier bet

By Marco Dorada
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

The Lindberg twins have it all figured out

They are very freshly arrived in their twenties. Two hot blondes Eva and Maria from cold Sweden are the Lindberg twins. They are young, pretty as a picture and have a lot going for them. Apart from their nymphomaniac sex drive, the two are distinguished by their penchant for unusual locations and changing partners. Her penchant for unusual sex practices should also not go unmentioned at this point. But now we finally let the horny Lindberg twins have their say. From now on regularly and exclusively at Eronite.

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Hot girls from cold Sweden

Eva and Maria: The horny Swedish Lindberg twins and an even hornier bet
Eva and Maria: The horny Swedish Lindberg twins

Eva “Yoo-hoo, you guys out there. We are the Lindberg twins and originally come from beautiful Sweden, but now live in Germany. Eve and Mary are our names. Eva is the older one, with us being just four minutes apart.”

Maria: “Even though we are not identical, we have a lot in common. As you can easily see from the photos, we two already look damn similar. But it is above all our hobbies and our lifestyle that bind us inseparably together. Sex is above everything for both of us. The term nymphomaniac is quite appropriate for both of us and we are not averse to bisexual incest games either. In addition, we are into any form of eroticism off the norm. Both in terms of location and practices. All of that ultimately led us to our bet, which we’d like to tell you about here.”

Erotic dares – which of us is the hornier?

“To find an answer to that very question, we came up with a bet. The challenge is simple: both twins have it in for the same guy.” Maria reveals and continues, “Whoever gets him into bed first gets a point.”

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“So that the whole thing doesn’t degenerate into a kind of assembly line work, we’ve naturally come up with a few finer points: extra points are awarded for particularly unusual approaches, unusual locations and new sex positions.”

Sexy outlook

Eva and Maria: The horny Swedish Lindberg twins and an even hornier bet
Eva and Maria: The horny Swedish Lindberg twins

Eva adds, “To keep it fair, these extra points are awarded by the sister who didn’t get a turn. Without wanting to give too much away here: The course of our bet dragged on for almost a whole year and regularly provided exciting and horny experiences. Since we are both more or less strongly submissive, S&M games could not come too short, of course. Our erotic adventures took us, among other things, to the observation deck of a skyscraper, on a boat tour and, of course, in various hotel rooms. Our specially created love meadow called “Blue Lagoon” of course requires a special mention. A slut test on the open street is followed by education by several doms at once. Until it finally came to the awesome showdown followed by the award ceremony.”

“Of course, we’ll be happy to share all these awesome experiences with you – all exclusively at Eronite. The idea that our readership enjoys and is sexually stimulated by these texts is virtually an extra bonus. This way, just like you, we can relive the awesome action in our mind’s eye. Just the thought of what our readers do when they consume the texts already makes us plan a sequel,” Maria grins up to her ears.

KLEINER STECKBRIEFEva (schwarzer BH)Maria (blauer BH)
GeburtstortGöteborg (Schweden)Göteborg (Schweden)
Geburtsdatum19. Juni 200319. Juni 2003
Körpergröße172 cm172 cm
BH-Größe75 E75 E
Gewicht58 kg57 kg
IntimrasiertHollywood CutCharlie Chaplin
LieblingsessenLinsensuppe, BananenObstsalat, Sushi
Lieblingsfarbe(n)rot, schwarzdunkelblau
MännertypBrad PittJames Dean
Schlucken oder spucken?SchluckenSchlucken
NeigungStark devotLeicht devot
Geheimer Sex-WunschSex in der ÖffentlichkeitSwingerclub mit Eva besuchen
HobbysSex, Reisen, Autos, MotorräderKochen, Cocktailbars, Tanzen
Versautes LuderPick-Me-Girl

Why are Swedish women considered particularly sexy?

The image of Swedish women (and also men) as particularly attractive is a stereotype that has been influenced by various factors and varies in different cultures and contexts. Some reasons why this stereotype exists are:

  • Media and pop culture: In the 1960s and 1970s, Swedish films and actresses became internationally known, especially those that dealt with themes of sexual freedom and liberation. This has promoted the image of Sweden as a country with attractive and sexually liberal people.
  • Historical Contexts: In the past, Nordic peoples were often portrayed as “noble savages” or “Vikings” who were considered superior in both physical and moral terms. These ideas may have influenced the modern stereotype.
  • Health and fitness: Sweden places great emphasis on physical activity and healthy eating. This can help many Swedes look fit and healthy, which is often associated with attractiveness.
  • Fashion and design: Sweden is known for its minimalist and fashionable approach to design, not only in products but also in clothing. This can help people (like the pretty Lindberg twins) be perceived as stylish and attractive.
  • Natural Characteristics: The stereotypical image of a Swedish person with blond hair and blue eyes is often considered attractive, although of course not all Swedes have these characteristics.

Of course, the image of Swedish women (and men) as particularly attractive (like the Lindberg twins) may also be influenced by other aspects:

  • Social values and equality: Sweden is often seen as a country that places a lot of emphasis on equality. This can lead to women being encouraged to develop self-confidence and independence, which in turn can be perceived as attractive.
  • Education: Sweden has a high level of education. Education can contribute to increased social skills, better communication, and overall well-being, which can influence perceptions of attractiveness.
  • Welfare state: The Swedish welfare state model ensures that most people have access to health care, education and other social services. A good social safety net can reduce stress levels and increase people’s overall well-being, which can have a positive impact on appearance (as in the case of the attractive Lindberg twins).
  • Tourism and marketing: In the past, Sweden has conducted targeted tourism campaigns that portray the country and its people in a positive light. These images can contribute to the formation of stereotypes.
  • International success: Swedish personalities, whether in music, sports, film or fashion, who are internationally successful can help shape the image of Sweden and its people.

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