Badass BDSM Story: Selma’s Special Day

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 18 minutes
Badass BDSM Story: Selma's Special Day
Badass BDSM Story: Selma's Special Day

Selma’s special day

We had been married for a few years, but we had long since stopped being a well-coordinated team. My wife Selma – a ravishing-looking woman in her mid-thirties – still wanted to play first fiddle and trampled on my nose at every opportunity. This even went so far that she exposed me in the presence of friends and often exposed to ridicule, which is why they asked me afterwards, since when I was so “under the whip”!

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Of course, a certain anger slowly germinated in me and the thought of how to change this. One day I had to leave once again for a professional meeting and was therefore not at home for several days. Afterwards, I was told of lavish parties she had celebrated with her like-minded female friends, who, of course, never missed an opportunity to make fun of her simple-minded husbands.

In any case, the problem of rebellious wives seems to be widespread.

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The day came when I came to the realization that something decisive had to happen; otherwise, the only thing left to me would be divorce. But I wanted to avoid that, because I still kind of liked my wife. I wanted back the kind, loving and companionable being I had once married, not the bitter evil dragon she now embodied.

I confronted her without further ado

In conversation, she let it slip that I was ultimately to blame for our misery. I am constantly tired and otherwise occupied. And in bed there was hardly anything worth mentioning, just always the same pattern.

If I wanted to be treated like a man, I had to act like one, she said. I had to assert myself, sometimes bang on the table or put her over my knee; the latter she said with a smug smile on her pretty face.

Thereupon I asked her whether she wanted to be educated in all seriousness and whether punishments played an essential role here.

Badass sex story: Selma's special day

“Sure. Why not?” was her short and concise answer.

“O.K. Then be prepared that I will no longer put up with your behavior and I will think of a punishment for you.”

And again she made fun of me, “What’s it going to be? A week of house arrest or two weeks of being banned from TV?”

With this new insult to my person, the conversation was over for the time being and they left the room in different directions.

In the evening I met my old buddy Ewald in my favorite pub – I couldn’t stand it at home.

We had known each other for many years, and he was one of those who always had the right solution for any problem.

So I described my situation to him. He made a thoughtful face and silently finished another pilsner while pondering what had been said.

Suddenly he turned to me and said, “I have the solution! Your wife wants to be punished. She wants to be brought to her knees. Then she will see in you again the head of the family that you want to be.”

“And what is said punishment supposed to look like? Should I put her over my knee or what?”

“Something like that. Except you won’t be the one raising your hand to strike.”


I had to have them punished, I knew that

“Guessed right. You have to have them punished, because you would be too hesitant; that would ruin everything again. You have to hire people who know how to do that. They have to really beat her up, of course without her suffering any real injuries. But a few bruises and some welts on her ass will remain visible for some time afterwards.”

“And how am I going to do that?”

“That’s a good thing you asked me, because I happen to know a few people who have such things as Taming of the Shrew and also Gang Bangs in their program.”

“And then how would the whole thing work?”

“It all depends on how hard you want it. The best thing will be to meet with the boss of this troupe. Then you can discuss everything else with him.”

No sooner said than done. A week later, Ewald and I met with Schorsch, as everyone called him. We sat down again in a corner of my regular pub, and Schorsch described to me what they had to offer:

This ranged from mere scaremongering to perfectly staged kidnapping and placement in a basement that resembled a dungeon more than anything else. The dungeon was now equipped more like a modern torture cellar, i.e. a BDSM studio. I agreed with Schorsch and Ewald that we would take a close look and then put together a program for my cheeky and rebellious Selma.

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A day later, we approached an old industrial area where various buildings were arranged in a rather confusing manner.

At some point we stopped in front of a former office building in which most of the window panes were broken.

“Don’t be fooled!” said Schorsch. “Our basement rooms are top of the line and perfectly insulated against all types of sound; both from the outside and the inside.”

An old material elevator then took us downstairs.

Once downstairs, we found ourselves in an absolutely stylish castle dungeon, but with all modern technical comforts. One felt transported to Hollywood.

There were stretching benches, St. Andrew’s crosses, beating trestles and hooks and eyes everywhere in the ceiling and walls, probably for hanging or tying up people. Never in my life had I seen such an assortment of whips, claps, paddles and dildos as I did here.

I was thrilled with this awesome idea

Then Schorsch asked me if I wanted to be there when my old lady got down to business.

Sure I wanted to. I also wanted my dear Selma to know that I would be there and that I was the initiator of the whole punishment action.

Schorsch now came to the details: “You need to know one thing: With women, it’s always about their ass. Everything is achieved through their ass. If you want to have it right and sustainable, you have to spank their asses hard until it turns green and blue. Then you have to spread the buttocks and fuck them in the still very painful ass. 100% success I predict you, if at least 10-15 well to very well equipped guys are involved. Our actors are consistently muscular and mercilessly permanently horny with hard boners. Most of them are black; one of them has a 36 cm tube. Imagine that, how he rages with this pipe in a white, cute, small, tight female asshole! But also the tits are not neglect. It’s best to drip the hard nipples with candle wax to make them compliant!”

Hardcore sex story: Selma's special day

Yes, I could vividly imagine that. So I ordered the complete program:

Included in it the kidnapping with anesthesia by chloroform, gagging, black cap over the head, undressing and simultaneous mummification with rolls of crepe paper so that she can no longer move.

Then procedure at the discretion of the head of the house.

Subsequent hours of ass abuse by Schorsch’s supermen with simultaneous overstimulation of Selma’s pussy, which will inevitably lead to recurring orgasms, so that dear Selma is likely to lose control over her body.

The payment for the action was as follows: Either € 20,000 on the table of the house or free of charge with simultaneous assignment of all film rights. I chose the latter because I felt it would be an additional humiliation for Selma that she will then have to live with the fact that everywhere in the world you will be able to see her most sensitive parts in close-ups during her most difficult hour. And for all time!

I was still asked if Selma was on the pill, but I didn’t know. It will now be overfilled with sperm. Should she get pregnant, at least we would finally have a child.

The day had come when I left the apartment after my morning coffee, as I do every morning. Selma spent this time mostly on phone calls with her friends.

I got into a neutral van near our house so I could see everything up close. Selma would only find out much later that I was also present, so that her fear would remain until the end.

What was going on inside the van?

The van now stopped in front of our house, and a parcel carrier in uniform got out with a large box on his hand truck, and so he approached the house entrance.

After ringing the bell, he was opened and invited in.

About 10 minutes later, this parcel carrier left our house again, also again with the big box on his hand truck. Only this one seemed much heavier by now.

The cardboard box was stowed away and the journey started in the direction of the old industrial area.

The following now played out in the van:

Selma had been anesthetized by chloroform. Now they took off her clothes and began to wrap her as tightly as possible with masking tape. Her mouth was now adorned with a red gag ball and a black hood was pulled over her head. When everything was finished, she could not move or scream. In the meantime, she had awakened, but could only make a few guttural sounds.

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Wrapped up like a pupated caterpillar, she was now transported by muscle-bound men to the elevator and down into the BDSM dungeon.

Once downstairs, she was laid forward over a construct that resembled a small roof. Everyone could now guess that at the top of the “pupated caterpillar” must be Selma’s butt. So that nothing could slip, it was fastened at her neck to the “roof” with a leather strap and on the other side her feet to the ankles. So now she lay prone forward, waiting for the things that were to come.

Schorsch now approached this caterpillar with a pair of scissors in order to cut open the crepe at the place where Selma’s butt could be assumed.

And lo and behold, two shapely and bright white hemispheres appeared.

Bare and naked her impressive ass now lay before all eyes and the camera, which always ran along.

A moan and gurgle could still be heard from under her black hood, but it didn’t seem to impress anyone.

Now, however, appeared the 15 musclemen who would take care of my wife for the next few days.

Her butt turned red – no trace of white anymore

They had drawn lots for who could start spanking. A blond hunk now began to knead and caress the bare ass of my wife before he suddenly and with full force lashed out and began blow after blow to blanch the hitherto still immaculately white buttocks of my wife. The clapping echoed throughout the basement. With each stroke, the shade of red became more intense, and one could feel an ever-increasing heat spreading on the ass of the thus chastised. Each spanker now had 10-15 minutes to devote with full devotion to the ass cheeks of my wife.

Badass sex story: Selma's special day

I must admit that I enjoyed every beat and every clap. She had really earned it through all her insolence towards me. I further noted that the process of foreign spanking of the two well-shaped and round fleshy seats of my entrusted in me quite a certain sexual excitement. Apparently, nothing else creates such a strong sexual appetite in me as the two so wonderfully shaped and trimmed girl hams.

Nothing remained of the original immaculate whiteness of her ass.

The white had now given way to a bright bright red, which slowly turned into a dark blue to violet.

The crepe was now completely removed, only the black hood and the gag remained.

They laid her back on the wooden floor, fastened her outstretched arms with metal pipe clamps. Then her legs were lifted and pulled back so that her knees and shins came to rest on the wooden floor next to her head. These were also attached to this floor with pipe clamps.

Her maltreated ass and holes were now sticking up, ready to receive anything that might come.

The first of the musclemen now proceeded to grab her butt cheeks and tear them apart so that he could thrust his cane butt directly into her still oh so tight butt hole.

You could hear her screaming and whimpering under her hood.

Two apprentices let out on their rear end

With what force this hound dug his big hands into the butt flesh of the delinquent you could see how this red-blue-green-purple butt flesh between his fingers when pulling out, while his hard cock mercilessly stretched the ass rosette of my wife and made his way into the innermost part of her intestine.

In the meantime, a frame had been mounted behind the whole scenery, to which the actors could hold on to, so that their impacts did not lack a certain momentum.

And whenever one of the Beschäler crowned his work by an outpouring in the ass of my wife, came as an interlude two slender younglings – probably apprentices! – approach to bring from the left and right one of the buttocks each with a leather swatter about 10 times back to operating temperature. I love this sound of leather placed with full force on the bare skin of the tormented woman’s ass, which acknowledged each hit with a buffing extremely stimulating for the audience! The flesh of the big ass muscle is probably made to withstand such shocks well.

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After that came the next muscleman, this time probably the black one with guards measurements.

Without wasting the slightest time, he pressed his mating organ with a force never seen before against my wife’s already badly affected asshole, stretched it open and sank into her at full length while simultaneously underscoring the process with Selma’s screams, still suppressed by the ball gag. What followed was indescribable:

On the big screen on the wall, you could follow how the steel-hard 36 cm of this black man whizzed up and down in my wife’s anus, mercilessly and without a pause. In the close-up you could see how the hard and veiny cock of the fucker rubbed Selma’s ass rosette and her ass was really scrubbed and brushed extraordinarily deep and brutally. These are the situations in which such an asshole no longer knows whether it is the entrance or the exit.

Schorsch had meanwhile made himself comfortable next to the scenery and vibrated the whole time the beautifully clean-shaven and now noticeably increasingly dripping with juice cunt of my wife. The never-ceasing pain of her buttocks, which was indeed vigorously refreshed again and again with the leather slaps, and the agony of the subsequent thrusts into her ass and intestinal tract had probably contributed their part to the horniness of my wife, who at the moment was wavering back and forth between cries of agony and lust, giving the impression that she was increasingly threatening to lose control over her bodily functions.

It had been agreed with all the men that they had to thrust into Selma’s ass until they had cum in it. After that, everyone was once again allowed to fuck her cunt at will. And these gentlemen loved their work.

I saw my wife on the monitor getting fucked

While sitting in the lounge and comfortably sipping my espresso, I could listen to the beats of the younglings, the moans of the fuckers, the whirring of Schorsch’s vibrator and the screams of my wife suppressed by the red ball gag.

On the screen I could follow how the tails partially pressed out the sperm of their predecessors or even massaged it in deeper when they thrust into my wife’s ass. In the meantime, the two youngsters had been instructed to also work the back of my wife’s thighs with the leather paddles in order to make her sitting afterwards as uncomfortable as possible. This they did now with enthusiasm and without interruption, while my wife continued to be fucked violently in her two available holes.

Badass sex story: Selma's special day

When all the fuckers had finally finished their day’s work inside my wife, Selma’s ankles were attached to long ropes, as were her hands on the floor to short ropes. Now they pulled her up, upside down, with her legs spread to the ceiling until she was properly clamped. Two of the musclemen worked the battered body of my wife now still with whips, so that belly and breasts should also get their part off. The two youngsters positioned themselves in front of and behind Selma, then took turns hitting her pussy with their wide leather whips between Selma’s thighs.

This was now so dripping wet that it splashed again and again when the guys hit the tender and sensitive cunt flesh.

On the rest of her body and breasts, slowly but surely, delicate red lines appeared, where you could trace the path of the whips.

I was told that that was all for today, that they would only prepare the delinquent for the night and that tomorrow, Saturday, it would continue unabated. The program runs until Sunday evening.

Overnight she will get a dildo in her ass and one in her cunt, on which current impulses will be conducted again and again, so that she cannot fall asleep.

Clamps with electricity also came to her nipples.

On the whole, she would be strapped immovably to a leather-covered trestle until the next day.

I now met with Ewald for a beer in our regular pub and awaited the things that would come to my wife tomorrow.

End of the 1st day.

2nd day of Selma’s special days

When I arrived, they had already prepared it for the second day:

They had attached a leather-covered half-shell to a wooden wall, on which they had placed my wife on her back – with her head to the wall.

Her legs had been bent backwards towards her head and her lower legs attached to the wooden wall. Her two arms were now placed over her thighs, which were now parallel to her upper body, to the outside and locked underneath the reclining shell so that she could not move a millimeter. Her butt now stuck up slightly and her butt cheeks gaped wide apart so that both holes were freely accessible.

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Now I came into play: I sat down directly behind the thus presented ass of my wife and took over the grateful task of vibrating her exposed pussy with the vibrator, while the two younglings to the left and right of me rhythmically and absolutely evenly slapped the respective buttocks of my wife with their flat hands.

This increased the sexual excitement of Selma so worked that she soon had to cum.

This new moisture gained in a stimulating way, the muscle men knew how to use one after the other by fucking them – while I continued to vibrate my wife’s pussy now from the side – again in her now already well-trained ass.

All protagonists squirted my wife cum in the butt

Badass sex story: Selma's special dayAt some point I handed the vibrator back to Schorsch, because I wanted to devote myself entirely to the ass massage of my wife by grabbing – standing sideways – her two buttocks and pulling them apart with power, so that the gentlemen with the hard meat chisels could thrust even deeper and more undisturbed.

I enjoyed watching my wife’s rosette muscle being stretched each time, then sliding and rubbing along one of the hard shafts. With each thrust it was pulled inward, when the cock was pulled out again, her heavily maltreated anus bulged outward.

It would certainly have been very interesting and revealing to be able to understand my wife’s loud comments, had her mouth not still been closed by a ball gag and her head covered by a black hood.

For almost two hours I held my wife’s ass gaping open until the last of the actors had squirted his semen into her intestinal tract. Schorsch had also persevered and vibrated all the time her pussy.

Selma must have suffered through an almost infinite number of orgasms.

She was now taken away to recover for tomorrow, and we all treated ourselves to a cold beer.

End of the 2nd day.

Second day of torture and humiliation of my wife

On the last day of her education to become a submissive wife, she hung – folded up like a Swiss Army knife and well tied – butt down from the ceiling; her two legs pointed outward.

Always two muscle men took her so in their midst and fucked her simultaneously from the front in her pussy and from behind in her ass.

Meanwhile, Selma was no longer screaming and scolding; she was now only moaning with lust and sexual greed.

After about two to three hours, the therapy was over and she was brought home to me – dressed again in the meantime. Sleeping.

Schorsch let me know that the filming had been excellent and that I would have to come by occasionally to watch the best parts of it over a cold beer.

This is how it happened.

In the meantime, we are a happy couple again, and to keep it that way, I now use one of the techniques I learned every now and then, because Selma let me know that this is exactly what she needed. Sometimes we invite guests to join us.

Many thanks to reader troll58 for submitting this stimulating erotic story!

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