Babewatch: Swedish big cats and the rescue fuckers from Hamburg

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
Babewatch: Schwedische Raubkatzen und die Rettungsficker von Hamburg

Sex story: The hanseatic rescue fuckers

The Swedish big cats Eva and Maria start the second half of their horny bet. Inspired by a few old Baywatch episodes, they decide to seduce the lifeguards at a Hamburg swimming pool. In the best manner of a Swedish big cat, the horny siblings seduce the well-trained boys and turn them into real rescue fuckers.

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Thoughts of a Swedish big cat

Goddagens Eronite, this is Maria speaking. After the hot interlude with my sister, we both take a more relaxed approach to the second half of our bet. Completely relaxed, we sat down in front of the TV and watched a few old Baywatch episodes. We had the idea of incorporating the rescue operations into our bet almost simultaneously.

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After all, we both like well-built guys and a well-trained lifeguard is a delicious sight. Even if we don’t necessarily look like Pamela Anderson and Erika Eleniak, we are also eye-catchers in our skimpy bikinis. There’s bound to be a man or two who wants to save us or fuck us. Or both.

So we looked for a large swimming pool with the right amount of staff. The second half of our bet could begin.

Get nice and moist first

Babewatch: Swedish big cats and the rescue fuckers from Hamburg
Babewatch: Swedish big cats and the rescue fuckers from Hamburg

The bikini is tight on the skin and shows more than it conceals, especially at the top. So I enter the outdoor pool together with my sister. Of course, we both immediately attract the first glances. A glance at the high seat next to the pool tells me that the lifeguards have already noticed us too. They are three boys in their prime with athletic bodies. Delicious. One of them even has a telescope and begins to peer openly. Is there easy prey for the Swedish big cats today? It almost looks like it. But you should never be too sure.

Holding hands, the two of us walk to the showers. I have to overcome myself a little, but I still set the shower as cold as possible. The effect is not long in coming. My nipples immediately stand stiffly forward and goose bumps form all over my body. I am still being watched through the telescope. So I take the shower head out of the holder and let it glide lasciviously down my body. Aiming the jet of water directly at my pussy, I let out the purr of a real Swedish cat of prey. Cold can also make you horny.

Swedish big cats hunt on land and in the water

While Eva organizes a free spot for us on the sunbathing lawn, I stroll past the tower where the well-built guys are. I smile shyly upwards and ask if they will really rescue me if I need help. They all nod diligently. I take the opportunity to adjust the fit of the bikini top. I grab my breasts and knead them twice. For a moment, my viewers forget to pay attention to what’s happening in the water.
I was supposed to go to the sunbathing area, but that would lead my fans to my sister. That could cost me points. So I go into the pool instead. I pretend that I can only go in very slowly because of the temperature. That way, my observers can enjoy my showpiece bikini figure for longer.

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After all, I’m deep enough in the water to have to swim. My feet lose contact with the ground. This is my moment. I dive down briefly, shoot back up to the surface and wave one arm. I dive down again and repeat the procedure. When I turn up for the third time, I see that one of the luscious boys is on his way to me. He is with me quickly and puts his arm around my neck for support. I snuggle up to him, looking for help. My hand slides under his belly button as if by chance and tickles him there.

Babewatch: Swedish big cats and the rescue fuckers from Hamburg
Babewatch: Swedish big cats and the rescue fuckers from Hamburg

I ask him if he would like to do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to be on the safe side. I can see in his eyes that this is exactly what he wants. But he refuses because he is on duty and not allowed to make out with the bathers in front of everyone.

I let my hand slide deeper. His tail speaks a completely different language. It sticks up and is just crying out to be fucked. I certainly wouldn’t go down with a beating like that inside me. And I also have to say thank you for rescuing me. That’s exactly what I suggest to the well-trained guy.

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He grabs me and carries me effortlessly out of the water. He then takes me up to his tower. There I am placed on the floor so that I can no longer be seen from the outside. He would normally have three wishes for saving my life, I explain. But today, for a change, we’re making it so that each of the three has exactly one wish. As I say this, I bat my eyelashes a little and see how the lust in her eyes skyrockets to infinity.

The rescue fuckers are deployed

Babewatch: Swedish big cats and the rescue fuckers from Hamburg
Babewatch: Swedish big cats and the rescue fuckers from Hamburg

Looking at the three muscular guys who are now looking at me with greedy eyes, I’m already getting wet. My legs part by themselves. I quickly tear the top off my body and take off my panties.

The three of them start talking about the order in which they want to fuck me, but I shake my head vigorously. As befits a true Swedish big cat, I explain to them that I want to have sex with them at the same time. At first they look incredulous, but then their swimming trunks are off faster than I can see. Which cock should I suck first?

I choose the one who carried me up. I crawl to him on all fours and start sucking greedily. Since I can’t speak right now, I wiggle my butt. The second rescue fucker understands me without words and kneels behind me. I can already feel his cock inside me. I can only spoil the third one by hand at the moment. But he still has fun.

It’s time for a change of position. The sideways position is not too comfortable for me, but now both holes can be plugged at the same time. Of course, this does not release me from my oral services. While I continue to blow for my life, I get fucked from both directions. The two cocks thrust so synchronously that my body has no chance of falling in any direction. You wonder if the three guys have done this before. But even if they did, they’ve certainly never had a Swedish big cat as horny as me.

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The eyes of the guy above me twist. A sign that he will arrive at any moment. I quickly take his cock out of my mouth. Just in time to get his entire load of cum on his face. The sight of my fully creamed fuck face is enough for the other two to cum too. As if in tune with each other, the two make a final push. My pelvis is first pushed forwards and then backwards. Then they both withdraw their freshly satisfied cocks and turn onto their backs. The rescue fuckers are all just as exhausted as I am. But also just as happy. That was a fuck after my own heart.

The Swedish big cat is also exhausted and satisfied. Now she wants to be stroked a little more. The three boys are happy to accept the invitation. One of them even gives me a very skillful back massage afterwards. Then it’s my ass cheeks ‘ turn to be kneaded thoroughly. I love it when strong, masculine hands really get to work on me. I should remember this guy. There is no question that the Swedish big cat is forever etched in the brains of the three rescue fuckers.

Scoring for Eva and Maria

My sister must have been in a spending mood, because she gave me a whopping five points for the gangbang with the rescue fuckers. Another one for the tower as a location. The campaign was therefore more than worthwhile.

However, Eva was not idle either. The sunbathing lawn was well frequented. There were a lot of single gentlemen there, two of whom the Swedish big cat ate in succession. One of them was still a virgin at the time, for which I also credited my sister with a bonus point.

I am now in the lead with a whopping 14:12. But the Swedish big cats’ bet is still on for a while yet.

Reading tip for you from EroniteAlso read:
Part 5: Erotic interlude with the Swedish big cats
Lindberg twins part 4: Five-star fuck in a luxury hotel
Lindberg twins part 3 – The coma fuck on the high seas
The Lindberg twins – highlights at a climax
The Swedish big cats – Fast, sexy and furious
Eva and Maria: The horny Swedish Lindberg twins and an even hornier bet

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