Cooking with ejaculate: The sperm cookbook

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Cooking with the special ingredient: focus on the sperm cookbook

Cookbooks have enjoyed great popularity for many years. But that’s not all, a book has now been published that introduces a whole new ingredient to the kitchen. Cooking with sperm is a trend that has probably passed many people by. Sperm is actually a good ingredient if you rely solely on biological facts. What initially sounds like a joke with the title “Sperm Cookbook” becomes a real kitchen helper on closer inspection.

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Cooking with sperm – why actually?

Cooking with ejaculate: The sperm cookbook
Cooking with ejaculate: The sperm cookbook

Oral sex is one of the most popular activities in bed, both actively and passively. Men love to be pampered orally and many women and men also love to actively engage in oral stimulation. It is not uncommon to come into contact with semen. Many men and women appreciate the special taste of semen.

So why not transport this taste into the kitchen and use semen as an ingredient in various foods? Hardly any ingredient in the kitchen can be used in a more natural and fresh way. And as long as all eaters have been informed about the ingredients, there are no problems. If you want to cook on a very personal basis, you will definitely find a lot of recipes in this book that incorporate sperm as an ingredient into the various dishes in the best possible way.

What does sperm actually taste like?

Semen tastes salty and slightly bitter to tart. Due to its healthy ingredients, semen is not only a good addition to many dishes, but can also have an excellent influence on their taste. The sperm cookbook attempts to work with precisely this flavor composition in a wide variety of dishes and to incorporate this ingredient without dominating the dishes. However, the cookbook also makes some restrictions here. This is because the amount of ejaculate that a man produces during a climax is usually not sufficient for the specified dishes.

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So you have to collect your own ejaculate and keep it fresh in order to use it in the sperm cookbook. One suggestion is to either store the sperm in the refrigerator or freeze it. This alone requires good management in this area and clear communication with everyone who uses the fridge or freezer. Nobody wants to put an ice cube in their drink if it’s not made of water.

A large number of different dishes for every taste

Cooking with ejaculate: The sperm cookbook
Cooking with ejaculate: The sperm cookbook

On around 75 pages, the makers of the sperm cookbook present a whole range of different recipes that can be enhanced or improved with sperm. The recipes are divided into the different meals of the day, desserts and a whole range of special dishes that cannot be assigned to a specific category. Basically, it has to be said that although it is called Cooking with sperm, all the dishes in the book can also be used without this ingredient without any problems. The dishes are easy to follow, simple to prepare and extremely tasty.

Whether you take the sperm cookbook seriously and use this particular ingredient or not usually makes little difference to the taste. In every recipe, however, the sperm is well and above all sensibly integrated. If you want and like the taste, you can enhance and change the different dishes even more. However, it must also be said that in many dishes the ejaculate does not have a particularly large influence on the result. Because with chicken in mustard sauce or tuna wraps, the actual ingredients are far too dominant for the subtle taste of the ejaculate to play a role.

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A book as a funny gift with a little twinkle in the eye

If you have friends who are kinky and have a sense of humor, the sperm cookbook is a nice and funny gift for all genders. It doesn’t matter whether the recipient tries cooking with sperm or simply uses the cookbook without the special ingredient. The book with its catchy title is sure to provide a laugh or two and raise the spirits. A book like this can also provide amusing entertainment on the bookshelf in the kitchen.

However, if you go for it and take the sperm cookbook literally, you can discover some new recipes and flavors that you have never experienced in the kitchen before. Especially in the more minimalist dishes in the cookbook, the ejaculate can actually influence the taste of the end product and thus add a special touch. If you are curious and keen to experiment, you should definitely pick up this book and try out some of the recipes that the sperm cookbook has to offer. We would like to wish you bon appétit.

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