When building the heater in the basement I should lick the MILF

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
When building the heater in the basement I should lick the MILF
When building the heater in the basement I should lick the MILF

A rather surprising order

Working at Heizungsbau Merkl is fun. The boss and my colleagues are nice. Sometimes the emergency service bothers me a bit because then I’m on call around the clock. This is sometimes annoying, because most customers are very nervous when the heater breaks down on weekends in the winter. But sometimes the work is even a pure pleasure, like last weekend when I had to lick a MILF during an assignment.

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It was around seven o’clock when my cell phone vibrated. A woman with a smoky voice was on the line. Then I did not know yet that I would still lick a milf today.
“I need emergency service right away to take care of my heating!”
“You’ve come to the right place. What can I do for you?”, I answered in my calm and friendly salesman voice. She told me that the heater was not working and also some liquid had leaked out. After she gave me her phone number, I went on my way.

How I should lick a MILF

The house was a bit out of the way in a side street. If I hadn’t had my phone with Google Maps, I probably would have wandered the streets for hours. So it took me only fifteen minutes. As soon as I rang the bell, the door opened. A woman, perhaps 35 years old, greeted me. She wore a bathrobe that clung tightly to her body. I could not help thinking that she had nothing on underneath, because the shapes of her breasts and nipples stood out clearly under the thin fabric.

When building the heater in the basement I should lick the MILF

She let me into the apartment, walking backwards and holding the bathrobe closed with one hand. Suddenly an arm slid down and the bathrobe opened. For a second or two I saw her exposed breasts and the triangle of her pubic hair. Images popped up in my head of what it would be like to lick this milf and have some fun with her.

“Oops,” was all she said, “a little oversight.” She pulled the bathrobe closed. I noticed it was getting tight in my pants and lifted the toolbox a little higher so she wouldn’t notice. I like older women and to lick a milf makes me especially much fun.

“My name is Karin, by the way,” she said. I told her my name.
“What can I do for you?”

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“Well, my heater isn’t working right,” Karin fluted. “Besides, it’s a little damp downstairs,” she said, gesturing downward with her right hand while holding her robe closed with her left, her breasts thrusting outward.
The floor of the boiler room was actually damp. The humidity was very low and the defect in the heater was fixed within a few minutes.

What happened in the boiler room

I was about to leave when the milf grabbed me by the hand, pulled me to her and spoke:

“You don’t want to go yet!” She pulled me to her, her robe slid apart and I could admire her a little longer in all her naked beauty before our lips met. There was finally no more room in my pants, so I opened the zipper with one hand.

Karin slid down. I willingly let her pull me onto the floor. It was tiled and pleasantly warm.

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I pulled my pants down with the sole purpose of penetrating them. But she raised her right index finger and moved it back and forth.

“No, pretty boy, now you just get to lick a milf!” I buried my face in her womanhood and searched her pleasure center with my tongue. Soon I noticed how her body began to writhe with pleasure and joy.

I know about oral sex, even if I don’t have the opportunity to lick a milf every day. I don’t know how long I was busy licking the M.I.L.F.. I forgot the time, the place, and even my name I would not have been able to remember if someone had asked me at that moment.

Suddenly she came. She writhed in ecstasy and screamed out her lust.

Sex to a certain point

Licking the milf was nice, but it was not enough for me. After Karin had her orgasm, I looked for the clasp of my bag with my right hand. I opened it and took out a condom.

I admit it openly and honestly, in my work at Heizungsbau Merkl it sometimes happens that a housewife wants sex and I am also no stranger to licking a milf. That’s why I always have a few condoms hidden in a side pocket of my bag.

“What are you doing?”, Karin asked me.

“I’ll put on a condom, just in case!”

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“You don’t have to, we’re not going to make love tonight.”

There I stood. Me and my not so little friend wanted hot sex and she just refused. After licking milf I was sharp as a razor blade and was not allowed to continue.

She saw the look on my face.

“Don’t be sad, but it’s part of the deal with my husband. I have the right to have fun with you, but penetration is not allowed. But you can get it yourself in the car if you want.

What I did at home

Licking Milf was hot and exciting on the one hand, but sobering on the other. On the way home I passed a brothel and almost stopped. Suddenly I remembered that I also have a MILF at home. Why not sleep with my wife? She was in the kitchen preparing dinner. My wife knows me well and interpreted my facial expression correctly. We began to kiss each other. I already had the foreplay in the boiler room, so I got right down to business. I took off my wife’s jeans and panties and took them on the kitchen table.

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