The living book buffet with female pornstars

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
The living book buffet with female pornstars
The living book buffet with female pornstars

German female pornstars

An idea of the rather special kind is the living book buffet, where female porn stars can present themselves as living book characters, so to speak. With this extraordinary presentation fans and porn actors get closer. Favorite stars and exciting newcomers can be experienced up close. What is possible with this event?

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What are living book buffets?

Book buffets are known from the author and writer industry. The event is also appealing to the porn industry: guests can view female and male porn performers arranged as a buffet in various outfits and roles. In stylishly arranged poses, in the teasing game with each other and in interaction with the fans, female porn stars are an absolute highlight of seductive charisma.

Last but not least, this is a great opportunity for female porn stars to sell their work first hand.

What are the requirements for female porn stars?

The living book buffet with (female) german pornstarsFemale porn stars need a strong mental state to deal with both intimate situations and criticism and stress in a professional manner. Because: In front of the camera, you have to deliver on the dot. Of course, newcomers are given enough time to find their way in the business. However, a certain degree of self-confidence and “camera horniness” is a basic requirement for male porn actors.

A supportive private environment is important – after the job, a good balance of leisure time is required. The healthy lifestyle is crucial for success. Sports, a good physical condition, a healthy diet and excellent stress management are prerequisites for climbing the career ladder. Of course, a well-groomed appearance and very good personal hygiene are also required.

Both female colleagues and the on-site crew do their best to ensure that productions or events run smoothly. It must therefore be assumed that male actors can act with textual confidence in speaking roles. Acting talent and creativity are useful to be able to contribute on the set in the most profitable way.

Last but not least, it is the professional interaction with the crew and with customers that leads to success. Punctuality, reliability and professionalism are appreciated and rewarded.

What do male porn stars have to do?

Male porn performers must be willing to work hard – in the direct and figurative sense. The well-groomed and professional look is just as important as the strong sexual presence in front of the camera. The shyness of acting in front of the camera with unknown people is out of place for male porn actors.

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Not a must, but absolutely an advantage for the versatile direction of the career, is the work with toys. Those who are attracted to a particular fetish or inclination may be able to inspire a niche audience with their works. It is a prerequisite that the handling of the toys and aids is mastered safely. The safety and physical integrity of all performing persons must be considered a priority at all times.

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Are female and male porn actors common in living book buffets?
Artists, strippers, porn stars – living book buffets are (still) the exception in the event landscape of the scene. Nevertheless, a trend is emerging. The industry is discovering new and creative ways to connect with its fans. And what would be better for this than a stylish arrangement of beautiful bodies and great personalities. The fun of presenting yourself and interacting with fans is equally attractive to female and male porn performers.

Casting registration

In addition, living book buffets offer stars and starlets the opportunity to network with each other. After all, who knows if we won’t meet again in one way or another in the next production!

Male pornstars at is known for constantly looking for performers and actresses. Various productions with which cooperates, appreciate the professionalism of the agency. Even among the stars of the scene and newcomers is known for supporting careers individually. The support for newcomers is excellent, the big names in porn are often already under contract for many years.

Male porn stars are in high demand, whether for events, film productions or special jobs. Anyone who makes a name for themselves as a performer is well on the way to becoming a German porn star. Female pornstars have a strong, reliable and well-connected partner at their side with Fair working conditions and contracts are the basis for good cooperation.

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