Sextoy test: the luxury vibrator Vive Miki Pink

By Valérie Francès-Pecker
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Sextoy test: the luxury vibrator Vive Miki Pink
Sextoy test: the luxury vibrator Vive Miki Pink

Luxury vibrator under the magnifying glass

The Vive Miki is one of the most advanced and powerful vibrators available today. It is equipped with innovative functions that have it all. The luxury vibrator offers some surprises for its user and presents itself very positively in other ways as well. What makes the Vive Miki stand out and what details are worth mentioning?

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Vive Miki – Innovative vibrator for women

This luxury vibrator is one of the most powerful and new devices currently available. It is equipped with two modern F1 engines of the latest generation. It has ten functions, all of which use very modern technologies. Both motors can be set separately from each other.

This makes the Vive Miki one of the best vibrators in the industry. It is made entirely of medical grade silicone. So it feels pleasantly soft on the skin. In addition, it is waterproof, so it can also be used in the shower. At under 60 decibels, the vibrator is fortunately very quiet.

This means that the Vive Miki can always be turned on, no matter where the user is. The equipment includes a rechargeable battery. Charging is done via magnetic USB cable. After the battery is full again, the vibrator can be used for 40 minutes full of passion.

The cable is plugged in for charging. As soon as the user moves towards the climax, the special “climax button” can be operated. In this way, it ensures that the engines deliver the complete power and increase the speed. This leads to a tremendous orgasm.

The technical product data for the Vive Miki

Sextoy test: the luxury vibrator Vive Miki PinkThe dimensions of the vibrator are 17 x 7.4 centimeters. With a weight of only 168 grams, it fits well in the hand and is easy to operate. The insertable length is specified as twelve centimeters. As mentioned, the device is equipped with two powerful motors and has ten speed modes.

The multi-speed is also possible. The noise level is very quiet at 60 decibels. The device can be recharged as needed, which takes about 180 minutes. After the vibrator is fully charged, it is ready for use for 40 minutes.

Furthermore, it is splash-proof and water-resistant. The manufacturing is made of medical grade silicone and ABS. There are no phthalates present.

Unpack and use luxury vibrator

Even those who have not yet used a vibrator can safely try it. However, there are a few points to consider. In principle, every woman probably believes that no special instructions for use is not necessary. Broadly speaking, that is correct. It’s hard to make mistakes in the process. What matters is that the Vive Miki is used in a way that gives pleasure.

Important before the first use is the preparation. What do you have to pay attention to?

Taking preparations seriously – the first steps

Before using the Vive Miki for the first time, the user should prepare herself well. But those who are excited need not worry. It is better to relax and create an undisturbed atmosphere. The user should make herself comfortable and lean back, rather the luxury vibrator comes into use.

Sextoy test: the luxury vibrator Vive Miki PinkFor many women, sufficient moisture is important here so that the Vive Miki or any other vibrator can slide in better. Therefore, the use of lubricant is recommended. It is simply distributed on the Vive Miki. Alternatively, it can be applied to the vagina. It is important to find out which lubricant is suitable for the vibrator. Since there are different types, the right one must be used so as not to damage the surface. Recommended here is water-based lubricant that does not attack the silicone.

If the Vive Miki is being used for the first time, a cautious approach is advisable. Therefore, it is better to start with the lowest level. The user can increase slowly. So she can find out which level is perfectly suitable. By the way, vibrators are suitable not only for insertion, but also for placing on the clitoris. Here, each woman must individually find out for themselves what they like better.

Use the Vive Miki for external stimulation

It is not mandatory to insert a vibrator like the Vive Miki. It may also be used to stimulate the labia and clitoris. For many women, this is much more pleasant than vaginal stimulation anyway. The same applies here: Just try it out and find out what feels particularly good.

Exactly how the luxury vibrator is used depends on several factors. The most important thing is what the user likes. Especially inexperienced users should start slowly before increasing the speed. Just try it out and shift up a gear if necessary. So women quickly find the points that can be stimulated more. Not only the labia may be stimulated, but also the clitoris.

Use vibrator together with your partner – this is also possible

Luxury vibrator Vive Miki may not only be used alone. Also together with the partner it can enrich the love game. Women should first talk about it with their partner. But most men are very fond of the idea of spoiling their partner with a vibrator. Therefore, hardly any man will refuse it.

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By the way, not only women may use a vibrator for stimulation. Men have the same right. Therefore, she can also stimulate him with the Vive Miki on the sensitive points. Presumably, he will be thrilled with it.

The Vive Miki for insertion into the vagina

Ultimately, however, this vibrator is designed to be inserted into the vagina. It is perfect for this purpose. Women should refrain from doing this with smaller models, because they are not designed for this purpose. If you are looking for a vibrator to stimulate only the clitoris, you should choose a lay-on vibrator. Indeed, such models are also offered. But this vibrator is designed for insertion. It offers high comfort in the process.

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Here, too, there is neither right nor wrong. The vibrator can be used as needed. Perhaps it should first be tested without vibrating as a trial. Then he virtually takes over the function of a dildo. This way, the user can slowly find out what she likes and what she rather doesn’t. And this is just individually different and depends on the taste and preferences of women.

There are so many ways to use this luxury vibrator. It can be guided in circular motions or moved in and out. If you like, you can also try to stimulate the G-spot with the Vive Miki. But nothing has to and everything can with this device, which is not only versatile, but also feels good. This is due to the smooth and soft surface.

In conclusion, the vibrator can be used alone or in pairs. It can be inserted or used to stimulate particularly sensitive areas. In any case, this luxury vibrator is really fun – no matter what!

More sex toys in the test can be found here:

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