Sextoy test: BRUTUS The Fucker Fxxx and X Headless

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Sextoy test: BRUTUS The Fucker Fxxx and X Headless
Sextoy test: BRUTUS The Fucker Fxxx and X Headless

Sex toy with many options

The market for sex toys is booming, not only in Germany but worldwide. People are spending more time at home. Consequently, they also have more time for their love life. Sex toys are a nice option to create more variety in it. It’s no wonder that new toys are being developed all the time. Among these new releases is BRUTUS The Fucker.

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What is BRUTUS The Fucker?

It’s hard to describe. The sextoy is a mixture of masturbator and butt plug. It is very versatile and suitable for both masturbation and anal sex. It is a kind of soft shell with fine ribs on the inside and coarse ribs on the outside. Unlike other butt plugs, BRUTUS The Fucker is open at the tip. By the way, the strange-looking name has nothing to do with the word brutal. Rather, it is the brand name of a series of sex toys.

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The most important details at a glance

In this section, the most important features of BRUTUS The Fucker are compiled in the form of a bulleted list:

  • Material: TPE
  • Brand: BRUTUS
  • Length: 115 mm
  • Insertable length: 85 mm
  • Color: colorless (clear)

How to use the sex toy?

The sex toy can be used in two ways. It is suitable for both masturbation and anal sex. As a masturbator, it is very effective. The plastic is soft and cuddly. Because the material is very elastic, it fits any penis, no matter how big or small it is. BRUTUS The Fucker nestles around the hard shaft like a soft but firm hand. The fine inner ribs deliver a gentle massage that feels extremely horny. It is as if the member is being caressed by a strong but gentle hand.

In the test, it didn’t take long for the pressure to become too great and ejaculation to follow. There it is very convenient that the tip of the plug is open in front. The sperm can squirt out normally.

How does BRUTUS The Fucker perform during anal sex?

Sextoy test: BRUTUS The Fucker Fxxx and X HeadlessThe sex toy is suitable for both gay sex and straight sex, because it is made for anal intercourse. It can be used in two ways. The partner pushes it into his or her anus and holds it in place. BRUTUS The Fucker ensures that the rear entrance remains nice and wide open. The man or active partner pushes in the plug. With each thrust his hard cock is massaged by the fine inner ribs. With such intense stimuli it does not take long to cum. Since the plug is open in front, the sperm can flow freely in streams.

In the test it also works quite well when the active partner or the man pushes BRUTUS The Fucker over his penis. Even if the good piece should not yet be properly stiff, this is not a problem, because there are simple remedies. The partner grabs the sex toy with a firm grip and pushes it back and forth with gentle but quick movements. It doesn’t take long at all for the man’s best friend to swell to full size and BRUTUS The Fucker fits flawlessly.

Now it is ready for use. The partner’s rosette is waiting to be stretched. Due to the large ridges on the outside, the feelings are much stronger than in normal anal sex. With each impact, the anus is extremely stretched. This makes for great pleasure. The orgasm is guaranteed.

What to pay attention to when using the sex toy?

The sex toy should only be used in conjunction with a suitable lubricant. Without lubricant, the sensitive mucous membranes could suffer tiny injuries during the violent thrusts. These do not cause pain, but they pave the way for germs to enter the body and can be the starting point for serious infections.

The manufacturer explicitly recommends in its product description to use only water-based lubricants. This is due to the material from which the plug BRUTUS The Fucker is made. The plastic is sensitive. There are lubricants based on silicone oil. This attacks the plastic by roughening the surface, Even after only one use of silicone oil-based lubricant, the sex toy can become unusable as a result.

What is TPE?

The material from which the sex toy BRUTUS The Fucker is made, is a very special material. The abbreviation TPE means thermoplastic elastomer. The high-tech material combines the properties of plastic and rubber. It can be very easily molded into all kinds of shapes, almost like thermoplastics. On the other hand, it is soft and elastic like rubber. The TPE used for sex toys is highly pure and does not contain any harmful additives. This makes it well tolerated and can not cause allergies.

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The BRUTUS The Fucker sex toy should only be used in conjunction with water-based lubricant.

Care tips

When masturbating, it is enough to apply the lubricant on the inside. If the sex toy is used during anal intercourse, the outside must also be creamed. After each use, the toy must be cleaned for hygienic reasons. Lukewarm water is sufficient for this purpose. Never use aggressive or abrasive cleaning agents! Do not store the toy until it is completely dry.

More sex toys in the test can be found here:

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