Nipple Orgasm: 4 Tips For The “Nipple Orgasm”

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes
Brustwarzen-Orgasmus: 4 Tipps für den „Nippelorgasmus“
Nipple Orgasm: 4 Tips For The "Nipple Orgasm"

A climax through breast stimulation

Nipple orgasm – how does it work?

The breasts undoubtedly belong to the erogenous zones of women and also exert an almost irresistible attraction on men. Tastes vary widely when it comes to the size and shape of breasts, but hard and erect nipples are a sign that she feels pleasure. The nipple orgasm also causes the teats to straighten.

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Nipple Orgasm: 4 Tips For TheWhat is a nipple orgasm?

It is a special form of female orgasm, also called nipple orgasm. A nipple orgasm is achieved when the woman is stimulated on the nipples until she comes. This can be achieved in many different ways. For example, the partner can play with her nipples until she gets a nipple orgasm. She can also give herself the nipple orgasm.

The easiest way to do this is to play with her nipples with her fingers. A vibrator can also serve well for this purpose. However, this does not work for every woman. Some are so sensitive on the nipples that even delicate touch is experienced as uncomfortable or even painful. Others don’t notice too much even with the rough touching.

How does a woman get a nipple orgasm?

Your partner should take things carefully and slowly at first. To do this, for example, moisten the index finger and rub it alternately over the nipples. You can tell if the stimulation is working when your nipples get hard and big and erect. He can also lick and suck on her nipples, almost like a baby wanting to drink. But be careful and don’t touch the nipples with your teeth if possible, unless she asks him to. Some women like it when he gently nibbles on their nipples.

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Women with sensitive nipples, on the other hand, like it more when he caresses their nipples with something delicate and soft like a feather or a piece of silk fabric or something similar. If stimulation is continued long enough, nipple orgasm often (but not always) occurs.

Why have a nipple orgasm at all?

It introduces her to a whole new way of orgasm. Most women orgasm from his penetration of her vagina or from his playing with her clitoris. A nipple orgasm feels different in comparison, but is supposed to be just as nice. In any case, the delightful play with the nipples offers an interesting variation in masturbation.

But not only the women themselves, but also the men benefit from it, if their partner comes to the nipple orgasm. Isn’t it very delightful and stimulating to play with your sweetheart’s gorgeous breasts and watch her nipples grow big and stiff and she squirms and moans in pleasure?

Such a nipple orgasm can be very well incorporated into a stimulating foreplay. Women need longer than men anyway to get really hot and horny. It often only just gets going when he has literally already shot his powder. Her nipple orgasm allows him to make up for that disadvantage. After all, she has already had her orgasm, but she is still willing and aroused.

This is the ideal opportunity for him to demonstrate his skills as a lover. Now he can take her deep and hard and not have to worry about her getting angry if he comes too soon. The nipple orgasm puts her in the mood for sex and her body belongs to him. Many women like it when the guy takes them hard at least once in a while during sex.

The nipple orgasm – a highlight

Even though nowadays people talk about it freely, you should know that before the 1970s orgasm was considered unnatural. It took a long time for it to be recognized as a sign of desire. Sex and orgasm have taken on a new dimension since women started talking about it freely. But despite this democratization, the pleasure revolves mainly around the genitals. Very few people know about the nipple orgasm.

The nipple orgasm – a man’s dream

Most heterosexual men love to play with their partner’s breasts when they have sex with her. Many even dream of bringing their partner to nipple orgasm by stimulating her nipples. Well, according to a study conducted by Dr. Herbert Otto on 213 women, 29% of them were actually able to climax by stimulating their nipples.

Two women tell about their nipple orgasm

According to an interview conducted by Cosmopolitan magazine with two women who can come this way, there is no magic formula. For example, one of them claims that she is not able to give herself an orgasm by stimulating her nipples (it only works for her boyfriend), while this is not the case for the other one.

Nevertheless, one can conclude that the key to success is to take your time. It is not wise to pounce on a woman’s breast and suck it out like a big rose hickey. It is better to explore different types of stimulation and sensations.For example, the two women suggest gently touching the areolas first and slowly working your way to the center.

Patience is required if you want to increase the excitement. One of the techniques that would work best would be to constantly suck on one of the nipples, adding delicate or less delicate tongue strokes and small bites.

What are the differences between a nipple orgasm and a vaginal orgasm?

The vagina (and therefore the clitoris) is not the only erogenous zone of the female body. And yes, the areola is also one of the most sensitive areas of the female body. It therefore deserves attention, and not too little. Some breasts are more sensitive than others, that’s a fact. For example, a breast lift can reduce sensations.

Nipple orgasm: one in three women could achieve it

A 2011 study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine looked at nipple orgasm, among other things. To do this, the researchers tracked the brain activity of volunteers – mostly women – using functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) while they stimulated different parts of their bodies. They found that nipple stimulation activates the same area of the brain as stimulation of the penis, clitoris or vagina.

A better orgasm?

What does a nipple orgasm look like and how can you achieve it? Women who have successfully come through their breasts have shared their experiences. Compared to a so-called “classic” orgasm “it lasts longer and feels less intense.

To achieve a nipple orgasm, these women recommend, first of all, to let go. And how do you deal with it in practice? In terms of technique, it’s a bit like clitoral stimulation. Often the lighter and more delicate the touch, the stronger the reaction.

Nipple orgasm: tips

Even though every woman has to find out for herself what triggers pleasure and arousal in her and every body is different, an American sex coach has revealed her tips for achieving a nipple orgasm. The expert recommends:

  • Create a sensual atmosphere, e.g. with candles, incense sticks and music
  • Focus on breathing
  • Stimulate other parts of the body such as the abdomen or the area between the breasts by massaging them with an oil, carefully avoiding the breast
  • Gently caress the breast using the fingertips or a feather, all without touching the nipples

Women stimulate the nipples by stroking the areola and then pinching the nipples to varying degrees. When their body begins to respond, they massage up to the neck, head, temples, forehead and scalp.

When doing this, women do best to arch their backs and swing their spines back and forth. By undulating their spine and swaying their hips, they create excitement throughout the body.

Some women like a little more intense stimulation like pinching or biting. Even though it is not very obvious to bite yourself, it is still possible to pinch yourself. In short, the more you know about your body, the more fun you will have, both alone and with a partner.

Orgasm is not always guaranteed

Of course, not all women (and for that matter, not all men) react to the stimulation of breasts and nipples in the same way: Besides the technical aspect, everything happens in the mind. Sexual pleasure depends to a large extent on the context and not only on the mechanics applied.

The degree of trust in the partner and complicity also seems to be important in learning how to experience pleasure in a way that has been little explored.


In any case, for any man the ultimate when the woman comes to climax by licking, sucking or twirling the nipples his sex partner. For the ego of the man in any case an absolute dream! So he feels more masculine when he can – apparently – “get it so easy” for his girlfriend or wife. And for the woman this kind of satisfaction is certainly not the worst!

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