Julia: My first erotic casting was really cool

By Julia Moreno
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Julia: My first erotic casting was really cool
Julia: My first erotic casting was really cool

I get wet thinking about my first erotic casting

Hello, my name is Julia and I am an open-minded girl for whom eroticism has always played a big role. Because of my looks, I find myself really pretty, and with my curves I never had problems meeting men. Especially not to get her into bed. I have never been a child of sadness and when I read in a relevant magazine that erotic actresses are wanted for sex films at Eronite, I applied for my first erotic casting.

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Julia: My first erotic casting was really coolMy first porn casting wanted to be prepared

I soon received an answer to my request by e-mail, in which I was given a date and a location for my first erotic casting. Somehow I was fascinated by the thought of showing my concentrated sex appeal to other people, of course mainly men, and making them really horny. The date was getting closer and I went to the hairdresser and of course I shaved my mons pubis.

I like it when I am so really smooth, because then I feel everything much more intensively. As clothing I chose a tight-fitting blouse, in which my plump breasts really stood out, and a black dress with a sophisticated slit, through which my long legs are shown to advantage. So I finally set out to experience my first erotic casting.

Already my first erotic casting brought me a contract

It was a small studio to which I was invited. In the middle of the room there was a double bed, which was sensually illuminated and surrounded by a total of three cameras. So this is how I should be shot, from three different angles. I was nervous. After a short greeting and filling out a form with data protection notice my first erotic casting started. Slowly I took off my clothes already in front of the camera and finally stood naked in the room, when a muscular guy came in, naked and really well-built, also underneath.

With his naturalness he immediately took away all my shame and seduced me with tender kisses and touches all over my body to intensive sex. Soon I had forgotten that I was being filmed and gave myself to the guy, of course not without spoiling his fat thing properly. In the end we both got to orgasm and the agent was thrilled with my talent.

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