On the second evening after the porn casting in Munich

By Marco Dorada
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

A very blunt experience report

When someone reports directly about their experiences and adventures, this is often worth more than an editorial text. MacJustice from our erotic casting, who was at the last casting, wrote to us directly and honestly.

Eronite empfiehlt dir
Das Dating 3.0 – Die Zukunft des Dating

MacJustice was one of the participants of the porn casting in the Bavarian capital who couldn’t get the day out of their minds even on the second evening afterwards. As soon as he arrived home, he chatted with his good internet acquaintance Julie and told her about the exciting erotic casting in Munich.

In the chat, the applicant chatted about his day

On the second evening after the porn casting in Munich
On the second evening after the porn casting in Munich

MacJustice: I did something unusual, nothing forbidden.
Julie: And what?

M: Maybe you don’t even want to know.
J: Yes.

M: You’d be horrified, hygienically speaking, knowing you.
J: Never mind, I don’t have any contact with you anyway, so it’s real.

M: What do you think? Must make it a little exciting, it has something to do with sex.
J: I don’t know, just say it already!
M: I was at a porn casting – and it was really crazy there.

J: Hahahahahaaa, what the fuck! What did you have to do?
M: I was allowed to do a lot of things, but only with a condom. Had sex with three female porn stars – and at the end there was a gangbang.

J: Was it good?
M: And how! I was expecting that I wouldn’t really have sex, but then the opposite happened, it was really cool! A mega experience. Everyone was cool, the women were totally horny. What I think is so cool about these women is that they completely shite conventionality!

Reducing shame also reduces social anxiety

J: Did you come?
M: Sure. Even three times.

J: No shit?
M: I was a bit tense because of the camera and the sleep restriction, I drove eight hours with the machine at zero degrees outside.

J: And still came three times!
M: It was a really professional label.

➤ Apply here yourself!

J: Really cool, would they take you?
M: They already have, I’m in their file – and hopefully I’ll be placed on shoots soon.

J: Cool, I mean, what have you got to lose? You’ve already had enough normality anyway.
M: Right, I’ve built a house, planted trees, brought children into the world, I’ve even been to the port of marriage… The only thing missing is porn.

J: Hahahahahaaa – you’re right!
M: I think the sh*t factor regarding shame is so cool. I always wanted to be ordinary, but not anymore.

J: I’m an online marketing manager and I could market you, I always wanted to do porn advertising anyway. ;-)
M: Maybe I’ll go to the next casting, mid-July in Hanover, you could come along and reveal your ideas, maybe you could get involved in marketing?

J: Maybe I can do that, can you do the handle?
M: You’re the director, and we’re making women’s porn together!

J: Please answer my question!
M: Which handle?
J: You clasp the woman’s hands behind her back, press her stomach into the mattress and get it on – I like kinky sex!

The second evening after the porn casting in Munich
On the second evening after the porn casting in Munich

M: What is that exactly?
J: Pretty much anything that sexually arouses people can be considered kink. This can be a certain position, for example, or sex in public. But objects or practices can also be defined as kink. And I have a daddy kink. I like to be the daughter, so only played of course, and with consent.

M: I see. Maybe it’s about satisfying a special need through external determination? Eronite also does Fetish Porn.
J: Yes, and not many people understand my preferences.
M: No one is harmed, a need that is fulfilled on a voluntary basis!

As a prison guard, I have a lot of naughty thoughts

J: So what now, can you use the handle?
M: Sure! I can do anything the woman wants!

J: Oh my God!
M: Does that stimulate your imagination?
J: If there’s ever a video with you, I’ll watch it, use you as a wank template, then I’ll get something out of it too! Please use the handle in future!
M: I promise.

➤ Apply here yourself!

J: Oh cool, I’m just getting so horny!
M: Really bad, half of my ex-work colleagues watch porn in the prison, I’m going to choose the stage name MacJustice, cool humorous reckoning with the justice system! And a great wedding present for Andrea!

J: Hahahahahahahahaaah awesome! Ingeniously staged. A video of you shortly before her wedding would be cool!
M: Maybe I can do a role play as a guard? I still have the uniform and the RMS. And then I become Superstar MacJustice.

J: Awesome, you used to be a guard, that’s a fetish of mine too! Uniform fetish! I wanted to tell you anyway, but I didn’t dare. What is an RMS?
M: The multi-purpose rescue baton or the big beating of the justice guard.
J: Awesome!

J: Oh my God, a lovely expression for something so evil.
M: He’s not evil, he’s a multi-purpose rescue stick. You satisfy the woman by satisfying her needs.

J: You could really fuck a woman with that! I can’t take it anymore…
M: In uniform…

J: Ooooh yesaaa, I can’t take it anymore. I have to stop now, otherwise I’ll jerk off, as a man would say.
M: Go ahead. You save the woman by satisfying her needs.

J: I’m getting a massage now and thinking about this fantasy. Oh, life can be so beautiful! See you later, MacJustice.
M: It was so cool. Every day that passes, I want to be more and more of a porn star!

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