Who has ever had sex with a cab driver?

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Testimonials about sex with a cab driver

Having sex with a cab driver is not nearly as absurd as it seems at first. And we’re not talking about the fake cab known from the relevant video portals. In any common barter transaction, goods or services are traded for a corresponding fee.

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There will always be people who prefer to pay in kind rather than in cash. It is these mostly female passengers that we are mainly talking about here.

Testimonials about sex with a cab driver

Who has ever had sex with a cab driver?
Who has ever had sex with a cab driver?

If you search a little, you will find a whole range of reports on the Internet. Depending on the author’s narrative style, the descriptions can easily be experienced in the mind’s eye.

This is how young girls describe long cab rides that they basically couldn’t afford. But girls quickly realize when they can take advantage of their looks. Some proudly report that they blew the cab driver and he then switched off his meter. A blowjob in a cab is of course an extraordinary experience that both parties will talk about for a long time to come.

But there are also cab drivers who start negotiating prices with particularly young and pretty girls. In doing so, they more or less make various hints. If the girls go for it, it can lead to sex with a cab driver. The driver has fun and the young brats save a lot of money and gain experience at the same time.

Blowjobs in the cab, fucking at home

This slutty tactic is particularly attractive for the typical disco-goer. Because no matter where you are: A cab ride means a safe journey home. After hours of action on the dance floor, nobody has to walk long distances home. Nobody has to worry about the dark walk home either, despite the mini skirt. The advantages, especially for young girls in big cities, are obvious. And especially after a stimulating night at the club or at a concert, sex with a cab driver can be a great way to end the night.

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It is obvious that the young chicks cannot afford the constant travel. Of course, sex with a cab driver can develop into a friendship or even a relationship. A casual shagging session once or twice a week can ensure that the girls get home safely. Sex offenders, rapists and thieves are left out in the cold.

It doesn’t always have to be about the money

Some girls also have sex with a cab driver without any financial ulterior motives. Quite simply because they want to try something new. If you like unusual locations, the idea of blowing bubbles in a cab will certainly appeal to you. If the car is not enough of a place for you, a cab can of course also take you to special places. So you can have sex with a cab driver practically anywhere, even if he is no longer in his vehicle.

Who has ever had sex with a cab driver?
Who has ever had sex with a cab driver?

Girls also have the opportunity to be driven to foreign cities and regions that they might otherwise never have visited. A city break usually costs a lot of money. So why not board a cab first thing in the morning, wander around the new city during the day and return in the evening. Sex with a cab driver instead of payment offers many possibilities.

What do the cab drivers actually say about this?

Of course, we should also let the cab drivers themselves have their say at this point. They are well aware that some girls prefer to suck cock rather than pay large sums of money.

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There is a lively exchange of experiences among cab drivers. Who has had the coolest experience? Who had the best sex in the car and who had the prettiest girl? A real competition can break out between colleagues.

Many cab drivers do this job on the side. The fact that some girls would like to have sex with a cab driver could also have been a reason for choosing this profession.

Fake cab

Not everything on the Internet is true. A lot of it is simply a lie. Mostly to attract attention and make themselves important. Of course, this can also apply to the experience reports mentioned above. Unfortunately, we weren’t there live.

Which brings us to the fake cab at the end of this report. This video series is basically always about the same plot: a young girl sits in a cab and gets a ride to a remote location. The cab driver demands an outrageously overpriced price that the poor girl can’t pay. At some point, the cab driver suggests sex as payment and the young lady agrees. Sometimes conspicuously voluntarily, then again rather reluctantly.

There may not always be a script for these little films, but at least there is a schedule. It must therefore be assumed that these stories do not have much to do with reality. But they are still beautiful to look at.

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