Preliminary report: BDSM & FETISH FAIR Passion 2019 in Hamburg

By Mario Meyer
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Preliminary report: BDSM & FETISH FAIR Passion 2019 in Hamburg
Preliminary report: BDSM & FETISH FAIR Passion 2019 in Hamburg

An Eldorado for fetish fans – The Passion 2019

This year, the European BDSM & Fetish Fair – or Passion 2019 for short – will take place from November 15 – 17. Everyone who is interested in BDSM should mark this date thickly in the calendar. The special thing about the fair is that the fetish fan can not only find out about his passion, but also actively participate. There are several rooms available at Passion 2019 where he can immediately try out the sex toys he has bought and/or brought with him.

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Preliminary report: BDSM & FETISH FAIR Passion 2019 in HamburgInspiring workshops for new ideas at Passion 2019

If you like to be inspired, it is best to visit one of the numerous workshops at Passion 2019. A total of four rooms are available. A dense program of interesting topics is offered in each room. The workshops often take place several times on different days. This way, those interested can work through many topics, even if they overlap on the day.

Some speakers deal with the topic of bondage. Not only the classic bondage techniques will be discussed at Passion 2019, but also the Japanese form, among others.

An interesting topic is spanking. A hot dominatrix introduces the student to the high art of strokes on the buttocks. Playing with fear can also be very exciting. If you would like to learn more about this, visit the workshop “Torture and Interrogation” at Passion 2019. This workshop is a little harder and absolutely not for the faint-hearted.

Visitors can give free rein to their own creativity in the latex design workshop. Those who have had enough of always wearing the same latex outfit can design their own wardrobe at Passion 2019 and use it for new and exciting games.
Rather less common is the so-called electrosex. This involves stimulation by the electric current. An experienced trainer introduces this exciting topic.

Buy and try toys

The exhibitor list is very extensive. The right toys are offered for every taste. Anyone who has purchased a new toy will naturally want to try them out immediately at Passion 2019. The opportunity is offered in one of the workshops. However, those who like to be alone with their partner can use one of the available game rooms. Use is included in the price of admission. Sometimes just a little patience is necessary, because often they are occupied. Simply drop by again and again. The visitor can try there not only the purchased toys and clothes, but also items brought with them.

Preliminary report: BDSM & FETISH FAIR Passion 2019 in Hamburg

There is a guarded checkroom in the foyer of the exhibition hall. There, visitors can store the clothes they brought with them until they are needed. By the way, there is no set dress code at Passion 2019. Those who like to slip into their favorite sexy clothes are welcome to do so. Since it is certainly not everyone’s cup of tea to cross the street with it, changing rooms are available.

After the fair is before the party

On Friday and Saturday the visitor has the opportunity to attend exciting parties. On Friday, Passion 2019 kicks off with an opening party and a delicious three-course meal. Afterwards there will be an aftershow party. Both are available at a very reasonable price. These events take place at the Edelfettwerk.

Another highlight is a visit to Catonium, a well-known BDSM club in Hamburg. There is the right atmosphere to enjoy a few hot hours by candlelight.

At the Catonium there is a hot party not only on Friday. Also on Saturday the organizers invite to the Passion Night.

Important: Tickets are limited to all events at Passion 2019. If you want to be there, it’s best to secure your tickets now.

Ticket purchase information

Tickets for Passion 2019 can be easily purchased in advance. This is not only cheaper, but also safer. The customer can choose whether to buy only one day ticket or better to buy a cheaper ticket for three days.

Attention: We raffle 5 x 1 free ticket for the fair

Tickets for the parties are also available in advance. Here it is worth combining the party with a ticket for the fair. This will save you a few euros.
Passion 2019 is also worth a longer trip to Hamburg. Various rooms are available for visitors. However, the contingent is limited, so the popular hotels are usually booked up quickly.

Eronite will of course be at Passion 2019 reporting for you!

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