Erotic story: My first time BDSM

By Laura Buschmann
Estimated reading time: 9 minutes
Erotic story: My first time BDSM
Erotic story: My first time BDSM

First still very soft: my first time BDSM

I was very sexually inexperienced when I met my current life partner Marie. She was younger than me, but far more experienced. And so she introduced me to the world of pleasure and also to the world of BDSM. I should mention that we are both switchers, but in the beginning she focused on the dominant role to introduce me to the whole topic. Even before it even started, she was already pretty nasty one or two times. She insisted that we wait for the perfect moment for my first time BDSM, but kept teasing me to the limit of insanity.

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Not only once she made insinuations

She always wore clothes that turned me on and we often made out passionately. When I stayed over at her place, she rubbed her butt against me in such a way that I once even squirted into my boxers.

Erotic story: My first time BDSM

After two months of eager waiting, the day finally arrived. She had been staying with me for a week and we had spent almost every free second together. Not only once had she made hints or briefly touched me seductively.

But after I made her a romantic dinner for her two-month anniversary, set the whole apartment full of candles, and ran her a nice bath with rose petals that was extra hot so it would stay warm until after dinner, she asked me the question of questions, “Do you want to go in the bath?”

I had never been so excited in my life. She had teased me for so long and we were so madly in love that I could hardly breathe for euphoria. She kissed me tenderly, took me by the hand and led me into the bathroom.

Straight to the German dream

The setting alone was enough to get me excited. She let me strip her down to her underwear and kissed me almost throughout. Since she sleeps in underwear, that in itself was something I should have been used to, but in the candlelight, so full of passion, I became more excited than ever. She instructed me to stop and stood with her feet in the tub. First she skillfully opened the bra, slowly and seductively took it off.

Until now I had never seen her breasts

All the while, there was a grin that was half mean and adorable and half amorous and radiant. She knew exactly how horny she had made me over the two months and, like me, was naturally looking forward to our first time. After all, she herself had also had to do without some things. Now I saw for the first time her breasts, which she had not shown me all the time before out of consideration for my already almost bursting balls.

I just wanted to touch her, kiss her, fall over her, but I remained well-behaved. She slipped out of her thong one foot at a time and stood naked and freshly shaved in front of me. “Stay,” she said imperiously yet lovingly, as if to a dog. She grinned and slowly sat down in the now unfortunately only lukewarm water.

Erotic story: My first time BDSM

“You may massage me if you like,” she then said with played indifference, turning cross-legged so that her back faced the oblong side where I stood. I didn’t need to be told twice and started immediately. Marie is never quiet when I massage her but she had never moaned before like she did at that moment. I learned after the fact that it was a mixture of arousal and a desire to irritate me.

So I massaged her back and shoulders until she grabbed my hands, pulled them forward over her shoulders and guided them to her breasts. So I grabbed it and I felt my virgin cock twitching wildly in my pants with horniness. She moaned even more and finally stood up. “Now get undressed,” she ordered in a trembling voice.

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According to her, that was a moment when she actually wanted to keep me squirming, but couldn’t take it anymore herself. So I undressed stormy fast. She watched me horny. Her wet brown hair made her look even cuter than normal and she bit her lower lip. Then she sat down on the edge of the bathtub and erotically spread her legs.

She allowed me to touch her

“Now you may finger me,” she allowed, and I did. I didn’t really know what to do, but she just showed me right at the beginning what worked and how, and that’s how it went. She moaned heavily and in between kept giving me orders on what to do now until she clung to my free hand and got louder.

Straight to the German dream

I had already brought her to her first orgasm. But since I didn’t know that women can do quasi-infinite, I asked uncertainly, “We’re doing it today, though, aren’t we?” Nowadays she would probably just shrug her shoulders when I ask something like that and grin at me, but at that moment, she wanted to take away my fear.

That’s why she nodded at me with a benevolent smile and grabbed my hard cock, which had been standing like one the whole time. I straightened up and groaned. As I said, I had never had sex before and was overwhelmed by how intense this feeling was. But she began to knead and jerk my cock with both hands, still being gentle enough for me to endure.

Erotic story: My first time BDSM

But then she started to blow and I could no longer hold back. I moaned loudly and violently and clung sometimes to her hands and sometimes simply to her head. It must not have been twenty seconds of blowing when I realized I was probably about to cum. I informed her of this, but she continued. Just before that, I moaned again, “I’m coming.” without thinking any further about it.

However, I was really not frustrated

But then she suddenly pulled her head back and I was suddenly standing there alone. She held my hands so really tight that I could not jerk off without further ado. And so then piece by piece half a load of sperm slowly dripped out of me with a strong, unpleasant pulling in the balls. According to my friend, the frustrated noises I made at that moment were absolutely sweet.

Straight to the German dream

“The first time, really?”, I asked, pained and actually a little angry but she just laughed, “Otherwise you would have come way too soon.” Then she led me into the bedroom because, in her opinion, the water was too cold and the tub too small to float in. By now we’ve done it a few times in there, but I’m glad we had our first time then in my big soft bed.

She made horny with me and stroked my now only semi-stiff cock standing up until it was completely hard again and then pushed me onto the bed to sit on my stomach. “Do you want me to ride you now, or would you rather sleep on it first so you can get even hornier?” she grinned, but luckily she decided I’d rather have sex.

However, her sentence had made me much hornier once again. When she sat down on my cock and let it slowly slide inside her, it was like finally waking up from a nightmare. I finally had what I wanted.

At least she did not completely ruin my orgasm

She rode me slowly at first and then faster and faster. In the process, she additionally satisfied herself at the clit and moaned loudly. I held on to her hips, her waist and her breasts, kneading the latter passionately. “Say but again, before you come, promise me.”, she still moaned in between at some point and despite the previous bad experience with it, I then warned her again when I was about to.

Then she straightened up so that my cock was in the air again with a jerk. He was shaking and twitching, but this time she had stopped in time, so it was just edging and not a ruined orgasm. She waited until my cock was almost limp again and then started rubbing against me again until it was hard. When she put it back in, it was even hornier than before. I clung to her breasts and moaned loudly and unrestrained.

This time when I said I was going to cum, she kept going until I was lying there completely drained and satisfied. She stayed on top of me until my flaccid cock plopped out of her on its own. “Sorry I didn’t make you come again,” I said a little meekly then, but she enlightened me that she had actually come three times while riding.

Straight to the German dream

We continued to cuddle lovingly and naked and eventually fell asleep arm in arm. The next morning we pushed then immediately the next number, this time we tried then all possible positions through.

In the meantime we have been a couple for three years

And I couldn’t be happier. Unfortunately, we now only have sex with condoms because she stopped taking the pill (also on my advice), but that’s the only thing about our sex life that hasn’t gotten much better. But thinking back, that was not only the day I finally had my first time BDSM, but also the day we both finally knew we belonged together.

We thank the author, but wonder what this story really has to do with BDSM. What do you think? Drop us a line in the comments!

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