At 4based earn money with erotic photos and videos

By Mario Meyer
Estimated reading time: 9 minutes
At 4based earn money with erotic photos and videos
At 4based earn money with erotic photos and videos

The dream of money on the Internet

Earn money with erotic photos and sexy videos. This is what many women dream of. Combining the pleasant with the useful is incentive enough. To have horny sex and be filmed, try erotic lingerie and throw yourself into hot poses for photos. Wouldn’t it be great to get paid for that, too? Platforms like the Swiss website make it possible.

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Is 4based the new place to go for content creators?

Liensue porn: horny fantasies with 4based girl
4based girl Liensue (click)

The dream of earning money with erotic photos: Many young girls are pretty and have a great figure, initially without having to do a lot of sports for it. Since entering the teen age boys look after them and they are told that they are beautiful. The dream of a career as a model is firmly anchored in many young girls. This is evidenced by the permanently lively participation in corresponding television shows.

These young girls are too happy to try on new clothes, pose for photos and work out their sex appeal. Many of the young ladies quickly learn that they can use their good looks to their advantage. The idea of earning money with erotic photos is not too far away.

For most, a career as a top model remains a dream. But now there is the Internet and the possibility to build up a fan base yourself. How much the girls are willing to show of themselves depends on each individual. Earning money with erotic photos and hot videos sounds interesting especially for female students.

Earn money with sexy photos

Or generally any person with a variety of desires and tight cash. Once the idea has matured, nothing stands in the way of the first walking attempts in the form of a sex video or topless photos. Not a few of the girls lick blood and lose themselves in a frenzy of horniness, eroticism and money. At least that’s how it reads in the self-descriptions and biographies of many erotic stars. How else could you explain the huge number of webcam girls?

Who comes up with this idea?

Bei 4based Geld verdienen mit erotischen Fotos und Videos | Sexblog
4based girl Estephania Ha (click)

Mostly, as I said, it’s the girls themselves. For decades, they have been confirmed in their belief that they are attractive, have a head full of desires, but are short of money. This combination can lead to the most unusual ideas. Earning money with erotic photos and videos is just one of these ideas. Webcam, cybersex, erotic chats, blackmails, the possibilities seem endless.

In some cases, however, the driving force behind the videos is not the girl herself at all, but her partner. Especially within an SM relationship, the dominant part may command his subordinate to display their actions online. The fact that this generates revenue can be a nice side effect. However, if this is the main concern of both parties, the relationship is doomed to fail sooner or later.

Earn money with erotic photos – which platform is the right one?

Anyone who publishes photos and videos of themselves wants a certain level of security. Especially when it comes to such spicy content as porn videos.

Hier bei 4based anmelden

First of all, there is no such thing as 100% protection on the Internet. Videos and photos are downloaded and illegally put back online elsewhere. No panacea has been developed against this at the moment. Therefore, every girl who wants to earn money with erotic photos and videos should be aware in advance.

So, since there is no absolute protection, billing options remain by far the most relevant issue. Which platform pays the most? Where do most users hang out? There are many providers. In this article we will focus on the platform.

The many advantages of

Bei 4based Geld verdienen mit erotischen Fotos und Videos | Sexblog
4based girl Bonny day breeze (click)

First of all, let’s look at the matter not from the girls’ point of view, but from the users’. Here, first of all, the options for payment are mentioned. Many portals are headquartered in exotic countries and therefore limit their payment methods to international providers.

However, many potential users are not willing to disclose their credit card data for an erotic portal. The fear that the erotic provider’s name will later appear on a bank statement is too great. Parents, the partner or the wife would not be very pleased about this. overrides this reservation by offering Paypal. This makes it more anonymous and therefore more attractive for the user to register there. A good number of users willing to pay is thus ensured at

Now let’s move on to the girls themselves, known as content creators in the trade jargon. The girls do not only get decent percentages (70% commission) if the users spend money directly with them. They also get a share of the profits when the users they recruit go to other providers. Here you get a whopping 30% for “doing nothing” – in other words, a passive income.

Der Verdienst bei 4based in der Übersicht

70% ProvisionWenn deine User bei dir Geld ausgeben
30% ProvisionWenn deine User bei anderen Creatoren Geld ausgeben
40% ProvisionWenn User anderer Creatoren bei dir Geld ausgeben
5% Provision... auf den Umsatz deiner Creatoren

Whoever recruits other content creators (e.g. other amateurs or camgirls) will from now on receive 5% of their total revenue without any losses for the recruited girl. And so whoever diligently advertises the platform can not only earn money with their own erotic photos. Anyone who has their own website or is otherwise active on social media knows what to do. Even an email signature can be used as free advertising. This is where your own creativity is called for. This concept should be on the tip of the tongue of anyone who plans to earn money with erotic photos.

Where is the fastest way to build a fan base?
Bei 4based Geld verdienen mit erotischen Fotos und Videos | Sexblog
4based girl Katja Tez (click)

Right off the bat, building a following and keeping it means work. A lot of work. Simply uploading a few pictures in sexy underwear and moaning once into the camera is not enough. If you want to earn money with your erotic photos and videos, you have to create new content permanently and have some ideas to stand out from the crowd.

One or two new videos per week should be enough to keep up with the big competition of the other girls. If you post too little, you will be forgotten. Contact with fans is also essential. No savings should be made here. Portals like offer the possibility to contact fans via message or chat.

This should definitely be used. No one buys photos and videos from someone who consistently remains silent, thereby showing their disinterest. Anyone who chats with their fans should also exercise a certain amount of care here. Girls who don’t even remember the name of their yesterday’s flirt the next day soon find themselves without fans.

Making money on the Internet can be so easy

If you want to build a real following, you have to take care of your fans. And if you can’t remember names and other important key data, just get some index cards. If you invest a little time and effort, you’ll score points with your fans after the fact. The personal bond here is nothing to sneeze at. And if you are well received by your users, you will earn more money when they buy more photos and videos or write messages.

Hier bei 4based anmelden

Earning money with erotic photos is easy with loyal fans, of course. And that’s what it’s all about: generating new fans who buy your content. is a starting point to build this fan base. The dream is getting closer and closer and is soon within reach. Earn money with erotic photos, with sexy videos and your own horniness.

Read also: Is the portal 4based a good alternative to Onlyfans?

For regular customers, lets you set monthly cancellable prices for subscribers. A win-win situation of the erotic kind. The user has the security of a predetermined price known to him. The content creator has a new regular user and a secure source of income.

Bureaucratic and tax issues

4based already pays the sales tax due to the tax office. So the girls receive the amount purely net. So, making money from erotic photos and sexual content is tax harmless at this point as long as you declare your income to the taxman.

Nightmares of a difficult to deliver tax return (only the income has to be declared) and visits of the tax investigation are fortunately left to the realm of dreams. Making money with erotic photos without legal or tax concerns naturally makes things more attractive for content creators.

So is not only a tip for men who did not know this site yet. It is especially a tip for women who are toying with the idea of earning money with erotic content in the future. Even those who just want to dive into the erotic business and try it out have a place to go here.

Certainly, some girls find that this business is not for them after all – and that’s perfectly fine. For those who stay, the fun of earning money with their erotic photos is desired. After all, no one needs to give away their hot photos and videos when this money-making opportunity is available. And many men are also willing to shell out a few euros for a picture or two. After all, they also get something out of it, especially when they get in touch with their Lieblins creator via the message function.

By the way, the portal is available in German and English(register here for free).

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