Online porn accelerates climate change

By Mario Meyer
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Online porn accelerates climate change
Online porn accelerates climate change


The hole in the ozone layer, swine fever, BSE and freak weather conditions

… but climate change is the fault of online porn of all things?

Scientists found that streaming videos emits enormous amounts of CO2 and that pornographic content like online porn is a big contributor.

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Online porn accelerates climate changeWatching porn online produces 100 million tons of CO2 annually

That is as much as Belgium causes in one year. This was revealed by a study conducted by the French organization “The Shift Project”. Researchers found that streaming movies generate 300 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year, and one-third of that comes from online porn. Digital technologies produced 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions this year. By 2025, this output could rise to 8 percent, doubling.

To limit climate change, we must reduce our energy consumption. As a result, several scientists are calling for action to reduce emissions from online porn. This includes avoiding automatic playback and transmitting video in high resolution when it is not necessary. So watching online porn in 8K shouldn’t be possible then.

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When masturbation is added to online porn, the emission of CO2 increases dramatically again. Some Fridays for Future supporters are already calling for some kind of tax on masturbation, so that masturbation can also be priced. However, the climate disciples did not (yet) reveal how exactly this is to be implemented and, above all, how it is to be monitored.

CO2 from online porn in the atmosphere?

The CO2 is of course not emitted directly when viewing online porn, but in the general process of production, distribution and indirectly when viewing, as here huge server farms sometimes run at full capacity. The magazine Der Spiegel once discussed just how much electricity the search engine giant Google consumes: namely as much as a large city! The US company consumes 260 million watts on an ongoing basis.

This would allow the online giant to serve 200,000 households simultaneously. And every movie, every online porn is on some server, consuming electricity every single time it is accessed. But still we watch porn. Also, climate change disciples and Fridays-for-feature demonstrators. Sacrilege or not?

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