Victim support: Sexualized violence against men

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 11 minutes
Opferhilfe: Sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Männer

What is sexualized violence against men?

In Germany, there is an increasing number of men who are victims of sexualized and domestic violence. However, this topic is often ignored and taboo. It is assumed that men cannot become victims of violence because of their physical strength. This perception often prevents access to suitable help and support.

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However, there is special victim support for men who have been victims of sexualized and domestic violence. It is important to know what resources and support are available and how to access them. This article aims to provide relevant information and encourage men to seek help if needed.

  • Sexualized and domestic violence against men is an underestimated problem in Germany.
  • Men who have been victims of violence have the right to victim support.
  • There are various contact points and organizations that offer support and assistance to male victims of violence.
  • Men should not hesitate to seek support if they have been victims of violence.
  • Prevention and awareness-raising are important steps in combating sexualized and domestic violence against men.
Victim support: Sexualized violence against men
Victim support: Sexualized violence against men

Sexualized violence against men is a form of abuse in which men are subjected to a sexual act to which they have not voluntarily consented or to which they were unable to give consent due to fear or coercion. There are various manifestations and forms of sexualized violence against men, including

Forms of sexualized violence against men

Forms of sexualized violence against men Description
Rape A form of sexual assault in which violence or threats are used to coerce sexual acts.
Sexual abuse A form of sexual assault in which a perpetrator performs sexual acts on a victim who does not consent or is unable to give consent.
Harassment An unwanted sexual approach or attention that makes the victim feel uncomfortable or harassed.
Physical assaults Any form of unwanted touching or sexual activity, including forced sexual practices, exhibitionism and voyeurism.

Men can be exposed to sexualized violence in a variety of situations, including in the home, at work, during military service, or as victims of childhood and adolescent sexual abuse. It is important to recognize and name this form of violence and to provide adequate support for male victims.

Domestic violence against men: an underestimated problem

Domestic violence against men is still an underestimated problem. It is often assumed that men cannot become victims of domestic violence because of their physical superiority. However, this is not the case. There are many examples of men who have been victims of domestic violence at the hands of their partners.

The biggest problem with domestic violence against men is that it is taboo. Few men admit to being victims of domestic violence out of shame or fear of not being taken seriously. As a result, the actual number of victims is probably much higher than officially reported.

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The effects of domestic violence on men are often similar to those on women. Victims can be psychologically and physically harmed. They suffer from sleep disorders, depression and low self-esteem. In severe cases, physical injuries can occur.

To tackle this underestimated problem, it is important to raise awareness and educate the public. Men who are victims of domestic violence should be encouraged to seek help and support. There should also be more specialized contact points that focus on the needs of male victims.

Signs and consequences of sexualized violence against men

Sexualized violence against men can have serious effects on their physical and mental health. It is important that victims of sexualized violence are identified and supported at an early stage in order to promote their recovery.

Possible signs of sexualized violence against men are

  • Injuries in the genital area
  • Pain when urinating
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Depression
  • Sleep disorders
  • Sexual disorders

The consequences of sexualized violence can be long-term and affect many areas of life. The possible consequences include

  • Mental disorders
  • Physical restrictions
  • Difficulties in relationships
  • Loss of self-confidence and self-esteem

It is important that men who have been victims of sexualized violence seek support and help. Special counseling centers and therapy services can help to cope with the consequences and process a traumatic experience.

Victim support for men: Where can I find support?

There are various contact points and organizations in Germany that offer men support and help in cases of sexualized and domestic violence.

Opferhilfe für Männer e.V. is an organization that focuses specifically on the needs of male victims. They offer advice, support and assistance with legal proceedings as well as therapeutic help.

Victim support: Sexualized violence against men
Victim support: Sexualized violence against men

Weißer Ring is a non-profit organization that supports victims of crime. Men who are affected by domestic violence can get support and help here in the form of advice and support from specialists.

A specialized law firm can also provide support with legal questions and steps.

Assistance in emergencies

In emergencies, men can contact the police or the Red Cross. The police take reports and can also initiate protective measures, while the Red Cross provides first aid and medical support. The emergency number in Germany is 112.

There are also several anonymous hotlines that are available 24 hours a day. The national help hotlines are available for victims of sexualized violence and domestic violence.

What should you do if you have been the victim of sexualized violence?

If a man has been the victim of sexualized violence, it can be a very traumatic experience. An important first step is to seek professional support. There are various contact points and organizations that can support men in this situation.

Another important measure is to report the act of violence. Although reporting a crime cannot guarantee prosecution, it can help to catch the perpetrator and prevent further acts of violence. However, it is important to inform yourself in detail about the legal steps and the process of filing a complaint beforehand.

It can also be helpful to talk to friends or family members about the experience or to join a support group. However, it is important to make sure that you only surround yourself with people who offer you support and comfort.

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To protect yourself from further violence, make sure you move to safer environments and possibly seek temporary accommodation. It is also advisable to stay away from mutual acquaintances who could possibly support the perpetrator.

In any case, it is important not to deal with the experience alone and to seek professional support. An act of violence can have long-term effects on mental health, but it is possible to heal these injuries with the right support.

Male victims of sexualized violence have the right to file a complaint and take legal action. It is important that victims know and use these rights in order to obtain justice and prevent further assaults.

If a male victim of sexualized violence files a complaint, the case is investigated by the police. Victims can be represented by a lawyer who will guide them through the process and represent their interests.

It is important to note that male victims can often face stigmatization and prejudice when they make a report. It is therefore beneficial for them to receive appropriate support and advice.

Legal steps for male victims of sexualized violence Meaning
Press charges Make an official statement that the victim has experienced a crime.
See a lawyer Representation by a lawyer who guides the victim through the process and represents his or her interests.
File a criminal complaint A demand for the court to investigate the perpetrator and punish him for his actions.

It is important to emphasize that male victims of sexualized violence have the same rights as female victims. It is also important that society develops an awareness and understanding of this problem and provides those affected with the support they need.

Raising awareness and preventing sexualized violence against men

Sexualized violence against men is still a taboo subject that often receives little attention. However, it is important that men are informed about this form of violence and know their rights. To achieve this, awareness-raising and prevention are of great importance.

Raising awareness means raising awareness of the problem and debunking prejudices or myths. Various approaches are possible here, such as

  • Information campaigns in schools and universities
  • Public awareness campaigns in the media
  • Workshops and training for professionals in the field of victim support

Prevention ensures that sexualized violence does not happen in the first place. Here are some measures that can help:

  • Strengthening gender equality
  • Better support for men affected by domestic violence
  • Addressing topics sensitively in education and the media
  • Promotion of self-defense courses and martial arts training for men


Raising awareness and prevention are necessary to combat sexualized violence against men. By raising awareness and taking preventative measures, we can help protect men from violence.

Support options for friends and relatives

If friends or relatives are male victims of sexualized violence, they can help by offering a sympathetic ear and support. Empathetic listening and understanding can be invaluable to the victim.

Friends and relatives can also help to find resources and support options. You can help the victim find contact points and organizations and accompany them on their path to healing.

Victim support: Sexualized violence against men
Victim support: Sexualized violence against men

It is important to show the victim that they are not alone and that support is available. It can also be helpful to find out what sexualized violence against men is and what effects it can have in order to be able to respond better.

Tips for friends and relatives:

  • Show compassion and understanding.
  • Offer practical help, e.g. in finding advice centers or lawyers.
  • Share information about resources and support options.
  • Support the victim in expressing their needs and making decisions.
  • Avoid giving the victim advice or taking responsibility for what has happened.


In summary, this article shows that sexualized violence against men is a serious problem and is often underestimated. It is important that men who have been victims of this form of violence receive support and help and do not feel left alone.

Raising awareness and prevention can help to reduce this form of violence. Friends and relatives can also play an important role by offering support and help to those affected.

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It is important that male victims of sexualized violence know their rights and take legal action if necessary. This is the only way to combat this form of violence.

Overall, sexualized violence against men must be recognized for what it is: a serious crime that must not be tolerated. This is the only way to ensure that male victims are adequately supported and protected.


What is sexualized violence against men?

Sexualized violence against men includes all forms of sexual violence directed against men. This applies to physical assaults as well as psychological, verbal or emotional abuse.

How does domestic violence against men manifest itself?

Domestic violence against men can take both physical and psychological forms. There may be physical attacks, forced sexual intercourse, humiliation or threats.

What are the signs and consequences of sexualized violence against men?

Signs of sexualized violence against men can include physical injuries, psychological problems such as anxiety or depression and changes in behaviour. The consequences can be long-term traumatic experiences and psychological stress.

Where can I find support as a male victim of sexualized violence?

There are various contact points and organizations that offer help and support to male victims of sexualized violence. This includes advice centres, emergency numbers and aid organizations.

What steps can I take as a victim of sexualized violence?

As a victim of sexualized violence, it is important to seek help and receive support. This can include contacting a counseling center, filing a report with the police or visiting a medical facility.

Male victims of sexualized violence have the right to prosecution and receive support in the legal process. You can file a complaint and possibly claim damages.

How can we promote awareness and prevention of sexualized violence against men?

Raising awareness and preventing sexualized violence against men can be achieved through awareness campaigns, training and involving men in prevention work. It is important to raise awareness of this issue and break down prejudices.

As a friend or relative, how can you help male victims of sexualized violence?

Friends and relatives can help male victims of sexualized violence by listening to them, offering support and helping them to find professional help. It is important to be empathetic and understanding.

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