What’s different about sex with a sleeping woman?

By Daniel Kemper
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Sex with a sleeping woman – how does that feel?

At first glance, the idea of having sex with a sleeping woman may seem unusual. But there are definitely men who are into that sort of thing. Just like their playmates, by the way. Some women even fall asleep at night with a feeling of anticipation when they imagine their partner helping themselves to them while they sleep.

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What makes sex with a sleeping woman so unique? This article shows this and more in an impressive way.

A preference for fucking a woman in deep sleep

Sex with a sleeping woman, whose consent has of course been expressly given in advance, is a special situation that can have a very special appeal. As a rule, it is a sexual or erotic practice that can primarily be carried out within the framework of a fixed or existing partnership.

➤ Deepsleep sex

A trusting relationship and a feeling of security for the woman should be the absolute focus in this context. If the man has a corresponding preference and has shared this with his playmate, such playfulness can give a lot of pleasure.

Trust and security as well as power and control

The dynamics of control and assumption of power must also be considered in this respect. In any case, the lustful partner who wants to take the initiative has a greater responsibility to protect the physical and emotional integrity of the sleeping partner. This responsibility also includes adhering to the previously defined rules and boundaries. In a healthy relationship, however, this aspect should be a matter of course.

What's different about sex with a sleeping woman?
What’s different about sex with a sleeping woman?

Erotic games with a sleeping sex partner are not primarily about touching each other. Rather, men enjoy it so much that they can let their longing gaze wander over the woman’s face and body at their leisure. Depending on your desire and state of arousal , you may also use your hands. Again, it should be noted that the woman has agreed to this in advance. The feeling that the woman is almost defencelessly at his mercy during sleep can certainly increase arousal in the man.

Fantastic pleasure for everyone involved

A very stimulating sensation, rubbing against her with your best piece and feeling the warmth and softness of her skin. Conversely, the knowledge that he loves to have sex with her while she is in the realm of dreams is highly arousing for many women. In fact, it can feel wonderful to feel how much your partner desires your wife. That’s why many ladies are happy to give themselves to their partner.

➤ Deepsleep sex

Experience shows that many men of creation enjoy the idea of being able to do what they have always wanted to do with their sleeping partner during sex. This feeling of absolute control and power over the other person therefore does not only play a central role in BDSM circles. Many men find it particularly pleasurable if the woman does not wake up during penetration while they are penetrating their partner’s anus or vagina with their penis. Another key aspect with regard to the far-reaching takeover of control and power.

As exciting and pleasurable as this may be, other men find it wonderful when their sex playmate wakes up during penetration. Experiencing up close how the woman reacts slightly frightened, but ultimately plays an active part in the erotic games, is a real pleasure for many men.

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Sex with a sleeping woman can therefore be pleasurable in many different ways. It is therefore irrelevant whether she continues to sleep and dream during the erotic acts (perhaps about how he penetrates her in her sleep at night) or whether she plays along after she wakes up and satisfies him completely in his way.

Deepsleep – narcotic sex with an anesthetized woman

Of course, a solid and healthy basis of trust is essential when having sex with your sleeping partner. No other approach can be accepted. Not even in the BDSM field, where much of it is primarily aimed at achieving pleasure through the exercise of power and control. Anaesthetic sex with a defenceless, anaesthetized woman, known as deepsleep, is a special kind of sex. It is also referred to as sexual intercourse with the seemingly dead.

It is often said that sex with a sleeping person in a threesome or as part of group sex is extremely pleasurable. No wonder, because the woman who is in the realm of dreams does not know who is having fun on, with and in her. Of course, the consent of the person concerned must always be obtained for such activities.

In the event that the sleeping woman does not agree to the procedure during penetration, a code or signal word or another sign can be agreed in advance. As soon as this sounds, the penetrating person must end the “game” immediately. This knowledge also provides security and ensures freedom and pleasure during sex with a sleeping woman.

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