Ultimate thrill? To the swingers party with your partner!

By Laura Buschmann
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Ultimate thrill? To the swingers party with your partner!
Ultimate thrill? To the swingers party with your partner!

In twos to the swingers club – What is to be considered?

A kick for your love life

What can couples who have been together for a long time do against monotony in their love life? You could go to the swingers party with your partner. This brings a new swing into the partnership. To swap loved ones without cheating sounds tempting for many. But it is better to discuss and, if necessary, clarify a few things before going to the swingers party with your partner.

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Ultimativer Kick? Mit dem Partner auf die Swingerparty!What do you have to consider?

If you are thinking of going to a swingers party with your partner, you should talk about it extensively beforehand. It is important that both partners feel like it. If one partner only makes it for the love of the other, this can put a great deal of strain on the relationship and be very damaging to it. It is necessary to talk about the ideas and expectations one has of a visit to the swingers club.

It may be necessary to set limits or rules to which both partners have to adhere. It is useful to agree on a code sign to signal to the other person that one does not feel comfortable in a situation. A very important topic is of course also safe sex and contraception. If all this is clarified in advance you can go to the swingers party with your partner.

With your partner to the swingers party: Rules in the swingers club

Once you have decided to go to the swingers party with your partner, the anticipation for the evening will be bigger and bigger. Even when selecting lingerie for the visit to the club together, the desire for more is already growing. Once you arrive at the location, first change your clothes and then go to the bar. There you get to know other couples, and if the chemistry is right, you can quickly get closer together over a drink.

Mit diesen Girls in den Club!

If you want to become intimate, you choose together a space for the common love play. Other couples may want to join and participate. If you’re okay with it, you invite them. If not, a dismissive gesture or a “No thanks. We would rather stay alone”. This must be accepted by all guests. The club’s staff pays meticulous attention to this.

When you go to a swingers party with your partner for the first time, you don’t have to go straight to the full. Not every visit ends in a wild sex orgy. Just the atmosphere of the club and the presence of the other guests in hot outfits can be very stimulating.

A daring adventure helps against boredom in the partnership

If you go to a swingers party with your partner, you will meet mostly couples who are in league. You want to experience an adventure and are open-minded. The thought of having sex with strangers makes the excitement rise. Many couples who are in a long-term relationship lack variety. An agreed partner exchange can counteract boredom.

Going to a swingers party with your partner stimulates the imagination and can be very enriching for your sex life and partnership. Planning to go to a swingers party together with your partner can lead to hot, erotic nights even before you visit the club.

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