The confession: I have a rubber boot fetish

By Jens Haberlein
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My mother hit me hard with her rubber boots

… maybe that’s where my rubber boot fetish comes from

When I think of the past, I still dread it. I feel a chill run down my spine. But not only that, I am strangely excited at the same time. Whenever I can live out my rubber boot fetish.

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As a child I already romped around with it

At the tender age of three, I got my first pair of rubber boots. Very small – just for children – and with an acrid smell of rubber. Probably the boots were from China and on top of that harmful to health without end. In the past, however, no one asked about this. So I romped around like crazy in the puddles with the rubber shoes, especially deep ones had done it to me.

One day, I think I overdid it a bit. Again and again I jumped into the dirty water with my rubber boots. Of course, I was not only completely soaked from top to bottom, but also dirty without end. At home, they were often beaten. My mother was particularly strict and usually spanked me right away. Today, something like that would be unheard of, but in my day it was still the order of the day and totally normal. When she was in a bad mood, she would hit me with my rubber boots. I think that’s where I got my rubber boot fetish from.

Submissive with my rubber boot fetish

Today I am a grown man. I have been married for over twenty years. My wife knows about my rubber boot fetish and when we have sex I like to wear my black rubber boots. At first she found it a little disconcerting, but she got used to it.

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I must say that I am very grateful to my wife for accepting me with my rubber boot fetish. After all, it is not as common as, for example, foot fetish or golden shower, which you somehow constantly encounter somewhere. But one thing still makes me horny, even if I usually wear the boots only during sex. Sexual intercourse with my wife is great, we always both get our money’s worth. She also has regular orgasms or climaxes several times when she is in a good mood.

When I am alone because my spouse is abroad on a business trip, I am still faithful. Cheating would never occur to me. I love my wife very much and would not do that to her. Apart from that, I have no interest in the “normal” ladies. It should be a little bit wicked. So it happens that I watch a sex video of my wife and me when she is not around. For this I masturbate. But not just like that, my rubber boot fetish helps me. I rub my penis over the smooth material. Sometimes I rub it with oil beforehand. This makes me think of my mother, how she used to beat me with her boots. Even though this is not actually a nice memory, it makes me horny. So horny that I never take long and splash my white sauce over the black rubber.

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