4 Tipps für das perfekte Datingprofil

By Marco Dorada
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
4 Tipps für das perfekte Datingprofil
4 Tipps für das perfekte Datingprofil

How to increase your chances as an online dater

The first impression counts. This adage applies not only to the first face-to-face meeting, but also to online dating. On average, users only take around five seconds to read through a profile. A dating profile should be expressive and interesting, but without overdoing it.

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4 Tipps für das perfekte DatingprofilObserve formalities in the dating profile

A large selection of flirting partners does increase the chance of a date because suitable candidates can be filtered out quickly, but this also means that interested parties merely skim over many profiles.

So if you want to be successful in online dating, you have to stand out. “The image and text should create a harmonious overall picture that appeals to potential enthusiasts. There are a few tricks to keep in mind,” says Wolfgang Herkert, managing director of Lovepoint and expert on sex and partnership.

“Both the profile text and the first cover letter when making contact should not be too long. A short, concise and humorous description is more likely to lead to a date than if users have to read through a novel first. Then they know everything about each other, but as soon as they meet, they have nothing more to say to each other.

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Therefore, online daters should rather give only a small insight into their own habits and emotional world in order to still remain mysterious and interesting. Users should also pay attention to spelling. In everyday life, it often happens with short messages that capitalization is neglected. However, this should not happen with the introductory text.”

Being honest gives you plus points

“Everyone probably knows the saying ‘lies have short legs’ – meaning that lies usually can’t be sustained for long. Especially young women like to change their photos with filters and editing programs so much that only little resemblance remains.

Those who don’t tell the truth in their own online profile or show an altered image of themselves may initially have more success with chat partners, but at the latest when they meet in person, everything blows up and the disappointment is great.”

Stay authentic in dating profile

“An honest and authentic profile doesn’t have to appeal to every member, but to the right one. Therefore, when listing hobbies, it is advisable not to use general phrases such as “be sporty, like to read and go shopping with friends”, but to be specific.

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An example: The phrase “I like to travel” gets a more personal touch with the addition of “backpacking through America” and also provides a starting point for an initial topic of conversation. Online daters should always ask themselves first when creating a profile whether they are looking for recognition or new friends, or are looking for true love or a sex partner to be the focus, and adjust the profile accordingly.”

Give an outlook

“Our experience has shown that an online dating profile is particularly well received if it is humorously designed and directly addresses the potential date. In this way, the searcher does not feel like a random candidate, but is addressed personally. In this context, users can also give a little preview of the future and communicate goals. Phrases such as “I would love for you to join me on my travels and be as fond of animals as I am” paint a picture of what time together might look like.”

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