The lotus position: cross-legged sex

By Julia Moreno
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
The lotus position: cross-legged sex
The lotus position: cross-legged sex

Sex cross-legged: The lotus position in two variants

New positions bring a breath of fresh air into your love life. Couples who are willing to experiment and are a little limber can try the lotus position. The position comes from the Indian Kamasutra and is basically cross-legged sex. There are two variants of the lotus exhibition. If you are curious about the position, you can find out everything you need to know here.

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The Lotus Exhibition: Cross-legged Sex for ExperimentersSex from the Kama Sutra: The lotus position

This position is quite a sporting challenge, because it combines sex with yoga. The inexperienced should take it slowly and preferably do light stretching exercises beforehand to avoid pain. First, the woman goes into the cross-legged position, which is also known as the lotus position in yoga. Now she leans back, stays on her back and at the same time pulls her crossed legs to her chest. Your partner can now, bent over her, penetrate her wonderfully.

A pillow under the buttocks can make the position a little more comfortable for the woman. She now has to keep her legs on her stomach and chest during sex in the lotus position – admittedly exhausting, but a really good workout at the same time. In addition, her pelvis opens wide in this position, which can be particularly exciting for the man. Despite all ambition, however, you should not be discouraged: even Kamasutra pros usually do not hold this position for very long.

Lotus position: The second variant

If you find the first version of the lotus position too strenuous, just try the second variation of cross-legged sex. Here it is the man who takes the lotus position. Now his partner just squats wide-legged on his lap. He can penetrate her while grasping her hips to give her more support. Both can now move together in rhythm.

Want to see more crazy sex positions?

Firstly, this variant is much easier than the first lotus position. On the other hand, it also has the advantage that the couple is particularly close to each other. Intense body and eye contact can enhance sex immensely. Both can also kiss during lovemaking and enjoy the intimacy.

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