The Herd: A cow having sex is trouble

By Carlos Galvez Otoño
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
The Herd: A cow having sex is trouble
The Herd: A cow having sex is trouble

Man watching cow having sex

Daniel is in his mid-20s and is studying law. In his spare time, he enjoys hiking in nature and observing animals. Today he is on the road in the Eifel. There are many farmers here with land and livestock. He’s watching a cow have sex. The ox is going wild with her, he thinks. He wonders if a calf will be conceived in the process? They probably put the animal on testosterone.

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He feels sorry for the cow, but it’s like an accident: he can’t look away, he has to look! After the ox finishes with the cow, it slumps. The ox, however, is not tired at all! There’s a whole herd in front of him! He mounts the next cow from behind. This is how Daniel sees the next cow having sex. This one seems to like it, though…

The theatre group

The Herd: A cow having sex is troubleDaniel enrolled in a theater group at college because he wants to meet girls. He’s single again right now. He’s got his eye on Stella. She loves literature and theater, so he hopes to meet her there. Stella has long blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

She is about 5’7″ and very slim. Still, she has huge breasts. She’s a real looker. Daniel isn’t the only man who has a crush on her. At the first meeting he finds that he is lucky! His chosen one has also enrolled in the course to gain extra-curricular skills.

Animal Costumes

The group is writing a play about Piggy Babe. It is a cover version. Greg, a fellow student, will play the pawn. Stella plays the piggy babe. Daniel thinks she’ll definitely be the hottest piggy the university has ever seen. He doesn’t miss the fact that Greg also has his eye on his dream girl. The other students seem more concerned with their roles and costumes while the two men vie for the blonde beauty.

Stella asks Daniel some questions about himself. She asks how he, as a law student, comes to enroll in a literature course. Daniel’s blushing. He stammers that he is just privately interested in theater. Stella doesn’t miss his blush. It seems to turn her on.

Dressed as a cow having sex in the changing room

Rehearsal’s over. Daniel is in the men’s locker room and is taking off his cow head when Stelladurch comes in the door. She doesn’t say anything, just kisses him. Then she unzips her piggy costume and exposes her huge breasts. Daniel can hardly believe his luck. He is hot as hell for her and gets a boner.

The sight of Stella makes him feel like the testosterone-driven ox he was watching in the field the other day. He takes her from behind… and can’t believe it himself that he is dressed as a cow having sex. Stella’s asking a lot of him. She is a nymphomaniac. Daniel can’t even take off the costume because she so desperately needs it right now!

Tired after sex

He had been dressed as a cow having sex and had sweated profusely. The animal costume is completely wet. It was fun, but now he has to laugh out loud. He thinks of the cow he was watching… and how it slumped down exhausted afterwards. Stella asks him why he is suddenly laughing. Daniel tells her about the cow and the ox he had been watching.

He told her it was funny that he had now been dressed as a cow himself having sex. That also makes Stellae laugh out loud. The two hold a conclusion: cow having sex is trouble, whether dressed up or real!

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