That’s why this man especially likes to lick intimate hairy women

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
That's why this man especially likes to lick intimate hairy women
That's why this man especially likes to lick intimate hairy women

Intimate hair for women: A dream come true

If a fairy were to appear and tell him he had one wish, Michael (32, Stuttgart) wouldn’t have to think twice: He would definitely wish that there were more intimate-haired women in this world. He not only loved hairy ladies, he was even addicted to them. Intimately hairy women and unshaven girls simply had an irresistible smell and taste. That’s why he liked to lick them so much.

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Hairy women made him horny even as a teenager. When he rode his bike to the bathing lake in the neighboring village and saw intimately hairy women lying naked by the lake, he always masturbated secretly. And now, as an adult, on every date he hoped that the women were hairy in the genital area and that he could also lick and pamper them.

Michael likes to lick intimate hairy women

He had mostly had bad experiences with shaved women. They were often disgusted by the fact that a man was seriously into intimate hairy women. Or they laughed at him, “Before I grow fur on my pussy for you, you should grow hair on your head.” How many times did he have to listen to that comment! What did his bald head have to do with intimate hair on women? After all, one should take a person as he is. Even if he was already bald in his early thirties.

That's why this man especially likes to lick intimate hairy women

So unfortunately he had to realize that straight shaved women were superficial. He found that intimate hairy women dealt with the issue of intimate hair quite differently. Much looser and more natural. They weren’t so uptight and were able to let their guard down. That’s why he only met hairy ladies or unshaven girls that he met through a special internet portal. There were only women with intimate hair who were looking for a date with someone who had a full head of hair down below. At the meetings, these women were also totally uncomplicated and also came quite quickly to talk about the topic of intimate hair. At first, he was uncomfortable talking about licking intimate hairy women after only an hour.

Unshaven women

Although this was something that made him really horny, but he had just met the ladies. But from time to time he got used to talking to these ladies about intimate hair on women, like talking about the weather. Then the date was also really fun. And above all, these conversations also excited him very much. Sometimes he had the feeling, intimate women were even relieved to finally be able to talk about it freely and without inhibitions with a man.

The main thing bushy and smelling of fresh pussy

Just on the last date he had such a conversation, where he had the feeling that the lady excited this topic just as much as him. It was on a hot Friday in August when he met this particular lady for ice cream in the afternoon. He had met her through this internet portal and went there with great expectations, as he did every time.

That's why this man especially likes to lick unshaved girls

He knew that she was hairy, but not all hairy ladies or unshaven girls looked the same down below. That was always the exciting part. Some intimate hairy women coiffed their bush, others let it grow wildly, and still others did not even shave their armpits or legs. He just liked all kinds of intimate hair on women. Only it could not be too little, so that when licking her hairy pleasure hole not only she, but of course also he got his money’s worth.

Unshaven women

As it would turn out later in the evening, this time he actually got more than his money’s worth. When he saw the lady sitting at a table in front of the ice cream parlor, he was immediately fascinated by her. She radiated a looseness and light-heartedness, so that his nervousness vanished into thin air in an instant. And what was very important for him: she really had a sense of humor. “What you have too little of there, I have too much of down there,” she said after a while, stroking his bald head with a charming smile and a wink.

Under the panties he wants to see long and thick pubic hair

Wow! This woman had fire! She totally excited him. Somewhat ashamed, he looked around to see if anyone overheard the conversation or noticed his stiff penis in his jeans pants. Then she leaned over to him, stroked his knee and whispered in his ear: “If you want, you can find out where I’m still hairy all over my body! I totally dig it when you explore every inch of my body with your tongue.”

That's why this man especially likes to lick intimate hairy women

Crass! This date had it all! He would still be able to lick the hairy pleasure hole of a really hot woman today. He felt that. He nodded briefly, paid, and headed home with her in his station wagon. Again and again he glanced furtively at her in the passenger seat while driving. As if nothing was wrong, each time she pushed her skirt up a little further until he could see her panties. At a red light, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Through her white panties he could clearly see her dark pubic hair. The bulge in his pants got even bigger when he saw her pubic hair sticking out of her panties on the right and left.

Unshaven women

She turned her head over to him, smiled smugly and touched his bulge in his jeans with her left hand. At the same time she pushed her panties aside with her right hand while she kneaded his stiff penis. Her pubic hair was awesome! Such a dense and wild bush! He almost couldn’t take it anymore. He wanted to go home as soon as possible so he could finally lick her. She also seemed to be very excited by all this, because she now rubbed her hairy pleasure hole more strongly with her fingers. “Just through this wooded area and we’ll be there,” he groaned. He could hardly concentrate on driving, so horny she kneaded his stiff cock.

The hairy woman just wanted to be licked horny

“No, fuck you now! I’m so horny!” she gasped. He didn’t need to be told twice. He turned right at the next opportunity into a dense wooded area. After a few minutes, he came to a stop in a gravel parking lot with emergency braking. He yanked open the car door and quickly walked around the car. Then she followed him while he opened the trunk. She sat down in the spacious trunk, pulled up her skirt and lifted her legs. He knelt in front of her and hastily pulled down her panties.

That is why this man especially likes to lick unshaven ladies

The sight of her full and wild intimate hair made his cock swell even more. Slowly he approached her horny pleasure hole with his face until the first pubic hairs touched his lips and her natural scent flowed into his nose. He took a deep breath and got horny at her scent. Then he licked her labia with pleasure before thrusting his tongue into her warm, hairy opening. She was already so wet that he absolutely had to taste her love nectar. Oh man, her hairy pleasure hole not only smelled good, it tasted fantastic.

Unshaven women

“Oh yeah, lick me really hard! Lick out my horny, hairy crack!” she moaned. She was now so hot and horny that she pressed his head with her hands against her horny, hairy opening and he could literally inhale the natural scent of her hairy cleft. He took his hard member in his hand and masturbated while continuing to lick her clit. He felt with his tongue how the sensitive pleasure center swelled more and more and she became wetter and wetter.

Reading tip for you from EroniteRead also:
Licking hairy women can be quite arousing
Ouch, it hurts with every thrust: Sexwaxing with honey
What men really think about intimate shaving in women
Full Bush Brazilian: Is pubic hair in again?
This is why men are aroused by hairy women

“Ohhjaa, that’s so horny how you lick my hairy hole! Keep going, I’m about to cum,” she moaned and pressed his head even harder against her wet horny hole. He worked his stiff cock more and more, so horny made him this woman. He had never had such an uninhibited and hairy woman who went off like this when he licked her. He now took her pleasure pearl between his lips and sucked on it. Her upper body reared up as he sucked harder and harder on her clit. “Oh God, yes! Suck out my hairy hole! Yay! Oh my God! Coming! I come so horny! Yesss!” he heard her scream as he got horny at the scent of her wet, hairy cunt and worked his stiff cock harder with a stronger grip.

He sensed that he was about to come too and quickly stood up. Then he held his bulging cock to her pussy and explosively squirted his entire load onto the hairy opening until there was not a drop left. While enjoying the blissful feeling of orgasm, he came to the conclusion that intimate hairy women are simply the best.

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