The hottest sex is experienced from 46 years old

By Valérie Francès-Pecker
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
The hottest sex is experienced from 46 years old
The hottest sex is experienced from 46 years old
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The older you are, the more fun and experience you have in bed

A survey produced a surprising result. Women and men have the hottest sex only when they are over 45. They have far more fun in bed at this age than ever before. They know exactly what they want and put it into practice. Thus, sex does not become less, but more intense with age. You give yourself uninhibitedly to the desire and do not ponder first whether the desired will be well received by the sex partner. Simply experience the hottest sex, that’s what matters.

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Through experience hornier sex in old age

The hottest sex is experienced from 46 years oldOf the 3,000 participants in the study, 72 percent of women over the age of 45 said they had gained more experience by getting older and thus, compared to younger years, experienced a more satisfying, fulfilling sex life. In short, have the hottest sex. Just under 53 percent of the men surveyed agreed with the statement. Some of the gentlemen expressed that they had come to the realization that sex had merely become different, not necessarily better or worse.

However, between the ages of 22 and 59, sex awareness already matured in three quarters of men. Among the female participants in the study, 50 percent said that it wasn’t until they were between the ages of 41 and 59 that they consciously came to terms with their own sexuality and preferences, and thus had the horniest sex of their lives.

Horny sex instead of midlife crisis

Around 57 percent of the ladies involved said that they even feel more sexual pleasure and strive for horny sex than they did 20 years ago. Whereas only just under 36 percent of middle-aged men feel an increased desire to indulge in sexual acts and passion. Thus, the men of creation are once again at a disadvantage compared to their female counterparts. It’s no coincidence that the older the better! Sex is like good wine: only when it has matured is it all the better.

The hottest sex with steady partner

Whether sex in a committed relationship loses its appeal over time is the question. The majority, namely a good two-thirds, experience the most intense and horny sex in a long-term relationship. Only 24 percent get their sexual climaxes from changing sex partners in the form of a casual affair or a casual visit to a swingers club.

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The classic, monogamous relationship style is preferred by 25 percent of men. A good 19 percent can imagine an open relationship. In the ladies’ world, the views balance each other out. Around 17 percent are aiming for a conventional partnership. But even the so-called Friendship Plus or an open relationship are not taboo for at least as many participants.

What is meant by passionate eroticism?

The erotic appeal of the sex partner is the most important criterion for nine out of ten respondents of both sexes. It is important for 88 percent of men that their partner reaches orgasm during sexual intercourse. Supportive, they also like to reach for a toy, 85 percent of the men said.

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90 percent of women emphasize that when it comes to sex, an honest and open way of communicating is of great importance. Who wants to experience horny sex, should be able to express what he likes. Being able to let go in a love frenzy with the one you love is important to 84 percent of the study participants. Thus, people fused together in the act of love experience highly erotic moments. Those who have a clear head are much more receptive to sensual touch. These cause fireworks to ignite in the body.

When asked what the subjects could do without during physical union, the women answered that the type of sex practices and frequent position changes are less important during horny sex. Men rank their own orgasm as secondary.

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