Great action: Texas Patti helps fans and fills up 5 fridges

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Great action: Texas Patti helps fans and fills up 5 fridges
Great action: Texas Patti helps fans and fills up 5 fridges

This is how fans get something in return

For more than 12 years now, German porn export has been in the erotic industry, three years of which in the United States of America. Thanks to her numerous fans, the girl from Münster can now live exactly the dream that has accompanied her for almost her whole life. But now Texas Patti is helping her fans and wants to give something back of the support she has given for years.

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Great action: Texas Patti helps and fills 5 refrigeratorsTexas Patti helps her loyal fans

At the moment the health crisis is on everyone’s lips. COVID-19 here, Corona there. And because this will also develop into a tangible and possibly unprecedented economic crisis, a deep recession, Texas Patti is now helping those who really need it. Many of their fans can no longer go to work, receive short-time work benefits or worse – lost their jobs. Even the self-employed among them are currently being shaken like never before. Orders fail to materialize, sales collapse. Small entrepreneurs are no different. People are very insecure. What happens next? What’s coming? How much longer? When will the coronavirus be defeated? Some fans of Texas Patti just don’t have money for porn in these hard times. Some of them not even for the most essential thing: food.

More on Texas Patti:

The fridge is teeming with yawning emptiness and the wallet looks the same. This is exactly where the porn actress comes in and Texas Patti helps in an unconventional and unbureaucratic way.

Porn star makes your fridge full

But how exactly is Texas helping Patti now? Very simple: You write us why you of all people can use the help now. The messages are forwarded directly to Texas Patti. Should you be one of the lucky ones, Team Texas Patti will contact you directly and with a little more luck the erotic star will bring you the food home personally – of course, in accordance with the current safety recommendations!

Please fill out this form to participate:

— the action has already ended —

And one request: only take part if you really need the help. Do not take advantage of the helpfulness and leave it to those who need it. Don’t take anything away from anybody if Texas helps Patti. Stand together, please! Especially now during the corona crisis. Thank you very much!

The action shall apply until 15 May 2020 inclusive. The judges’ decision is final. A cash payment of the prize is not possible. In addition, our Texas Patti hilft terms and conditions for participation in competitions also apply to the campaign.

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