10 rules of etiquette in dealing with escorts

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
10 rules of etiquette in dealing with escorts
10 rules of etiquette in dealing with escorts

Proper manners are the key

It may be hard to believe, but in fact there are rules of etiquette when dealing with escorts or even call girls. Because the escorts also want to be treated with respect by their clientele. But don’t worry, actually the etiquette rules should be pretty self-explanatory and obvious. After all, it is usually the gentlemen who decide to book an escort.

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Nevertheless, we would like to give a small but nice guide so that even newcomers can feel a little safer. Because even most men are afraid to do something wrong on an escort date. We want to take away this fear from all interested parties. The very fact that a man thinks about the right behavior is a very good condition.

After all, you don’t want to make a mistake. But even if it’s your first time seeking professional guidance, there’s no need to feel insecure. Because all ladies from the escort service are professional and know how to behave.

10 rules of etiquette in dealing with escorts10 important rules of etiquette

1. respect

Always treat your escort from Escort Service Düsseldorf with respect. It is not for nothing that the German Basic Law states that human dignity is inviolable. Exactly the same is true with escorts.

2. condoms are mandatory during sex

If there should be sexual acts at the escort meeting, you must have a condom with you. Good preparation is half the battle. Please never assume that the lady has a Parisian with her. Safe sex is a must for you!

3. payment of the escort

If you have decided to pay cash on the spot, you should hand over the envelope with the previously agreed commission already after the greeting. Many male customers do not like this method of payment and opt for an advance bank transfer. Is also no problem with most escort agencies. So if you only have to pay a tip, you can hand it over after the meeting. However, a tip is not a must, but absolutely voluntary.

4. open discussions before the meeting

Already when you make your booking at the agency, you can tell the operator your exact ideas. Only in this way can the agency also provide for your dream date. However, especially with the sexual ideas, it is true that the escort can also decide for themselves how far they want to go. If she says no, you have to accept that unconditionally. Nevertheless, you should always be open and honest and openly communicate all your wishes and suggestions for the date.

10 rules of etiquette in dealing with escorts5. private questions are taboo

In the course of the escort date, many men get the idea to ask their companion about her private life. Very bad idea! The private life of the escorts is a sanctuary. You should therefore not even come into the temptation to ask the escort about private circumstances.

6. filming and photography prohibited

Escort ladies usually want to do their work very discreetly. Please respect that without discussion. Never secretly take photos or even shoot videos. If you want a souvenir photo, ask the lady. If she agrees, it’s okay.

7. choose the right topic of conversation

The right topics during the conversation are the be-all and end-all on a date with an escort. Never ask questions about her personal life, her colleagues or even other clients. Rather choose topics like the weather, music or movies. But usually a suitable topic of conversation arises all by itself.

8. safety is mandatory

Escort girls have an enormously high risk and always try to minimize this. That is why most escorts prefer to come to a hotel or other public building. Escort ladies are usually never visitable or offer sex in the car. Please accept this!

10 rules of etiquette in dealing with escorts9. alcohol does not have to be

Most often, the men offer the ladies a glass of champagne or something similar to welcome them. If an escort refuses alcohol, it is necessary to accept this unconditionally. Because most escorts are very professional and don’t need alcohol to get loose.

10. the right amount of the tip

Many new customers also wonder what tip amount is appropriate after a meeting. First of all, tipping is not mandatory. But, of course, the escort ladies are happy to receive an obolus. So if you were 100% satisfied with the service, you can present the lady with a tip equal to 10% of the fee.

You can see from our 10 important rules of etiquette that it’s not that hard. Of course you can dare and just go for it. But with the help of the rules, you can now safely start your escort date. We wish you much success!

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