Sex Story: The Office Alarm System

By Stephan Gubenbauer
Estimated reading time: 24 minutes
Sex Story: The Office Alarm System
Sex Story: The Office Alarm System

Sabrina Was As Hot As The Alarm System

Actually, I don’t feel like working anymore today, but what can I do? I gotta fill my eight hours somehow. For a Friday today really sucks and then the heat too. If I had worked the week ahead, I could go home as early as 12 and then head to the lake. The other colleagues have done just that and are enjoying the weather and the weekend to the full. I’m a little jealous. There won’t be much going on in my office today and most of my colleagues are already off work. So today I have the honorable task of arming the alarm system.

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Erotische Sexgeschichte - ErotikgeschichtenI didn’t want to stay any longer than necessary

On my lunch break, I’m using the green site again to socialize to possibly drift a little more tonight. It’s been a long time since I’ve shoved my dick up a guy’s ass and I need this asap – before my balls burst on their own and empty themselves under the covers at night while I sleep. You don’t want to think about that when the bedding is full of my cum. I therefore do not give up hope and wait for the horny guy I can spoil and serve tonight. By now it’s past two o’clock and I can’t hear anything in the office or in the hallways. Neither the phone nor a keyboard, which is typed a lot. Because I’ve been sitting so much today and could do with a few steps, I’m going down the corridor to see if there’s really no one left in the office.

So I can check directly if everyone is really out of the office and can arm the alarm system directly at the end of the day and enjoy my workday and weekend. Be a shame if I had to sit around at work any longer than necessary. There is one advantage to being alone. You can take your shoes off and walk down the aisle like that without any colleagues looking funny. Freedom for the feet, what a relief.

Alarm system armed – I could go

Three out of nine offices are definitely unoccupied at one point and I’m on my way to the fourth office. There’s something weird here. Something’s rustling. It could be fabric or something. With a paperless office, it would be weird if it still rustled. I cautiously look into the office and that’s exactly what I wasn’t expecting now. Somehow I really expected that all colleagues are already in the end of the day, but one colleague also spends his time in the office.

He probably hasn’t filled his full 8 hours yet and must be suffering like me. Apparently he didn’t notice me, because I was already walking normally. Ah… now I see why he didn’t notice me. He has the new Airpods and is leaning back watching a movie. But it’s still rustling. From his direction. As I approach, I notice that his hand is in his pants and his beige cloth pants already have a small stain. The young man is apparently horny on the road.

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I am very excited now and want to look over my shoulder just slightly to satisfy my curiosity. He actually doesn’t seem to be really into women, because in the video two guys are about to blow each other 69. But I wouldn’t really have thought that of Daniel, because he’s always very quiet and rarely lets anyone talk to him. Just then he takes his hand out of his pants and he licks his fingers and already the hand comes back into his pants. He must be very wet by now, because smacking noises can be heard.

Something is getting ready in my pants and I notice how my cock wants to straighten upwards. Slowly I pull myself back to get out of his office silently again. I’m typically a klutz and get to the umbrella stand, which is made of sheet metal and of course a bit noisy. Daniel turns to see me looking at him, startled. To his hand, which he quickly pulled out. Also on his smartphone. And the stain on your pants. And again his smartphone and the porn that was still playing.

Sex Story: The Office Alarm SystemDaniel closed his eyes and I reached out

Daniel was already blushing and trying to cover it all up by asking stupid questions, even though I already saw everything how and what he was doing. I walk up to him and tell him that I have been watching everything for a few minutes and that this situation has caused a movement in my pants. He turns away to the screen and I stand behind him and touch him on his shoulder and massage him lightly. He wants to turn away, but I tell him that this will stay between us and that I will not upset him in the future. Slowly he loosens up and allows himself to be massaged. I run my hands under his shirt and rub his nipples between my fingers. He likes that and leans further back. While I stroke his chest, he opens his shirt. He groans softly.

He put up with it and I went on. His video was still playing. Daniel closed his eyes and his hand with the smartphone sank lower and lower. He grabbed my hand and shoved it down his pants. Now I know why his pants have a stain. There were no “catch-all” underpants that would catch it at least some of the time. I noticed that he had a large glans, which I gripped tightly. His drops of pleasure spread over my hand. I enclosed his cock now to feel it completely. He has an incredibly horny cock that I would like to unwrap directly. It was good that his pants are elastic, otherwise it would be a torture to get it right. So I also slid my second hand into his pants and worked his balls, which were also very good in my hand.

My boxers bulged, I had become horny

Daniel held up his hands and reached around my neck to pull me down. We kissed. Slowly at first and then more and more passionately. Our tongues touched and fought wildly with each other. I turned his office chair my way and he grabbed my crotch and massaged my ever growing cock. I especially like it because he has big hands. I opened my pants to finally let him have a hand. My pants just slid down and my cock is only in my tight fitting boxers, which also bulged forward. Sliding his hands up both thighs, Daniel reached into his boxers from underneath.

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With one hand he gripped my cock and with the other hand he tickled my balls. He didn’t keep his slightly shaky hands in that position for very long, as he seemed to want much more. He took my cock out of my boxers to finally be able to suck it. First he licked my cock, pushing the foreskin completely back. Also with me extremely much horniness forms. He licked everything and took my cock in his mouth with pleasure. At the beginning only very slowly and very hesitantly, however, then it simply overcame him and he tried to get the 17 centimeters, nevertheless, now completely into the mouth. It clicked. He choked slightly. But he liked it a lot.

He stood now to take off his pants. Only now I saw that he just has a thick tail at a length of about 14 centimeters. His glans is horny and I would love to suck it directly. But he turned straight to me with his hairless ass and allowed me to touch it. He reached for my cock to guide it to his hole. I still asked if I should not rather use a condom. He was just too horny and finally wanted it. I just said that I had condoms in my bag and that he should please come over naked. We walked hand in hand to my office and I grabbed his ass and massaged it along the way. He played with my cock and stopped the drops of pleasure and kept licking his finger.

Sex Story: The Office Alarm SystemAs best I could I swallowed the full load of cum

In my office I slipped a condom over my cock and Daniel sucked my cock again so really wet to let him insert with him. He stood wide-legged against the cabinet and I inserted my cock into his hole. He gave another short moan and I enjoyed it to the fullest. We fucked each other and it kept slapping against his ass. He wanted to have a short break, but only went down on his knees to let me insert again more easily. So I fucked Daniel on my office floor. His cock was just hanging down and couldn’t hold on. I grabbed his cock from behind and let it pump full of blood again. Such a horny glans must simply be educated in full trains.

At some point it was with me so far and I told him that I’m about to have my orgasm. He pushed away and my penis slid out. Then he ripped the condom off my willy and took my cock in his mouth. He jerked my hard-on and I couldn’t hold it in any longer. The full load shot into his mouth and he swallowed it all down as best he could. Some flowed down the left side of his mouth. With his finger he wiped it again to swallow it down. He just sucked everything out of my cock. Finally he let off and I could sit back.

Next time he should please wear the penis ring

I threw Daniel on his back and occupied myself only with his cock. I also took it in my mouth and sucked it. He’s already wanted to come several times, but I didn’t want him to come yet. Sol, I just let him flounder. His balls are already about to finally discharge. That’s why I pulled his balls so he could take it a little more. But it was no use. Everything shot out of his cock and splashed into my face. I wiped it all away, but he wanted to put it in his mouth himself. Now we just lay exhausted on the floor and caressed each other tenderly.

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We knew it wouldn’t be the first time, but we swore it would be between us. We got up to get dressed. Before he left for his office, I French kissed him for a long time, grabbed his butt cheeks and told him I had to stay that long next Friday too. For Friday, please have him put on a cock ring and come to my office naked. Everything else will fall into place.

He wanted to quit. Should I ever see him again?

On Monday, the news came. Daniel is apparently on sick leave, so I probably won’t have any fun with him on Friday. That’s too bad. Well, let’s wait and see what the week will bring. Thinking back to what all went down on Friday, I can also imagine that he will – for whatever reason – be embarrassed and not show up at all and instead hand in his notice and pursue a new job. Anything I can imagine, because he’ll probably get a new job pretty quickly. I will then have to continue to work my 40 hours week after week and never again have an experience with such a good looking horny guy. Too bad.

The week was long and boring. My hours were already all full, because what else am I going to do here at the office on Friday. Daniel won’t be there, and killing time alone is dull. Time usually goes by quickly on Friday and I have my weekend quickly too. Also this Friday we expect temperatures around 33 degrees. It’s a good thing that the air conditioning works and the boss is not a miser, otherwise there would only be extremely sweaty people here who would love to make everyone sick.

Luckily, I wasn’t on alarm duty at the office today…

TGIF There’s not much on the checklist for today and I’m even more pleased about that. But as it always has to happen, I have to stay in the office again after lunch today despite the 40 hours. It’s the end of the month and we really need to get some invoices written so they go directly to clients on Monday. What do you want me to do. Then I’ll just do this job and throw myself into it again. Also, here’s the air conditioner I haven’t installed at home yet. Somewhere you have to have your advantages even if you have to stay longer. It doesn’t make me cranky because I like doing my job.

The trivial pussy test in the pussy tester

After the break it is again as empty as the last Friday. Today, however, I have no alarm service, the alarm system still had to be armed. We have a new employee who’s supposed to interrogate. Since she’s out in the field and won’t be back in the house until around 4:30pm, I can go home comfortably after work and not have to struggle. Once you know everyone is out of the house, you can kick off your shoes again and just kick back. From the kitchen I get another glass and a bottle of water. You have to drink a lot more in this heat.

She kept squeezing her fat tits together

The colleague will definitely come at 4 pm at the earliest. At 14 o’clock I am finished with my work and think again of Daniel, how cool it has been last week. He just didn’t notice me watching him. It was gay porn, but I certainly enjoyed it and we both had great fun. My pants bulged just thinking about how and what we had experienced together. I had sprayed my full load in his face and he just licked it all off and swallowed it like he had done it 1,000 times.

As always, when I want to watch porn, I look at this horny site that has a lot of porn for me. The first few movies that are displayed are already making me really horny. A woman blindfolding a guy and surrounding his face with her tits. She squeezes her tits again and again so that he can hardly breathe. At times her nipples are in his mouth for him to lick and suck. He likes it. His cock throbs and rides hard, as usual in a porno, and rides up to full size. She pulls on his balls and jerks off again and again in between.

Jerking off alone in the office was not a rarity for me

My cock is now out of the pants in my hand and is jerked comfortably. With horniness the glans gets wet and it clicks when I move him up and down. Meanwhile, I did not notice that I am being watched for some time and that in the background someone is also quite wet with horniness. My tablet was on the table and the video was in full screen mode. What am I supposed to say when I’m not expecting a lady until 4pm who finally wants to lock up and arm the alarm system? That shortly after three o’clock someone is still in the office, I have completely excluded, because it is warm and I have walked through the offices and have checked logically again whether I am really alone. Until then, I have indeed been alone. To be on the safe side, I also looked in all the toilets and there it was also empty or the light was switched off everywhere.

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From behind, my eyes are blindfolded with a scarf, so I could not see anything. Everything was suddenly dark and I was very frightened. My nose detected a woman’s scent. At least it was a feminine note that I got in my nose. It should only be the one from the field, because I can’t imagine anything else.

Yes – I am bisexual and I like women as well as men

The young one from the field service is just 26 years old, has shoulder-length and blond hair and under her shirts you can always see that she has big tits that every man would like to knead. So I often caught myself with this thought of holding her tits in my hands. But alas, it has only ever been a dream. Since I stand on women as well as on men, I am open in bed for everything.

Now I didn’t care about the time. Today, anything goes, even if I have to work overtime. She hugs me from behind and you grab my shirt. She knew what she was doing and I just let her have it. With one hand she undid the buttons of my shirt. I simply allowed everything that the tender hands wanted to achieve on and in me. The scent of the perfume still lingered in my nose and I enjoyed every puff. She whispered in my ear that she is mega hot and watched the video of me.

She also mentioned that she had watched the action with Daniel last Friday and could partially see us getting it on. I asked where she was hiding, but what I didn’t think of. I didn’t look in the bathroom last time and that’s probably where she sat during my walk around and heard the sounds from the office afterwards. She whispered her name to me. Sabrina is her name and she is actually from the field. She rushed her appointments today so she could catch me doing whatever it is I’m doing. What can I say? She caught me jerking off while watching porn.

Erotische Sexgeschichte - ErotikgeschichtenHad she really just rubbed me against her wet cunt?

My dick hasn’t stood up like one in a long time. He slumped in shock. But it didn’t stay that way for long, because Sabrina grabbed my cock and slowly jerked it up and down. I moaned softly and said that I found it horny. I told her I wanted to see her, but she wasn’t the dumbest. She knew I wanted to see her tits and that I would like to touch them. Sabrina held her fingers to my nose and I smelled it.

It must be her horniness and she probably just rubbed her pussy and held the cervical slime up to my nose. With the middle finger of her other hand she was sliding through the vagina from back to front to then bring it to my mouth, making me lick it off. I got really horny and my cock kept pumping.

She turned the office chair toward her so that the sound dropped. Now I saw her. She had only her high heels on, the ones with the extra high heel of 11 centimeters, of course. I just thought… She asked me to stand up and while I was standing up she grabbed my cock and jerked it up and down like before. My balls were bobbing up and down as well. I only had eyes for the tits. They were so plump and it was just horny that she is already completely naked. I can always imagine a Friday like that.

For the assfuck I wanted to know the girl well prepared

With her right hand she held my cock tightly and turned her back to her. With her other hand, she reached for my pocket and pulled out a condom. Now I knew for sure: she was watching me, no, she was watching us, because how should she know that I have condoms with me? With one hand and her teeth she tore open the condom packet and then carefully put the rubber on my cock.I grabbed her tits and kneaded them through. They are so good in the hand and it is just cool to massage them from behind. They hang down nicely in the process. With her hand, she squeezed my hands tightly, sitting down on my cock. But not her pussy I should fuck first, but her ass.

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She groaned a little and you could tell she liked it. Slowly she let me insert myself further and further until I was at my limit. She put her head back and told me that she had never had a cock like that inside her and that last week’s fuck had given her everything. She wanted to finally get fucked in the ass. In preparation, she got big dildos that should stretch her ass to be able to go full on the fuck. She rode me slowly and you could tell she really hadn’t gained much experience yet. I was all the happier for it. Because I’ve never had the pleasure of fucking such a young ass before. She moaned ever so slightly as she did so.

Her pussy needed it – and was fierce, dirty, and always

As she rode up and down on my cock, all I could think about was not coming too soon. I’d like to have that fun for more than a few minutes. She must have heard that thought from me and got off my cock. I just thought wow. What’s next? What’s she up to? She knelt in front of my cock and did what I always did. If I don’t want my fun to end so soon, I’ll pull my balls too if I do it to myself. Somewhere I read that this brings something.

But even if it doesn’t do anything, I’m imagining it and I can last longer. She pulled the condom down and just left it on the table. She pulled me up and told me to come after her. So I went along with her. Once in her office, she opened her purse and pulled out a vial. Without me having any inkling of this yet, she had already sprayed 2-3 squirts of it onto my glans and was massaging it in. I noticed it was getting slightly numb and my cock was about to snap. But she managed to keep it from happening. She jerked a few more times and my cock stood a one again.

Again she turned her back to me and through her high heels she managed to rub my cock against her vagina after pulling another condom onto my cock. I felt her labia making more noises, making me hornier as well. Yes, she was wet so my cock kept sliding into her pussy. Again she reached for my hands to grab her by her tits. I squeezed hard and enjoyed it over and over.

Do you suffer from vaginal depression?

I could tell she needed it in her cunt and so I moved harder and deeper. The effect of the spray is fully there. I can fuck longer than usual. She spread her legs and stood with her ass stretched back against her desk. Something fell down. I looked and it was a small dildo lying slightly shiny in the sun. She grabbed it and slid it down her pussy to her cock. She stretched her pussy so much that another cock would fit there.

He had a pretty horny cock with a bulging glans

In the meantime we are in such a hurry that we don’t even notice how we are being watched. She held her dildo tightly and I kept fucking her pussy from behind. On my cock her horny juice lay down, which I caught again and again to smell it and to lick off a part. As I fucked her, I pulled her hair so that her head hung back and I could kiss her. She opened her mouth to get my tongue. We kissed wildly. Sabrina already let her dildo slip out of her cunt to hold on to my neck. As she did so, she licked at my neck and kept seeking my tongue to kiss wildly.

There it was. Something was knocking. Because we were so into driving, we didn’t notice. Only after further knocks and steps did we become frightened, but remained in the same position. There was one standing in the doorway. I couldn’t think of anything to say other than, “Daniel, you here?” Daniel just grinned and walked towards us. He, too, was naked. I asked him what that meant. His cock stood like a one too, just a tad smaller than mine. But he also has such a thick cock with a horny glans. Sabrina noticed that my cock was buckling slightly again and dismounted to get it back to full size. She was amazed at Daniel’s cock and called him over.

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The offer – and a double penetration in itself – was accepted by Daniel directly and he went straight to Sabrina and grabbed her pussy with his hand. He too rubbed his hand to his nose afterwards to get the scent of pussy in his nose. Just as I did, he licked his fingers clean afterwards. Sabrina winced as Daniel and I touched her tits, ass and pussy again. She grabbed both of our cocks and jerked us both off. Now she wanted to feel Daniel’s cock too. Her horniness was so great. She very likely hasn’t had sex in a long time, or just boring sex, and now it’s all really coming out. All feelings. She Now Wants To Be Peeped By Both Of The…

My dick slipped out of her pleasure grotto and we took her together ran

I lay down on the floor so that Sabrina could sit on my cock. Daniel directed her that the cock should land in her pussy and that mine should go in her ass. Since I could move only little, it was now the part of Daniel that we all can experience our common orgasm. Because of the fact that Daniel had his ring around his cock, he fortunately can’t cum that fast either. That’s exactly how it should go. Sabrina you could tell that she was always on the verge of orgasm. Daniel kept guessing correctly and stopped short when she wanted to come. Her juice kept running out of her pussy during sandwich sex, giving my cock the lubricant it needed to continue to cut a good figure in her ass. Would be too bad if it hurt and nothing went anal.

Daniel fucked hard over and over again. I noticed that the effect of the spray was wearing off and tried to whisper it into Sabrina’s ear. She responded by saying that she wanted a change of position now and that I should continue to work her pussy with my cock. So I stood up and she stripped my condom off my cock at that moment and sprayed some more of the spray on my glans and pulled lightly on my balls, which were already hanging tightly on my cock to finally be allowed to come. So I put a rubber over it again and while I was doing this Daniel already has his cock in her ass. There was no opportunity to continue on the ground. So Daniel sat on the table and fucked Sabrina. I joined in and fucked her pussy hard again.

We licked her legs clean which were smeared with our cum

It must have been two minutes when it happened. Sabrina jerked extremely. Daniel and I held her. I kept fucking her and her juices ran down our legs. She kept moaning and jerking hard as she did so, buckling her knees forward. Daniel and I came pretty much at the same time. Our tails twitched extremely. Sabrina came another time in the process. Her moan could have been one of pain as both cocks discharged. My condom was leaking my juice. I slowly pulled my cock out and Sabrina got off Daniel. Sabrina still ran out some pussy juice. We knelt down to lick her legs clean. The Büronutte wanted to get her money’s worth in the process and asked us to lie down. Sabrina bent over us and after we pulled the rubbers off, she sucked our cocks clean. She swallowed.

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We were completely exhausted and just wanted to lie down. But since it was already around 4 pm and we have to go home at some point, we thought about what else to do. Sabrina said that she has to go home to her boyfriend, because she expects the parents of her boyfriend today. That she has a boyfriend, we asked her why she got involved in something like today. She said that it’s just not cool at home. It’s the standard fuck she has every week, but his cock just isn’t much of a stretch. She definitely wants to experience something like today again and hopes that it does not reach her boyfriend. She wants to keep having her fun with us.

An experience with the two that I would probably not forget so quickly

We cleaned everything up so far. Daniel pulled his ring off his cock. I went into my office and put on my clothes. Sabrina left her underwear on the desk and put on only her clothes. She put the underwear in her bag and said goodbye to us. As we walked away, she grabbed our cocks and made them both stiffen again. She kissed me first and then Daniel. On her way out, she remembered she had to arm the alarm. So she waited until we left the building and on the way to the car she lifted her skirt and let us slip a finger between her lips again. She said thank you and said goodbye to us.

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