Los Angeles: Texas Patti gives presents to homeless

By Mario Meyer
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Los Angeles: Texas Patti gives presents to homeless
Los Angeles: Texas Patti gives presents to homeless

The German porn actress with heart

What a gesture to the first Covid Christmas! While the whole world debates the measures around Corona and discusses the mask obligation, Texas Patti prefers to let deeds speak for themselves and help fellow men without shelter.

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Los Angeles: Texas Patti beschenkt Obdachlose14 homeless people in the neighbourhood

In the immediate vicinity of the porn actress from Münster, who some time ago exchanged German fog for Californian sunshine, some homeless people have set up their quarters. Of course, one thing is always – and not only now – desperately needed: help. In the form of food as well as the odd attention, an open ear and many conversations.

14 homeless people live directly in front of her apartment in Los Angeles (Hollywood). For Texas Patti the good people are normal neighbours: “We talk a lot, drink coffee and have an almost normal neighbourhood life. However, there are of course many things that I have thanks to my fans and for example Kohan (the homeless man in the photo) just doesn’t have. So I have made it my business to support these great people wherever I can. Yesterday, for example, I organized a mattress for Kohan. Once a week we go grocery shopping. Here and there I’ll get an ice cream and we’ll enjoy the afternoon together.”

to Texas Patti’s website

Another problem is of course COVID. Now Texaspatti is planning an organized corona test with her neighbors. So that they at least know whether they are suffering from the lung disease or have been spared. In the long run – that knows Texas Patti – it will not be able to change much. But still make life a little better for the homeless. Christmas time is the perfect occasion for this.

Already a few weeks ago, the German porn actress supported some of her fans and filled the fridge of five fans shaken by the Corona crisis (Eronite reported). Not only giving presents to herself, but also thinking of others is the credo of the Münster-based artist.

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