Communication in bed: 5 sex tips for meeting escorts

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Communication in bed: 5 sex tips for meeting escorts
Communication in bed: 5 sex tips for meeting escorts

How to make the meeting with escorts an experience

When planning a meeting with an escort, it can be helpful to be aware of a few basic things to ensure you have the best experience possible. One of the most important aspects is communication in bed.

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Five sex tips to improve your meeting with an escort lady:

Discuss your wishes in advance
Before it even goes into the bedroom, you should discuss your wishes and preferences with the escort lady. If you have certain fantasies or a specific idea of how you want the meeting to go, be sure to bring that up beforehand. This way you can create a meeting together that is fulfilling for both parties.

Communication in bed: 5 sex tips for meeting with an escort lady

Communicate during the act
During the act, it’s important that you communicate what you like and don’t like. If you find something particularly good, you should say so. In this way, the escort lady can better respond to your needs and make the experience even more intense for both sides. If you don’t like or are uncomfortable with something during the act, you should bring that up as well. Open communication is key to a fulfilling experience.

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Pay attention to their signals
During the meeting you should always pay attention to how the escort lady reacts. Pay attention to their body language, breathing, and sounds. If you notice that she doesn’t like something or is uncomfortable, you should respond by slowing down or changing the pace of the activity. If, on the other hand, she reacts very positively, you can see this as confirmation that you are on the right track.

Be respectful
Respectful treatment is the be-all and end-all in the world of escort services. Do not forget that the escort lady is a person with feelings and needs. Therefore, always treat them with respect and dignity. If you have arranged a meeting with her, you should also be punctual and reliable.

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Don’t forget the debrief
After the meeting, it is important that you reflect on the experience and, if necessary, pass on suggestions for improvement to the escort lady. If you found something particularly good, you should say so. An open debriefing can help both sides better understand their needs and desires and be even more responsive to each other at the next meeting.


Overall, communication in bed is key to a fulfilling escort experience. By following these five tips, you can ensure that you have the best meeting possible and that the experience is more intense for both parties.

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