Rape Play: With my monster tits I am easy prey

By Julia Moreno
Estimated reading time: 19 minutes
Rape Play: With my monster tits I am easy prey
Rape Play: With my monster tits I am easy prey

Other women would whine

… but for me it is simply the hottest head cinema! Provoked rape turns me on beyond belief. Whether at a rest area on the highway in the men’s room or just really public on the beach of a lake. With my monster tits it is also quite simple to draw the attention of my prey, the men, in no time on me.

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Trigger warning
One thing in advance: delicate women should rather not approach these role-playing games. And those who had to experience something like that for real, that is, a real rape, this post might trigger them. Therefore, please do not read any further at this point.

But what happened to me the other day was beyond even my imagination. But read for yourself about my awesome experience, what I had to go through and why I was still happy in the end.

In the beginning they were harmless role plays

It all started with a role-playing game. A faked rape, a soft rapeplay with an acquaintance. He “surprised” me, grabbed me and then “raped” me. Sure, it was all arranged, but it still turned me on. And since then I have really acquired a taste for it. As time went on, it became more and more violent, more and more blatant. The more real the Rape Game is, the hornier I get! Until the day X came, when I should experience my blue miracle with my monster tits…

Rape Play: With my monster tits I am easy prey
Photo: www.german-dream-18.com

As so many times before, I was at the lake for a swim when I suddenly got wet when I saw a group of young men. They were something twelve or thirteen boys. Some of them crisply trained, others with a normal figure and a few a little more flabby. But who knows me, knows exactly that it matters to me rather less. I am interested in such a moment the hard cock, not the man who carries it.

Monster tits topless in outdoor pool by the lake

I went topless past the pack, my monster tits rocked back and forth and quite a few of the guys got stalk eyes or already had a considerable bulge in his pants. That should be the sign for my performance. With a cheeky grin, I looked around again as I passed and winked at the young men. I think they knew that their hour had come. Or mine, but of course they didn’t suspect that at the time. With a lascivious swing of my hips I disappeared behind a bush and lay down with my blanket in the warm sand.

Straight to the tits girl

I immediately began to stroke myself all over, pulling my labia apart and running a finger through my wet furrow. With a little spit I moistened my middle finger and rubbed my clit. I became totally horny, my thoughts turned to the boys. I quickly imagined how they would fuck me together. Here and now. Just like that. Without asking. Would take me as it should be for real men. Blowing up my rosette, fucking my cunt until I would leak with horniness, until I would beg for the next cock, while I take turns blowing them and let them fuck me further in ass and pussy. Only to then fill me completely with their sperm until it runs out of all my holes.

Like a sex-crazed mob the guys gawked at me

Of course, it happened what had to happen: the young guys surrounded me all at once. I almost didn’t notice because I usually close my eyes when I do it to myself. When I saw them, I was startled for a moment, but didn’t let it show. The boys wouldn’t have noticed anything anyway, they were far too horny to even think clearly. While some were already busy jerking off with their stiff peckers in their hands, staring blatantly at my monster tits, others simply chatted with me and asked if I wanted to have sex. Stupid question, what did it look like here just now?!

Rape Play: With my monster tits I am easy prey
Photo: www.german-dream-18.com

But the leader of the gang did not hesitate for long. He immediately came up to me, grabbed me by the neck and whispered in my ear that “I wanted it too and otherwise I would probably not lie there so greedy”. Well well, he was right in any case! He pushed me down on the blanket and immediately forced his considerably thick cock into my mouth. The glans was so plump that I had to open my mouth cunt properly. It hurt a little when my gullet was stretched like that. The saliva ran from the corners of my mouth and dripped onto my monster tits.

They wanted to fuck my mouth, my ass and my tight cunt

This must have spurred the others on so much that I suddenly felt fingers, hands and even more cocks all over and inside my body. While the ringleader hard fucked my mouth – yes, you could not call it otherwise! – fingered his buddies my pussy, which was now even wetter than before. One even tried to fist me, but he had such big hands that he let go of me again. This brought another on the scene and he continued his work. Fistfuck is not called that for nothing, because he had actually sunk his clenched hand in me and moved it there back and forth, twisted and opened it in my fuck hole, so that my monster tits just dangled back and forth.

Straight to the tits girl

“Justus, come over here,” the leader called out. Justus, a somewhat smaller man, but apparently the oldest of the group, didn’t need to be told twice and immediately came over to me. “Let’s fuck the little whore in the mouth together!” – No sooner said than done. Now I had two hard cocks in my mouth to serve. They rammed their lances into me so far that I felt like they were going to stake me, or at least impale me with their spears, which were now completely inside me.

I did not manage to swallow all the sperm

Rape Play: With my monster tits I am easy prey
Photo: www.german-dream-18.com

But that’s not enough, I had now not only still the fist in my pussy, now hit one with the flat hand always on my monster tits. With the hustle and bustle of men at all, it was a miracle that there was still room for them to move. Justus and the leader squirted almost simultaneously, with the older of the two really pumping a lot of cum into me. So much that I could not swallow it all. Justus simply rubbed the sack cream on my face after I had licked his still twitching cock clean. The leader had already retreated, he probably needed a break.

“Whoever wants may fuck her in the ass,” the spokesman now shouted, and suddenly several men pounced on me. They turned me around so that I had to kneel on all fours. With strong blows that hurt, they spanked my ass, hooting like a group of animals that had just killed their prey and now divided among themselves. From the front came two of the young guys again, they lifted my head. These two did not want to fuck my mouth, they asked me to suck their cocks in turn. A somewhat uncomfortable position for a blowjob, but I was not here for pleasure, but with my monster tits to fuck and blow.

As an anal teen I have been through many an ass fuck

Anyway, so I sucked alternately on the tight butts and the two obviously liked how I did it, because both not only moaned, they even cheered me on. The first one already started to work on my backdoor and drilled my rosette with his thumb. When he had done that, he added more fingers and widened my asshole. He spit on it and pushed his mighty pint behind it, sinking it to the hilt in my tight butt. Even though it hurt a little at first, it turned me on like a beast.

Straight to the tits girl

“Let’s fuck them in the double decker,” now shouted the leader, whose cock was already standing again like one. Secretly I had hoped that they would do that with me and already another Lümmel is in my through fisting pre-stretched pussy. Without regard for losses, the guy pushed his cock into my fuck hole. In the other hole the mighty bolt of his mate was still stuck. Together they fucked me hard. In time with their movements, I tried to continue blowing the two cocks in my mouth. My monster tits wiggled back and forth, which only made the pack hornier.

Like a trophy I was passed to fuck

Rape Play: With my monster tits I am easy prey
Photo: www.german-dream-18.com

The men passed me through, each of the group was allowed to fuck me in the cunt or ass. Or, if he wanted, let my mouth juice him. So everyone came to his pleasure. The leader and Justus did it to me especially often. I can’t remember how many times they both cum, but they were definitely the most potent of the pack. I also don’t remember how many orgasms I had. I lay totally sullied, splattered from top to bottom, naked and with wide open gaping holes on the blanket in the sand, as the greedy guys who had fucked me like wild animals left me all alone at the swimming lake.

I think I lay alone by the lake for another hour and let my highlights fade away. When I had recovered from these horny fucks and my horniness had given way to a slight fatigue, I rinsed the sticky sperm of the countless men from my body in the water and then dried myself. I rode my bike home, where I immediately went to bed and fell asleep.

Two of the guys apparently wanted much more

The next morning I woke up with an unprecedented soreness. At first I thought that I had dreamed the “mugging” on the beach, but my holes still hurt a bit, so I knew that my horny experience was really real. In my beach bag I found a small note that had apparently been placed there by Justus and Mike, the leader. I took it out and read it excitedly, “We want to make you our private sex slave. Your next rape will take place at your home. Send us your location via WhatsApp and we will torture you and your monster tits.” Next to it was a phone number in spidery writing.

Straight to the tits girl

“Pah, I’m not their private hooker,” was my first thought, and for the next two weeks I didn’t waste an ounce of my memory on these two guys. They didn’t look good either, but their cocks were already horny. And somehow I was attracted by the idea of seeing the two of them again and then in such a situation, even if it was a fake one. My head cinema jumped on and I caught myself suddenly kneading my monster tits with one hand, while the other was tampering with my pearl and massaging my clitoris. I was horny again, damn….

I should play her “rape victim” as real as possible

Sex story Rapegame: With my giant tits I am easy prey
Photo: www.german-dream-18.com

Good – I admit it! I was so excited by the idea of a fake rape in my apartment that I saved the number and sent them my location via WhatsApp. Only one answer, I have not received, not even the two gray ticks that the message was transmitted at all. Frustrated, I put my phone in my pocket and paid no attention to it all day. In the evening after work I looked expectantly at my cell phone, but again nothing and again nothing except a trivial question from my mother.

So the days went by and soon I didn’t think about the two boys from the swimming lake at all. Especially since I had many other horny experiences during this time. Gangbang in the car yard with several truck drivers or a sperm shower in the men’s room of a hospital. I savored my life, especially my sex life, to the fullest. Since I was (and still am) single, nothing stands in the way of my career as a cum slut with the monster tits. On the contrary, the men love it and can not get enough of me. I even started offering pictures and videos of me on my site www.german-dream-18.com!

As a slut I already had a lot of experience

In the first few days after I sent my location via WhatsApp, I was on guard, keeping an eye out for any little thing that could have pointed to my rapegame. Behind every corner I suspected my two tormentors, who were only out to “rape” me. But no matter how hard I tried to interpret any signs, I just didn’t notice anything. Nothing. I was downright disappointed. The two young men probably got cold feet after all. But that’s no wonder, unfortunately there are enough women who invent rapes and then go to the police. I am not one of those. I do it out of horniness, out of pure desire and my insatiable greed for sex, men, cocks and sperm. I am an anal teen with monster tits. Made to make rows and rows of guys happy.

Straight to the tits girl

My dad’s birthday was coming up. I had carefully chosen his gift: a box of fine cigars, which my father loved ever since he had once been to Cuba. After that, he enjoyed his Havana over a glass of cognac almost every weekend at the end of a busy work week. It made him happy and so it made me happy. I wrapped the box with a very special wrapping paper made of cork. Not only the content should be noble! I was stowing the souvenir in a clear bag and placing it on the living room table when the doorbell rang. “Who is this?”, I asked through the intercom. “This is the police. Your neighbor passed away last night and we have some questions for you,” a male voice rang out. I pressed the door opener and heard the buzzing.

The police, your friend and helper?

Oh dear, the old man from the house next door. He was always very friendly, regularly greeted me on the street and looked like a cute grandpa with a hat. Now he was dead. Probably the police wanted to have answered the usual questions, about his family, if anyone took care of him, if he had visitors lately and so on and so forth.

There was a knock on the apartment door and I opened it, but I was so startled that I stood rooted to the spot in the doorway without any reaction. It was not policemen, but two hooded men who immediately pushed me brutally into the apartment. I fell down and lightly hit my arm on the hallway dresser. “Ouch,” I screamed loudly, but one of the men immediately held a note in front of me, “Don’t make a sound and nothing will happen to you.” – Burglars! Damn it, I was always so afraid of them. And now I, of all people, fell for this stupid scam with the police. I would have liked to slap myself at that moment.

Reading tip for you from EroniteRead also:
Sexgeschichte: Der Einbrecher wollte kein Geld von uns

One of the two hooded men pulled me by the hair across the apartment. It was not easy to keep my mouth shut and not shout everything together. When they found my bedroom and discovered the crib, the two of them dragged me straight there and tied me to the bed. Since I still had my transparent nightwear on, I offered both with my monster tits probably a horny picture. I would be lying if I wasn’t a little turned on by this hopeless situation I now found myself in. Probably not even a little, because in me an unknown excitement spread, which ended in a wet spot in my pants.

A Rapegame, as it had not expected at all

Rape Play: With my monster tits I am easy prey
Photo: www.german-dream-18.com

The two men dressed in black were probably searching my apartment by the sound of it. At that moment the scales fell from my eyes: it was Justus and Mike! The Rape-Game, the acted rape that they both had announced. On purpose, they let some time pass to make it look more real. Well, I wanted to play the game and waited until they were done with their “search” and would finally devote themselves to my body.

It felt like a whole hour passed before the “burglars” were finished. In the living room I heard the two of them mumbling something, but understood nothing. Then someone came up to me and tore off my clothes. I lay stark naked with spread legs and open pussy in front of the two hooded men. I was completely at their mercy and even if I had wanted to, I would not have been able to defend myself effectively. Especially not against two muscular men. The smaller of the two, it must have been Justus, made the start. I had remembered him a little taller, he was really very small for a man, certainly not much taller than a meter and a half.

Only when I am completely finished, I am completely satisfied

Justus blindfolded me and gave me a resounding slap. Probably as a “warning” that I had better keep track and not make any antics. With a rope he tied my legs even further apart so that they were spread even wider. Now you could really see everything. My monster tits he tied off, I never had that before that my tits were tied off, but it certainly looked very horny in my imagination. I could not see anything. But I felt how plump my horns felt and that my nipples were stiff with horniness from the breasts.

Straight to the tits girl

Four hands I felt on my body, how they picked me off. Tapping has always been a horny experience for me, best if there are as many hands as possible that touch me all over my body. They were rough, Mike and Justus slapped me on the monster rides and laughed. They were not exactly squeamish with me. Before I knew it, I had a cock in my mouth. From the size it could have been Mike’s penis, which penetrated me now deepthroat, so that the saliva just ran out of me. All the drool dripped on my neck and ran between my breasts on the bed sheet.

I know that I am a sly analteen

Rape Play: With my giant tits I am easy prey
Photo: www.german-dream-18.com

Wet, however, was the sheet not only from my drooling, but especially from my pussy juice, which had already formed a small lake between my legs. I wanted sex and I wanted it right now. I just wanted to be fucked out of my mind by these two hard dogs, my “burglars”, who were now getting off on me. The fulfillment of my wish should not be long in coming. Justus lay down on top of me and penetrated me without difficulty. Well enough I was lubricated with my natural lubricant, which just ran out of my pussy. He moved very slowly. Quite the opposite of Mike, who rammed his thick piston brutally to the stop in my mouth cunt and puffed like a wild bull.

Justus was downright tender during sex, but I wanted to be fucked properly and screamed that out. In response, I got a slap in the face, which was quite something. Mike, who was beating me, apparently did not tolerate any backtalk. The fuck with Justus was boring, he also squirted at some point, his sperm oozed out of my virgin cunt. Breathing heavily, he turned away from me and lay down next to me, not without roughly kneading my monster tits, which were still bound together. Mike didn’t last long either, he fucked me in the ass for a short time, then put his cock back in my mouth and shortly after sprayed his fat load right in my face. Should that be all? I was a little disappointed, but still I had two orgasms.

The gift from my father had to believe twice

To my horror, they tore out the gift package for my dad and each indulged in a cigar.

Justus and Mike got dressed after that, untied me and squeezed me to the door. What? Were they going to take me outside naked? I was shaking all over and begged them not to do that. Too big would have been my shame in front of the neighbors to show me so fully sprayed and stark naked with my monster tits. I screamed for help! But they tore the blindfold off my face (they themselves were still hooded) and covered my mouth. Apparently the two men knew no mercy and opened the door – and I looked into the faces of my two rescuers.

Straight to the tits girl

Justus and Mike were standing in front of the door, they had heard my cries for help in passing. But then who were the other two men? My two fuck acquaintances from the lake tore the masks off the faces of the hooded men. They were not real burglars, but two of the guys from the group who wanted to fuck me again! Justus and Mike forced the two back into the apartment under threat of beatings and tied the two to the bed instead of me now. Then they cut their clothes off their bodies until they both lay there naked like two poor sausages.

A just punishment for the two losers

I went to the shower, washed off the sperm of the two morons and went back to the bedroom to Justus and Mike. In front of the other two guys they fucked me all night long, used me anally, twirled the nipples of my monster tits and rode me in properly.

Reading tip for you from EroniteRead also:
Experience your big tits fetish with a teen girl
They do everything for it: this is why men love meaty young tits

Whenever one of them came, I was supposed to sit on the faces of the two “burglars” who had to lick Justus’ and Mike’s cum out of my pussy or asshole. While doing so, Mike stuck a lit Havana from the package for my father up each of the two naked men’s asses. We laughed so loudly that I still had a stomach ache the next day.

A just punishment, right?

Photos: www.german-dream-18.com

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