Vorgestellt: Das Vibrationskissen vibepad von ORION

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Presented: The vibepad vibration pad from ORION
Vorgestellt: Das Vibrationskissen vibepad von ORION

Innovative Sexual Wellness Product

It is a top seller and comes from the think tank at ORION: the vibro cushion “vibepad”. Now ORION launches a further developed version with the “vibepad 2” – with additional heat function and vibro tongue!

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Vibration cushion vibepad with vibrating tongue

Vorgestellt: Das Vibrationskissen vibepad von ORIONThe “vibepad 2” is an innovative sexual wellness product that creates a completely new form of external stimulation due to its extraordinary design. The specially designed shafts are precisely adapted to the shape of the female anatomy around the clitoris, vulva, perineum and anus and provide pinpoint stimulation. This is individually controlled by hip movements, leaving the hands free for additional gimmicks.

And the intensity of each of the 7 powerful vibration modes is conveniently selected with the accompanying remote control. The larger shaft also scores with an integrated vibro-tongue with 7 lick modes and the smaller shaft additionally with a heat function up to a maximum of 55°C.

Wireless intuitive female pleasure experience

Vorgestellt: Das Vibrationskissen vibepad von ORIONAll functions can be controlled separately. The included wireless remote control with a range of up to 10 meters enables convenient operation. Safety is ensured by the automatic shutdown function after 30 minutes of inactivity.

The “vibepad 2” is particularly user-friendly and intuitive: It is simply placed on a chair or similar for use and can then be enjoyed hands-free. It is also excellent for stimulating the testicles and perineum. And since the “vibepad 2” is waterproof, erotic adventures in the bath are also possible. It can be recharged with the included USB cable.

How do you use the vibepad 2?

Vorgestellt: Das Vibrationskissen vibepad von ORIONPlace the vibepad 2 on a comfortable chair or other firm surface and sit on it so that the large wave stimulates your vulva and clitoris and the small wave stimulates your perineum and anus. A little water-based lubricant provides the extra portion of smoothness and improved vibration transmission. The desired vibration and lick mode, as well as the heat function you then start very conveniently with the remote control.

You can also turn on the heat function to preheat – don’t worry, nothing can happen – after 30 minutes of inactivity, the pad will turn off automatically. Of course, you can also use the vibepad to stimulate the testicles and perineum. There are no limits to your imagination here. Just try it out!

What is special about the vibepad 2?

The silky soft vibepad is equipped with 2 anatomical stimulation waves that perfectly adapt to the vulva, clitoris and anus and thus provide a particularly intense all-round stimulation – your hands remain free (for stroking etc.).

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Both shafts offer you 7 powerful vibration modes that are separately controllable and allow for numerous stimulation variations.

In addition, you can especially pamper your clitoris with the vibro-tongue in the larger wave and heat the smaller wave to a pleasant (body) temperature.

The vibepad is waterproof and also suitable for damp bathroom and pool games. But you don’t have to enjoy this super toy alone, you can also invite your partner for a snappy ride that will stimulate his testicles and perineum. An innovative lovetoy for phenomenal orgasms and more fun in (solo) sex.

How do you clean the vibepad 2?

Clean the vibepad 2 under running water with mild soap. For special care we recommend a Toycleaner.

What do you have to consider with the vibepad 2?

Use the Vibepad only with water-based lubricant. Products containing silicone can damage the high-quality material.

Source of supply: orion.de

Detailed sex toy tests are available here:

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