Erotic story: Sex in cinema with Latina twins

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

How I nibbled hot latina twins in cinema

For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved cinema and rousing feature films. And also dream about sex in the cinema. Making out and fucking in the dark of a movie theater is one of my great desires. Until now, I had little experience in this regard. But that has recently changed thoroughly.

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Actually, I can hardly believe it myself: I of all people had the pleasure to have mega hot sex in the cinema. And with two sharp rabbits at the same time. It was more exciting than I could have ever imagined. The two girls embodied all the virtues attributed to hot Latinas: curvy bods, seductive smiles and lots of temperament. And so it happened that I was able to experience incredible moments of sex in the cinema with two gorgeous twin sisters from Puerto Rico. Sometimes man is just lucky!

In the bar I met Valentina and Valeria

Erotic story: Sex in cinema with Latina twinsWord had already spread in our clique that there were newcomers worth seeing in our regular pub. Behind the bar now animated two sexy girls who should be from the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. “Like J. Lo’s parents,” my buddy Joe said with an ambiguous grin. Of course, I immediately wanted to have a look at the young ladies. And indeed, the picture-perfect Latina twins were the show!

Although I could not tell Valentina and Valeria apart: just 20, both golden blond tinted hair, plump breasts and stunning cleavage. I guessed long legs and round buttocks – and was not mistaken, as it turned out later. The two gorgeous twin sisters had a promising look in their eyes and a smile to melt away. I didn’t even know where to look first and ordered my favorite Mai Tai cocktail with a slightly strained voice. I was curious to see how the two new barmaids would handle this task.

They did their job well: one (I think it was Valeria) skillfully squeezed a lime and dumped the juice into a shaker with some ice cubes. She also added brown rum and some almond and sugar syrup, followed by pineapple juice and orange liqueur. The way she then shook the drink was so sexy it made me short of breath. Especially because thereby her lush tits quivered under the thin fabric of her tight dress. I could hardly take my eyes off it.

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Meanwhile, her sister Valentina did not remain idle: She provided a long drink glass with ice cubes. After the contents of the shaker flowed into glass, she put a drinking straw into it and clamped a slice of orange to the rim of the glass. I waved off the cocktail cherries, I can’t stand them.

Will the arranged date result in sex in the cinema?

Erotic story: Sex in cinema with Latina twinsAs if the sight of the stunning Latina twins had not already fogged my head – the strong cocktail took care of the rest. I simply asked Valeria and Valentina if they would like to go to the cinema with me the next evening for the late show. “Just the three of us?” asked one (I think it was Valentina) with raised eyebrows. The fact that she didn’t ask what movie was going to be on pleased me. Obviously, the two hotties knew long ago what I was in the mood for. And it impressed them that I immediately used their remark that they were free the next evening for a date. Anyway, they exchanged briefly in Spanish and then agreed.

As if on clouds, I went home thinking only about sex in the cinema. Would I be a match for the two dream girls and would both Latina twins go for me the way I wanted them to? Did they even suspect that my aim was to have the dirtiest possible sex in the cinema? Oddly enough, I was totally sure about this: they knew exactly what I wanted. Apparently they found me attractive enough and thought I was sufficiently potent so that we would have really good sex in the movies.

My name is Roger, I am 35 years old, have a well-trained body and dark blond hair, no beard, no glasses, just so the sporty type with a preference for casual clothes. Actually, I always go down quite well with women, as long as they don’t want to talk too much about feminism and current issues. I prefer goofing around, flirting and – if it fits – romantic conversations.

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With Valentina and Valeria, however, I didn’t think about what we could talk about. I was thinking solely of sex in the cinema. And sang the age-old Drifters song “Saturday Night at the Movies” to myself. The sensual effect of cinema was well known to me. So I could only hope that my much sought-after Latina twins would also be infected by it.

The hot sisters did not keep me waiting

Erotic story: Sex in cinema with Latina twinsWhat was going on in my pants while I was standing in front of the cinema with three tickets, I’d rather not describe. Fortunately, Valentina and Valeria showed up at the appointed time. Now I could see that one (I think Valeria) was a little smaller. But maybe it was also because of the different heels of her high heels. Anyway, as expected, both had wonderfully long legs and wore no stockings on this warm summer evening. It was just getting dark, and their tight short dresses, which seemed to stick to their bodies, shimmered in turquoise and orange. It was a beautiful contrast to her velvety brown skin. Who would not have thought of sex in the cinema at this sight, can not be helped.

After a brief greeting, we went inside, and I directed my two sensational companions to the back row, one on my left, the other on my right. Before the lights went out, a few heads turned to look at us. The cinema was quite empty. While some trailers were running, I already felt a hand on one thigh, then a second on the other. Nothing more happened for the time being. But I knew I would enjoy great sex in the cinema with Valentina and Valeriagen. The free-spirited Latina twins were made for it.

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The music for the main film started with quite a roar, rather a mediocre piece of work instead of a cinematic treat. By then my best friend was already out in the open and a tip of his tongue was circling the glans. One of the luscious Latinas (I think Valentina) had slipped off the seat and knelt in front of me to give me a blowjob. And she knew what she was doing! The longed for intimacy was very pleasant.

Valentina and Valeria gave me great sex in cinema

Erotic story: Sex in cinema with Latina twinsI felt a hand on the back of my neck: The other nurse turned my head towards her and started kissing me really shamelessly. I had never experienced anything like it. My tongue danced Calypso in her mouth while my cock was spoiled by another mouth. Any guy will understand that it took a lot of concentration, not easy to come. The nurse next to me (probably Valeria) took my hand and slid it under her dress between her thighs. I felt how wet her shaved pussy was already. My other hand caressed her breasts and twisted her nipples until they were hard.

Downstairs, the other twin (who I thought was Valentina) reappeared. We were alone in the last row and she bent over the seat without any shyness so that I could fuck her. So I took my hands from the other sister, enclosed Valentina’s breasts and tugged her dress a little higher so that I could penetrate her from behind. I just hoped that no one could see or hear us, because of course tangible sex is not actually allowed in the cinema. But by now I was so horny that I quickly scared away my fears.

I didn’t have to worry about Valeria while I was popping Valentina. She gave my ass a fantastic rimming so that I could no longer avoid cuming. Shortly thereafter, I found myself on the floor.

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The kinky Latina twins sat with wide spread legs in front of me and let me lick their pussy in turn. Apparently I did well, because they both came, panting loudly. Fortunately, they were drowned out by the soundtrack.

We still did not have enough

So the sex continued in the cinema for three. I sat back in my seat out of breath, and (presumably) Valeria jerked my cock stiff again. Immediately she slid onto my lap and began to ride me with passion. This is how I always imagined sex with Latinas: fiery and electrifying. Valentina let me tickle her pussy while riding her sister. She had a bikini cut, unlike the clean-shaven Valeria, and that’s how I could finally tell my desirable Latina twins apart.

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But really only about that: When we left the cinema and the two of them had demurely pulled their dresses halfway up their thighs again, I got confused again. “I’m Valentina,” one whispered in my ear, grabbing my pants. “And I Valeria,” the other said softly, sticking her tongue in my mouth. After sex in the cinema, I never saw the two hot sisters again.

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