Arcwave Voy – The masturbator for men in test

By Valérie Francès-Pecker
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Sextoy test: the masturbator Arcwave Voy for man
Arcwave Voy - The masturbator for men in test

Premium sex toys for men

When it comes to sex toys, men are still at a disadvantage. For women, there have long been a wide variety of products, from simple dildos and vibrators of various kinds to lay-on vibrators and massage wands. The offer for men is significantly lower. One of the best products on the market is the Arcwave Voy, which is the subject of this latest sex toy test.

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What kind of product is the Arcwave Voy?

Sextoy-Test: der Masturbator Arcwave Voy für den MannThe manufacturer calls the men’s toy a premium stroker. The Arcwave Voy is intended for masturbation. These sex toys for men are called masturbators. They are manufactured in two types of construction.

In one variant, the penis is inserted into the masturbator. An electric motor triggers vibrations through which glans is massaged until you (s) can no longer hold back the desire and cum.

The second variant is a stroker (bumper). This masturbator works completely manually. You(n) insert your stiff member into the premium stroker and move the Arcwave Voy up and down the shaft. It’s just like real sex. The stroker has nubs inside that feel like the inside of a vagina. In front, the sex toy is open, so you can easily squirt.

The most important features at a glance
  • Brand: Arcwave Voy
  • Color: Black
  • Dimensions: 85 x 115 mm
  • Weight: 358 g
  • Equipment: Tightness Adjustment System, two protective caps
  • Scope of delivery: Premium stroker, lubricant, instruction manual

What makes the Arcwave Voy special?

The masturbator is thoughtfully designed. The manufacturer has placed great emphasis on discretion in the design. At a cursory glance, the sex toy is not recognizable as such, quite different from the so-called “pocket pussies”. It looks more like a telephoto lens of a camera. The problem with cleaning is solved just as cleverly. Since the Arcwave Voy is open at the front, sperm cannot accumulate inside.

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However, the most important feature is the Tightness Adjustment System. According to the manufacturer, it should be unique on the market. The system consists of a ring that allows you to adjust the inner diameter of the masturbator to the size of the user’s penis. As a result, the Arcwave Voy adapts exactly to the size of the penis and guarantees a maximum pleasure experience.

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The second remarkable feature is the material of the inner channel. The manufacturer calls it CleanTech silicone. It is ultra pure silicone with a smooth, non-porous surface. Ultra pure means the silicone does not contain any harmful substances or allergens. The material is also called medical silicone because it is used for implants, among other things. The smooth surface is as soft and silky as the inside of a vagina. Since the surface has no pores, neither bacteria nor dirt can adhere.

The advantages of the masturbator

The sex toy for men has many advantages. One of them immediately catches the eye: the compact size. You can store the toy almost anywhere. Even in the pocket it has a comfortable place. Another big advantage is the unobtrusive design. Even if the partner discovers the masturbator by chance, she is unlikely to recognize it as such. The advantage should not be underestimated when traveling by air, as the design avoids strange looks from customs officials.

Sextoy-Test: der Masturbator Arcwave Voy für den Mann

The Tightness Adjustment System allows the Arcwave Voy to be adjusted to the size of the penis. This intensifies the friction and thus increases the pleasure.
The operation is simple and intuitive. The user manual is basically unnecessary.

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Since it is a stroker, the product does not require any batteries and can be used anywhere. The Arcwave Voy is waterproof and can be used in the shower, and even in the tub or pool. Cleaning is simple and fast. The two protective caps are perforated. Moisture can evaporate through the meshes and dry the inside. This prevents the formation of mold.

Does the Arcwave Voy have any disadvantages?

Yes, there are some disadvantages. However, they are not serious. The first consists in the type of masturbator. To masturbate with a stroker, the member must be properly stiff and have a minimum size. Men with potency problems and/or small penis will not have much pleasure with the masturbator. The second point is the lubricant. In order for masturbation to literally flow properly, you need quite a bit of lubricant. However, this does not last long. For a longer session, it may need to be reapplied several times in between.

Instructions for use and care

The application is very simple and does not require any explanation. The Tightness Adjustment System is also self-explanatory. However, before using the Arcwave Voy for the first time, it is recommended to clean it thoroughly. It would be possible that the masturbator got dirty in the course of manufacture. The initial cleaning is for safety.

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The Arcwave Voy Premium stroker should only be used together with a lubricant. This is the only way to get a natural feeling that comes close to real sex. A small bottle of lubricant is included, but it is only enough for one, maximum two, applications. Therefore, it is recommended to order suitable lubricant at the same time.

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The manufacturer expressly points out that only water-based lubricants should be used. There are also products that contain silicone oil. They are unsuitable because they attack and dissolve the silicone. This can render the masturbator unusable after just one use. The inner canal becomes rough and cracked and causes pain, not pleasure.

Sextoy-Test: der Masturbator Arcwave Voy für den Mann

Another point is hygiene. The masturbator must be cleaned thoroughly after each use to prevent the lubricant from drying. To clean the Arcwave Voy, the manufacturer recommends lukewarm water and soap. There are also special cleaning products for sex toys in stores. Under no circumstances should aggressive substances or brushes or sponges be used. The material of the inner channel is very sensitive.

After cleaning, the sex toy must be completely dry before stowing it away. Residual moisture favors the development of mold.

The masturbator may only be dried in the air at room temperature. Never place on the heater, in the sun or even in the microwave or oven!
The manufacturer grants the legal warranty of 2 years on its product. However, if the care instructions are followed, the Arcwave Voy will last much longer, usually several years.

A little tip at the end

Masturbating with the high-quality premium stroker is even more fun when you watch a porn movie with your favorite actress to go with it. The sensation of pleasure when thrusting into the Arcwave Voy comes very close to real sex. In combination with a hot porn the illusion is almost perfect. This is almost equal to VR sex (virtualReality sex), but is considerably cheaper and less costly.

More sex toys in the test can be found here:

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