Absolute granate: Shemale Gianina-TS comes to the casting!

By Laura Buschmann
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Hammer! Transsexual actress has confirmed

This year we are organizing no less than four of our popular porn castings. Not all the actresses have been confirmed yet, but we can already present an absolute treat for the erotic casting in Berlin on October 23, 2024: Shemale Gianina-TS will be there and will certainly provide a surprise for one or the other applicant.

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Shemale Gianina-TS comes to the Eronite Pornocasting

One day before Venus, things get queer at our casting in Berlin. The transsexual actress Shemale Gianina-TS(we reported) will make sure of that. The fun-loving Gianina Maissen will play her part in making this casting an unforgettable event with her humorous and uncomplicated manner.

➤ Directly to TS Gianina

Sweet Gianina-TS is truly a feast for the eyes. The hypnotizing effect of her eyes alone is enough to make me ask her for her gun license. But the deep eyes that any man can sink into are by no means everything.

UPDATE: Gianina-TS has just confirmed her participation in the castings in Munich, North Rhine-Westphalia and Hanover. Tickets here: www.casting-tickets.com

Absolute granate: Shemale Gianina-TS comes to the casting!
Absolute granate: Shemale Gianina-TS comes to the casting!

Because Gianina-TS is a total work of art. One that can hardly be surpassed in terms of perfection. Her face is flawlessly beautiful, her lips full and an absolutely erotic eye-catcher. The soft complexion of her skin literally cries out to be touched by male hands. Her breasts are neither too small nor too big, but, how could it be otherwise with shemale Gianina-TS, they fit perfectly to the rest of her body.

Her bottom would also be another chapter in itself. The firm curves offer a sight that sends the viewer into erotic ecstasy. Gianina-TS shows in her videos that this adorable ass can take a beating. A pat here, a clap there, it’s all very nice to see. Especially the short trembling of the respective butt half directly after the blow will put every SM fan in a paradise of head cinema while watching.

No description of a woman or trans woman would be complete without mentioning the legs. Graceful and sexy, they round off the erotic appearance of shemale Gianina-TS. Now, at the latest, the question of a gun license is more topical than ever.

Shemale Gianina-TS is an erotic work of art

Absolute granate: Shemale Gianina-TS comes to the casting!
Absolute granate: Shemale Gianina-TS comes to the casting!

The look of shemale Gianina-TS literally burns itself into the brain of every observer. Once she gets there, she has several options open to her. Should she hypnotize her victim and give subliminal orders? A whispered wanking instruction while those penetrating eyes won’t leave you should be the submissive dream of every SM fan.

But erotic hypnosis doesn’t have to degenerate into S&M games. Just think of all the ASMR videos. This role should also be a perfect match for Ladyboy Gianina-TS. Because she effortlessly captivates everyone and everything with her gaze. It is therefore possible that the transsexual beauty uses her abilities to spread only pleasant and sexy feelings. The result is an erotic journey into the inner world of your own emotions under the guidance or accompaniment of this transsexual goddess.

As always: everything can, nothing must

Of course, the presence of shemale Gianina-TS does not oblige any of the male participants to shoot with a transsexual woman. Those who prefer to stick to “biological women” for casting are welcome to do so. Of course, there will also be enough female performers present. An exact list was not yet available when this article was completed. We hope to be able to publish the names of the other participants soon.

➤ Directly to TS Gianina

This means that nobody has to feel compelled to do something they don’t want to do. Although, perhaps one or two people will be gripped by curiosity during the shoot and want to enrich their sexual horizons. Our porn casting in the capital offers a good opportunity for precisely these people.

So anyone who has been toying with the idea of registering for our porn casting on 23.10.2024 in Berlin now has another incentive. Venus begins the very next day, making a visit to the capital worthwhile even for visitors from further afield.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

So why not extend the Venus erotic weekend by one day and make it unforgettable by taking part in an erotic casting? There is hardly an easier opportunity to get to know shemale Gianina-TS and the other participants or applicants. It is in the nature of porn casting that, after initial conversations, it can quickly lead to hot sex with the ladies.

So don’t hesitate, register here now! The girls are looking forward to direct contact with their fans.

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