Order cock comparison online: How your penis is rated

By Mario Meyer
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

It depends on the size – Penisvergleich online

Every man should treat himself – a cock evaluation from real experts who know their “trade”. Honesty is the best policy, as the saying goes. Therefore, a penis evaluation should always be honest and objective. Even if the Dick Rating sometimes ends in a “defeat” for some men. A cock comparison online is simply fun and provides information about the true splendor of the best piece.

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Cock comparison online – it’s worth it!

The importance of penis size for men is a topic that is often controversial and gives rise to many different opinions. Many gentlemen of creation even define their own personality through their “best friend”. It’s clear that “men” often want to compete with others on a variety of occasions throughout their lives.

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Whether it’s in the shower at the gym or in the public restroom – a secret glance at the person next to you can either ruin your day or make it an unforgettable highlight. If the other man’s penis is smaller than yours, this has a direct effect on the ego of many men.

The importance of comparing tails online

Order cock comparison online: How your penis is rated
Certificate of a penis evaluation

No wonder, because a larger penis has always been associated with masculinity, strength and sexual success in terms of evolutionary circumstances alone, while a smaller penis can be seen as a sign of inadequacy or low self-esteem. If cock comparisons had existed in the days of the ancient Romans or Greeks, any self-respecting man would probably have done one online.

Many men believe that the size of their penis has a direct influence on their sexual pleasure and that of their partners. They fear that a smaller penis may not be enough to satisfy their partner sexually, or that they may not be able to perform certain sexual positions or techniques. As already mentioned, comparison with other men plays a very important role in this context. The often deeply rooted feeling of having to “prove” oneself has led to competition for the larger penis size since time immemorial. Which man would like to admit to himself that he doesn’t live up to the general idea of masculinity because the best piece in his pants is simply too small?

Objective and informative – the virtual penis comparison

Numerous studies from the USA and Germany have repeatedly confirmed that the preference for larger penises in men and women could be due to biological and evolutionary factors. In most cultures on our planet, larger penises are seen as a sign of health, fertility and reproductive capacity.

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In view of this, it is understandable that this results in a preference for larger sexual organs. Overall, there are a variety of reasons why the size of the penis is so important for many men. Although the importance of this trait is often overstated and does not necessarily influence sexual success or satisfaction, it remains a topic of great personal and social interest.

Do the tail comparison online now

What data is important for a meaningful online tail comparison? First and foremost, only personal data such as the full name, a stage name or – if available – an alias and the year of birth are required to register for the online dick comparison. Equally important is the e-mail address of the person who is interested in the penis comparison online.

Order cock comparison online: How your penis is rated
A detailed tail evaluation with eight pages – professional and well-founded

The online cock comparison evaluates various aspects of the penis, including thickness, length, shape, veining, glans, aesthetics, size of the testicles and pubic hair. Any man who would like to have “him” assessed and evaluated can rest assured that we have a wealth of experience in this area. This gives you a good feeling from the outset and creates trust. When it comes to evaluating your penis, no one can fool us so easily. On the contrary – we have extensive experience in the evaluation of penises and offer an honest, unsparing, direct and professional assessment.

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The cost of the penis rating varies depending on the option selected. A simple assessment by e-mail costs 59 euros, while an assessment including a certificate in PDF format costs 79 euros. For an assessment by psychologist Dr. Dorothea Flogger, there is an additional charge of 19 euros each. Every man who decides to compare dicks online can of course also submit a self-assessment. Although this will not be included in the assessment. Because when it comes to comparing tails online, objectivity and a professional approach have top priority.

Even with a sealed certificate on request

Comparing dicks online is just for fun and is in no way associated with preferential treatment or advantages when applying for jobs as a porn actor. It is also important to note that you must be at least 18 years old to participate.

Many men love their penis and want it to be expertly assessed by a woman. The online penis rating is carried out by e-mail after an expert assessment. Each participant can order a certificate or penis certificate on request. These documents are sent by e-mail in PDF format.

Over the years, the team of experts who assess the penises have looked at several thousand genitals of different appearances. No matter what size, shape or skin color – customer orientation and professionalism are very important when it comes to penis assessments. This means that every participant can be confident that they will receive a professional analysis. For example, it is possible to get a penis comparison online from the heterosexual author Valérie Francès-Pecker, the BDSM and fetish specialist Miss Trix, the homosexual and bisexual expert Carlos Galvez Otoño or the renowned psychologist Dr. Dorothea Flogger.

Order rating here!

On the one hand, the evaluation of the best piece can help to strengthen and build up the self-confidence and self-esteem of each participant in the long term. On the other hand, it is possible that the analysis will be devastating. Man” should be aware of this even before the penis rating. A real guy will be able to deal excellently even with a possible defeat.

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