Mia Sofie: Balancing studies and an erotic job

By Julia Moreno
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Mia Sofie is a student and erotic performer in one

Mia Sofie, 22, openly shares her experiences as an erotic performer and her life as a student. “Shortly after I started selling pictures and videos on the new 4based.club platform, I realized that it was an opportunity that I should take advantage of,” says Mia Sofie about her start.

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Mia Sofie, who lives in Cologne, skillfully manages her double life as a student and erotic actress. “My main job is in the erotic industry, but I also study at the same time.”

➤ Directly to Mia

Mia Sofie deliberately opted for content from the age of 18 in order to position herself professionally and be commercially successful. “It would have been difficult to earn anything at all with adult content. That’s why I knew that if I took this path, I would focus entirely on adult content.”

Between academic ambitions and a career in the erotic industry

Mia Sofie: Balancing studies and an erotic job
Mia Sofie: Balancing studies and an erotic job

She explains the reaction of her social circle: “My friends have no problem with it, they see it as a normal job. The beginning with my parents was more difficult, but they’ve come to terms with it now too.” Her dreams go beyond the Erotic industry Mia Sofie dreams of having her own home and would like to adopt more dogs from animal welfare. “My goal is to build my own house and offer even more rescued dogs a loving home.”

Mia Sofie emphasizes the importance of her authenticity: “It is very important to me that my work is genuine and that I find myself in my videos and images.” Mia Sofie’s life is a balancing act between academic commitments and her professional work. “It’s definitely stressful to constantly juggle university and work.”

After her studies, Mia Sofie plans to concentrate fully on her career at 4based.club and not work in social work for the time being. “After graduation, I would like to focus on my work in social media for a few years, which I am particularly looking forward to.”

Ambitions and realities of an erotic actress in the academic milieu

Mia Sofie, 22 years old, offers a deep insight into the tension between her academic career and her role in the erotic industry.

➤ Directly to Mia

She began her career in the digital world of adult entertainment on a then still young platform called 4based.club. “When I started selling content, the platform was new and untested, but I saw it as an opportunity that I had to seize,” explains Mia.

Based in Cologne, Mia juggles her time between her studies and her career as a full-time erotic performer. “It’s my main job while studying at the same time, a challenging but manageable combination.”

Mia Sofie: Balancing studies and an erotic job
Mia Sofie: Balancing studies and an erotic job

Mia’s decision to focus exclusively on adult content is based on the economic realities of the industry. “Without an existing reach, it is almost impossible to earn money with adult content. I wanted to pursue this career path, so I opted for content aimed at an adult audience right from the start.”

Their social relationships have changed as a result of their career choices. “My friends fully support me, and my family also came to terms with my career choice over time, even though it wasn’t easy at first.”

Alongside her career, Mia dreams of a quieter life. “One of my big goals is to own my own house with a large garden where I can take in even more dogs from animal welfare organizations to give them a better life.”

Authenticity is essential for Mia Sofie in her work. “I always strive to be authentic in my productions. It is important to me that I can fully identify with what I do and show.”

Mia’s everyday life is characterized by the constant change between her studies and her job. “To be honest, it’s a constant challenge to get everything under one roof. It’s a balancing act that requires a lot of organization and energy.”

Despite the challenges, Mia is determined to further develop her career in the erotic industry after graduating. “I plan to concentrate fully on my career in social media after graduation. Social work will have to wait, because I’m excited to see what the future holds in my current industry.”

We also interviewedMia Sofie aka Mia Maus!

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