Become a member of the largest social network for adults

By Mario Meyer
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Become a member of the largest social network for adults
Become a member of the largest social network for adults


Get better benefits as a member

Those who want to become members of the social network for adults benefit from preferential treatment. We’ll reveal what to expect and much more in a moment. But first of all it is necessary to register there and then log in. Then the membership can already be applied for.

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What do paying users of the network get?

Users who have registered with the adult social network can use the portal’s own currency to buy videos and photos that are not accessible to others. There is also free content, but the full variety only opens up for paying users. So if you want, after registration you pay a certain contribution and receive the currency. Afterwards, he can buy the content he likes.

Direkt zum Network

In addition to photos and videos, the social network for adults has other offers that can be bought with the exchanged currency. How the costs are distributed if someone wants to look at something? The prices are different for viewing images. There is a very simple reason for this. The amateurs who show up at the adult social network decide on their own what amount they get for it.

Why is it all regulated this way? Because the amateurs earn money from the sale of photos and videos. Because, of course, the explanation is just as valid for watching videos. These are, understandably, more expensive than the pictures. If you want to upload pictures of yourself, you have to pay attention to good quality. He can charge high prices for this. But only if the number of clicks is right.

What do users pay for videos on the adult social network?

It’s clear that the videos aren’t on offer for free either. Basically, the members are mainly interested in watching videos of the amateurs. These also decide for the videos at what prices they are sold. They average around one to five cents per second.

Become a member of the largest social network for adults

If you convert that, you quickly realize that videos cost about 60 cents to three euros per minute. However, the users are already informed about this beforehand. However, you can be sure that high priced videos are of high quality. There is no obligation to buy. Users are free to decide which ones they want to see.

New videos are uploaded daily. Fresh content is provided. By the way, the videos are tested by the platform managers. This ensures the high quality of the films. Purchased movies are available not only once. If you buy one, you can watch it as many times as you like.

Now we come to the actual membership

If you are a VIP member of the social network for adults, you save money. This is worthwhile for all those who are frequently online. Users benefit from this membership in various ways. VIP members can see pictures and movies before anyone else. In addition, they are allowed to attend any party free of charge. All other users have to pay admission.

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The messages of the VIP members appear first in the amateurs. This gives them faster responses. On the so-called bonus days, they get to see special content that is withheld from the others. VIP members receive a seal in their profile to identify them as such. In addition, they receive a certain free quota of their own currency at their free disposal every month.

VIP memberships are offered for one, two, three or twelve months. The longer it lasts, the cheaper it becomes. The membership in the social network for adults is automatically renewed for the booked period, unless it is cancelled.

Balance payments: Upload your own videos

Of course, those who regularly view other amateurs’ content on the adult network pay a certain price. This can be put into perspective. Namely, when users upload their own photos and movies. Of course, these must also please the others. The more often they buy content, the higher the earnings. Some earn more than they spend.

Earnings are around 25 percent in relation to sales. The successful sale depends on a few factors. This includes the look of the actors and the quality of the pictures and films. There are numerous amateurs who earn very good money on the adult social network. Saving is also possible with the payment methods. Those who pay by direct debit or credit card receive 30 percent more of the currency from 50 euros.

This only applies to these two options. If someone pays in advance, he will not receive any benefits. Otherwise, there are other ways to pay. Those who use the platform little can pay via Paysafecard. This is possible from five euros. For the other variants, the minimum credit is fifteen euros.

Become a VIP member of the adult social network

For many users, VIP membership in the portal is worth it. You can see all the new videos before the others and get a certain free credit per month. When they send messages, they are shown to amateurs as a priority. Admission to parties is free for VIP members.

Direkt zum Network

If a user decides to terminate his membership, he must observe and comply with the notice period. Notice of termination must be given in writing. No later than three days before the deadline.

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