BDSM-Ratgeber: Das Einmaleins des Schlagens

By Mario Meyer
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
BDSM Guide: The basics of spanking
BDSM-Ratgeber: Das Einmaleins des Schlagens


Crop, whips, paddle, cane & Co. (BDSM guidebook)

With the basics of hitting to the peak of excitement

Spanking is something many people find erotic and arousing. However, there are a few points to consider here so that the person being hit is not seriously injured. Also, the pain threshold should not be exceeded. When hitting 101, there are basic things to keep in mind. Not all parts of the body are suitable for this and can be seriously injured by blows. This BDSM guide lists all the important information about the basics of spanking.

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BDSM-Ratgeber: Das Einmaleins des SchlagensWhich parts of the body are good and which are not so good for hitting?

In principle, all parts of the body where there is both muscle and fat are suitable. Especially popular for the full punch here are the thighs and buttocks. Here it is up to the hitter how hard the blows may be.

Somewhat more sensitive regions are the upper arms, shoulders, soles of the feet and the calves. Lighter and especially softer instruments should be used here. It should also be noted that there may be welts left behind, which the sub may not always be able to hide in the summer.

Regions of the body where joints, tendons, vessels or bones lie directly under the skin should be avoided here in order to prevent serious injuries. This category includes the hip bones and neck, where nerves run, the coccyx, which can break under high force, and of course the kidneys. If a blow hits these regions too hard, kidney failure can result.

The “one-time punch” tip: welts are usually least visible under the soles of the feet

The basics of hitting advise the use of aids that can demarcate the sensitive regions. A kidney protector is very suitable for when the punches should be wild and uncontrolled. A thong gives the thug a boundary. The buttocks, which are under the edge of the underwear, are delimited here and the rump is thus separated.

The BDSM guidebook recommends extreme caution in the sensitive regions. This includes both male and female genitalia (breasts, vagina, and testicles) and the face. In the basics of hitting we advise to hold the head of the slapped person with the free hand to protect the head from whiplash caused by an uncontrolled flinging to the side. It is imperative that the hitter takes care to spare the ears, eye and nose here.

We specifically do not recommend objects such as iron bars and cables in Punching 101, because with these objects the blow can penetrate deep into the tissue. This applies to all heavy objects (here size, thickness and flexibility are not important.

The BDSM guide to proper spanking

The Punching 101 recommends testing the tools on your own body to get a feel for the pain they cause and how hard you can hit. This way, everyone can test whether the aids leave any traces.

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The basic principle of hitting is: start soft, get harder and finish intense. To warm up the part of the body to be hit, the active part should use small aids.

Before the first strike, be sure to agree on a safeword so that the person being struck has the option to stop if the pain or problem is too severe.

The “One Time Punch” tools

We present the following tools in more detail in further informative articles. There you will find explanations and tips on how to use it:

But aids don’t always have to be expensive, there are also some items to be found in the home that can give great pleasure. A ruler or cooking spoon can also be wonderfully used here.

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